Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 230: The road to the sky and the blood mark (on)

The message of the undead Scourge Electrolux has only this simple sentence. The voice has fallen, and the statue at the end of the sixth floor of the Yongta Tower has actually moved. ^/Very literature/^ is the right arm of it, moving slowly, the staff in the right hand is high and pointing to the dome. In the next moment, the sixth floor of the entire Aion Tower became a golden color.

In the morning light of the hunters, only the golden brilliance was left in the line of sight, and the dazzling light made them have to close their eyes. The light elements that were still liquid in the first moment seemed to be solid in this moment, so that they could not move in a minute.

This strong golden light did not last too often, when the light converges and everyone's vision regains. The sixth floor of the entire Aion has completely changed.

Surrounded by darkness, the original sixth layer was completely gone, and it became a night sky around the bodies of everyone. There are countless sly stars shining around.

At this time, although they have a down-to-earth feeling, if they just look at it with their eyes, it is suspended in the night sky! Under the stars, the strange feelings are the first experience.

And not far from them, a golden gate of up to ten meters appeared there. The door is double-opened, and it is tightly closed at this time.

Above this gate, there is no gorgeous carving and decoration, and some are just the deep gold. They can't see what is behind the light door. On the arched golden gate, it is the light that is full of death.

A golden light fell from the top of the picking head. She subconsciously raised her hand and caught the golden light. It was an eternal melody.

However, the eternal melody at this time is no longer a simple hoe. At the end of the hoe, a metal strip like a key is drilled.

The strange feeling appeared in the minds of the children. She felt faintly that everything they had experienced before was actually to prepare for the opening of the door.

Every victory over a sacred guard is not only the recognition and help of the Guardian, but also the power to infuse the soul of the strong for the eternal melody. When the twelve holy guards were completely absorbed by the eternal melody. Then, on the sixth floor of the Aion, the consciousness of Electrolux, the undead natural disaster, will be ignited. This golden door will also appear, and the eternal melody is the key to open this door.

What is the road to heaven? The child did not know, but she had no retreat.

Turned around and looked at the companions of the gods, the bite bite the lower lip, "I will definitely resurrect the morning. Very literary"

"Sure." The crowd said loudly at the same time.

Wang Yuanyuan took over Long Xiaochen from the hands of Sima Xian, and together with Chen Yinger, helped the children to carry the dragon on the back. Tied with a chain.

When the children took the eternal melody and walked toward the golden gate, everyone was nervous. Even more nervous than before being tested.

Before they reached the goal, they always tried their best to work hard toward the goal, but the goal was just in front of them. Just like the feeling of being near the home, their mood was even more tense. Can you resurrect Long Haochen here? This is the only opportunity and the last chance. It is too important for them to succeed if they come here with their lives.

The eyes of the children are not confused and embarrassed, and some are just attachment and focus. There is only one thought in her heart, that is, the resurrection of the dragon, and the resurrection of success. If Long Haochen can't live, she will only accompany him to another world to build their home. At this time, the children have long been unable to take into account the overall situation of human beings, and she only has Long Haochen in her heart. If the most loved one is dead, what is the use of her living?

He is like her heaven, when the moment he died, her sky collapsed.

The golden gate is full of majesty and dignity, and when the picker comes to it, the eternal melody key in his hand suddenly gives off a hot temperature.

As soon as the children raised their hands, the golden key had already flown out and disappeared directly into the golden light door.

Suddenly, a circle of Peng Yu, a solid golden halo spread out from the light door, flashing a golden light shining around the starry night sky.

There was no sound, and the two golden doors that opened were slowly opened.

Everyone in the light of the morning hunter demon group held their breath and watched it at this moment, their mood was extremely tense. Long Haochen can survive, success or failure is here. They stared at the slowly opening door, and what would be behind it?

Soon they saw it.

The road to the sky is really a road. To be precise, it is a ladder. In the starry night sky, behind the huge golden light door is a golden staircase that leads to a higher, deeper night sky.

The step is extended at an angle of forty-five degrees, steep slope, and uniform step height. There is also a thick golden light.

This is the road to the sky, the road to the seventh floor of the Eternal Tower. It really spreads to the higher sky. However, this road to the sky does not see the end. Yes, it seems to have no end.

"One step at a time, the sky is through the sky." The majestic sounds rippling out from the golden light door, and also passed into everyone's ears.

Even one step at a time? Everyone was shocked, but at this time, the children did not hesitate to walk into the light door with Long Haochen, and fell down on the first step.

Be proud of her, for her own lover, willing to abandon that pride. As long as it can save Long Haochen, Caier thinks that everything is worth it.

The light of the morning hunter demon group has unconsciously gathered outside the light door, the golden light door opened, but it has a strong resistance to resist them. Only the child and her dead dragon can enter it.

After the first time, the children climbed to the first step, stumbled again, and went on. On the back of her dragon, she swayed gently.

Lin Xin asked the doubts of Sima Xian around him: "Is there a strong pressure on this road to heaven?"

Sima Xian nodded and said: "It is possible. This should be a test."

Speaking of this, he suddenly burst into amazement and muttered: "We have already defeated the twelve holy guards and passed the test of the first six layers. This road to heaven will not be the test of the seventh floor?"

Listening to him saying this, everyone's face can not help but change color. How hard is the test on the sixth floor, they all saw it with their own eyes. If this seventh layer has a test, I am afraid it is not acceptable to the children!

Wang Yuanyuan Shen Sheng said: "It should not be a test of strength. The test we passed before has been hard enough. If there is a more difficult test, I will use it to accept the inheritance of Electrolux. I see, this level Even if it is a test, it should be other aspects. It will not be a test of cultivation."

Everyone speculated outside of Guangmen, and the real situation was only known to the children who were in it.

There is no pressure on this road that can't be seen at the end, and it will not increase the pressure as she moves forward. However, as she stepped into the light door, her inner and outer spiritual powers had disappeared.

The children did not even know what kind of magic is in the road of the sky, which can make her self-cultivation disappear. At this moment, she is no longer a reincarnation of the saint, but a more ordinary girl. At most, the physical quality is better than that of the same age.

Long Haochen’s weight is not too light, and when he is still in his possession, he has no feeling of carrying him. But now she has no inner and outer spiritual power. The dragon on the back brought her a heavy feeling.

Step by step, the children only climbed more than a dozen steps, her speed slowed down. Sweat has begun to appear on her forehead. The legs and waist are already a bit sour.

Caier understands that if you do not follow the Electrolux message, then everything before it will be abandoned. However, she is carrying the dragon and the morning, step by step, and how far can I go without spiritual support?

If you change your mind, I am afraid that there will be a heart of gain and loss in my heart, and even retreat. Can be in the heart of the children, but only persistent.

The road ahead will be harder and harder, but she will not retreat. There is only one thought in her heart, either, to die on the road of the sky, or to arrive at the seventh floor of the Aion with the dragon.

Under the influence of such beliefs, she did not have half-negative emotions in her heart. The more difficult the situation, the more she stimulated her inner strength.

Step by step, the child has never looked back once, in her eyes, only the upward ladder.

Her pace is very stable, taking a step, stumbling, bowing, and getting up. Take another step, then trip over...···, cycle back and forth.

When the children took the twentieth steps, everyone outside the light door had already seen her difficulties at this time.

Is this road to the sky really stressful? Otherwise, with the repair of the children, how can the speed begin to slow down in such a short period of time. However, if there is pressure, she should use the spiritual force to resist the right, but the children are not released with half of the spiritual power.

Without further discussion, the arguments were not real, and the children were already on the road to the sky, and she only continued to advance.

"Catch the children, come on." Wang Yuanyuan clenched his fist. They can only bless the children and cheer for her in the heart.

When the child came to the 30th level, she was already aching, especially the knees, like thousands of steel needles. Sweat has soaked through her clothes. After 30 consecutive visits, she has consumed most of her physical strength.

Cough, these chapters are more abused, just burst out together, want to retaliate against me, just make a strong ticket. Anyway, after I finished these chapters, I felt that I was not a relative.

This is the top three of the recommended ticket. Plus today's guarantee, a total of four.


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