Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 225: Dragon Death is still in (middle)

The twenty-fifth chapter of the dragon is still dead (middle)

This is the perfect combination of Wang Yuanyuan's momentum, the **** storm and the door of the space. "" is not only extremely aggressive, but also wins in its suddenness.

The power of the door of the space is to open a door in another place where the line of sight is, and then send Wang Yuanyuan there, which is different from the general teleport. As long as her eyes can see and can position the door of space, then no matter what is blocked, it can't hinder her transmission.

Don't look at the door of the space, the furnace is not synthesized with other spirit furnaces, but Wang Yuanyuan has been in the Southeast for ten years to kill the enemy. This spirit furnace has evolved three times. Whether it is the transmission distance, the number of times or the anti-interference ability when transmitting, it is extremely powerful.

The light magician was obviously a little confused, and he obviously didn't expect that these opponents could break through his nine-level defense magic in this way.

It is because of his absolute confidence in the divine **** that he is confidently singing powerful attacking magic. As long as this magic is completed, he is confident that he will defeat all the humans in front of him.

However, the sudden arrival of Wang Yuanyuan completely destroyed his thoughts. The horrible dimension storm swept with a thick **** atmosphere. In desperation, he could only interrupt the magic that he had to complete, snoring. In the middle, the speed of the retreat, while the staff in the hands of a strong golden light, blocking the baptism of the Dimension Storm.

The attack was blocked, but his staff was smashed in an instant, and at the same time, the divine **** was lifted by the broken of the staff. The adoption of the children led the partners to rush into it.

The light magician was very good. In the face of such an unfavorable situation, in the process of retreating, his hands pointed to Wang Yuanyuan, who was closest to him. The golden halo of the layer suddenly rose from the foot of Wang Yuanyuan, and the holy beam was bound.

This is a seventh-order light control magic, and he is still instant in the case of his own singer magic reflex, showing how powerful his understanding of light magic is. ("")

At the same time, his body suddenly shifted backwards, and a strange scene appeared. The statue of Electrolux, which should have been the end, seemed to be moving backwards with him. As far as possible, the distance is being opened. At the same time, he is still singing a spell, and the speed of singing is getting more and more sharp.

Behind the wing of the wing, the child has already caught up in front of him like a gray lightning, and the death slasher in his hand brought a shocking Changhong straight down.

The magician's attack power is undoubtedly extremely powerful, but their defense is just inversely proportional to the attack.

Wang Yuanyuan’s raid was extremely crucial. Although he failed to succeed, it was equivalent to breaking the sacred **** and ending the magic he was about to complete. The number of children before counting is to calculate the time when the light magician completes the spell. It is to let Wang Yuanyuan interrupt it at the moment before his spell is completed.

Magic counterattack is extremely dangerous. Any magician in the process of releasing magic, once the magic is interrupted, there may be anti-phasing, the more powerful the magic, the more powerful it will be. In particular, the closer the magical spell sings to completion, the stronger the counterattack.

This light magician is even more powerful, after all, it is the impact of his own magic, and there is no time to regain his breath. Picking a child is not giving him the opportunity to complete high-level magic.

However, what Caier did not expect was that the magic release speed of this light magician was still above her judgment. When the death slasher is about to hit the opponent, another magic of the light magician is completed.

The light was released, and the Death Scythe suddenly paused in the air. Then, a powerful thrust broke out from the front.

It is a powerful force that is almost unstoppable. The light is soft, but it has an unquestionable powerful impact. It has no harmful effect. But even if it is the sharpness of the death of a child, it is impossible to resolve this seemingly soft light. ("")

The name of this magic is called the holy sacrifice, and it is the magic of the light magician released by the burning of its own source. In front of him, the burning nature is the fire of his soul. Although he is only a sacred guard here, he has his own pride and will never allow himself to be defeated.

As long as he relies on this sacred ability to shake off all his opponents and give him time to sing a spell, he still has the confidence to defeat these human beings.

Just when the child's brow wrinkled and thought that he had no chance to defeat the light magician at this time, suddenly, a strange feeling came from the front.

The soft orange-red light quietly radiated around her body. The strong white light released by the holy sacrifice hit the children, and she slipped through her body. The previously unstoppable impact completely disappeared.

The morning of the light that was being attacked by the holy sacred sorcerer, the sorcerer’s sorcerer’s group was surprised to see that the orange-red ray was released from the dead dragon’s left arm, and the solemn orange glory was completely The lightness above the sacrificial offerings is generally suppressed by the above.

Although Caier can't see what happened, how can she let such a good opportunity with her fighting wisdom?

As soon as the figure was shaken, the figures of countless children had already taken the opportunity to cut in and completely surrounded the light magician in the center. It seems that there are thousands of slashing knives at the same time to the light magician who is surrounded by the center.

Thousands of shadows, after the child became a **** of death, the attack was improved with the original thousand-hearted spirit furnace. Although the Thousand Strike Furnace has now been integrated into a part of the reincarnation, but the child has already realized the role of its shot, with the body of the gods, the power of this attack is stronger than before.

The display of the holy sacrifice is already the last resort of a light magician. If you can't get time for yourself, then even if he is a strong **** in ancient times, he will not be spared.

In the harsh sound of the shattering, the light magician disappeared, and only one golden light was incorporated into the eternal melody at the chest of the child. At the same time, the clear voice sounded: "Sangwei No. 7 surrendered to you."

Floating in the ground, the eyes of the children are a little sluggish, she subconsciously looked at her neck, the dragon arm of the dragon fixed by the chain.

Tears, her eyes wet her eyes. It is the sun and moon **** worm shield, just the orange-red light is clearly released by the sun and the moon **** shield!

Turning fiercely, the children looked at the companions and shouted: "Have you seen it? Have you seen it? He is not dead, he is not dead in the morning. He will definitely come alive, will definitely." Here, her hands clasped the arm of Long Haochen in front of her body, and her body trembled fiercely.

No one knows why the power of the sun and the moon will be triggered. Long Haochen is dead, it can never be his, but the light of the sun and moon sacred shields undoubtedly gave them great confidence. . It seems that Long Haochen is not dead.

From entering the Aion to the present, less than half an hour before and after, they have passed the two levels and came to the end of the third floor. The strength of the light morning hunter demon squad is undoubted. You know, the defenders who passed the two levels just now are the nine-order powerhouse! Even if it is only the ninth-order primary, it is also the ninth-order.

In fact, Long Haochen dared to take his friends to fight inside the Mozu, and he had a great grasp. Don't look at the light of the morning, the people of the hunting demon group are generally seven-level five-level cultivation, but each of them has a spirit furnace, everyone has strong equipment and talent. Compared with the eighth-order powerhouse of the same profession, it is more than nothing.

If it is not a completely invincible opponent like the demon god, if it is not the trap set by the devil. Even if they are in desperate circumstances, they have the opportunity to escape.

It’s a bit late to say anything now, and Long Haochen is still dead. However, on the road to resurrect his only chance, every demon hunter of the Light Hunting Demon is releasing their own brilliance.

Perhaps, this hunting demon group is still very strong after losing the dragon's morning, but without Long Haochen, the light of the morning will lose its soul!

It’s hard to stop, and the children’s mood is suppressed. “Everyone rests in place and restores spiritual power.”

The ascending channel in front has already opened, and the golden light beam shines in front of the Electrolux statue. As soon as they step into this beam, they will enter the fourth floor of the Aion. But at this time, no matter how urgent the children are, there is nothing more important than letting the partners restore their strength.

From the beginning of their mission in the magical capital to the present, everyone has not rested. The third level of assessment is so difficult, then the next fourth layer will only be more difficult. If they are not in good condition, how can they pass the test of the fourth floor? Sharpening the knives without cutting the firewood, only to meet the next challenge in the best condition, they can better survive the following difficulties.

Lin Xin and Sima Xian are also called here. The second half of the third floor of the Aion Tower is full of light and great help to them. Even Lin Xin, who is a fire system, is much better at the world of light elements than in the dark world.

Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the memory were sitting at the end. The two looked at each other and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes. As the leader of the younger generation of the Knights Templar, they were completely devoid of the idea of ​​suicide after they were awakened by Long Haochen. Originally, they also believed that in the morning of the light, the dragons and the children were not comparable, but they were better than others.

But now it seems that this idea is obviously wrong. Judging from the strength of the people in the morning of the light, the two of them may not be able to win one of them.


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