Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 230: The road to the sky and the blood mark (middle)

If it is not carrying the dragon's morning, this situation may occur after at least two hundred steps. [very literary].

It will even reduce the impact as she slows down.

But now on the back of the child, there is a dragon that weighs more than one hundred and sixty pounds! Her own weight is less than one hundred pounds. In this overloaded situation, the burden on her body is too heavy.

However, the child has never stopped, and the pain of the body has not affected her persevering heart. Step by step, dagger, but steady and firm.

Thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, ..., forty-two, forty-three, forty-four...

"Look, what is that?" Chen Yinger, the sharp-eyed eye, suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction of her fingers, only in the crystal clear golden ladder, I don't know when there were two faint reds.

The red color is very light, if you don't look carefully, you can't find it.

"There is another." Chen Yinger called again. With the picking up again on the first step, there are two reddish marks appearing on the next step.

Han Yu’s fists were lifted to his chest, and with his strength, his voice was a little trembling. “The knees of the children’s knees were worn out.”

Yes, the reddish imprint is blood, the blood of the children.

More than forty steps down, carrying a weight of more than one hundred and sixty pounds of Long Haochen, her long skirt has been worn out, the blood stains on the knees and the oozing leaked on the ladder, only the mark.

Everyone's heart can't help but pick up the children. Although they don't know what kind of pain the picker suffers on this road, but from this situation, it can be seen that this road must be very unusual.

Although this path of heaven deprived her of all her spiritual power, she could not shake her willpower. From the small to the big penance, the willpower of the children is far more than ordinary people, not to mention, she is now to resurrect her man!

Step by step, step by step.

Two blood marks began to appear on the road to the end of the sky, the blood marks from shallow to deep. When she climbed the fifty-seventh step, the blood marks changed from two to three. The third blood mark came from the forehead of the child.

Chen Yinger has already plunged into Yang Wenzhao's arms and can't bear to see it. Others closed their eyes unconsciously.

Their bodies and minds are trembled fiercely, and they are really too strong.

There was no pause in the children, and she did not seem to feel pain.

Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. //**//She is so step by step, hard and awkward. Her body has already begun to shake, and the blood marks left on the ground began to appear as liquid blood flowing down the stairs.

But she is still up, still climbing. In the midst of it, there seems to be an unparalleled force supporting the body that is becoming more and more vulnerable.

"砰-" On the 112th step, Caier suddenly fell suddenly, and the heavy squatting on the ladder in front, but her right hand was squatting on the surface of the step brilliance. Point your toes on the ladder below and don't let yourself slide down.

Blood, dyed the hem of the long skirt, and slipped down the tip of his toes. The pretty face of Caier’s original color is now full of blood.

Her body has suffered too much. It is shaking violently. Only her eyes are still persistent and firm.

Breathing fiercely. She reluctantly moved up the first step, "砰" and bowed again.

However, this time she did not get up again, and her eyes were black and she fell into a coma.

"Celling children -" outside the light door, the clear and clear people all screamed out loud. Wang Yuanyuan couldn't help but use the body to hit the barrier of the light door, but was directly bounced off.

Not to mention Chen Yinger, even Sima Xian, Lin Xin, Han Yu, these big men, have not looked down. The three blood marks are like the three-handed swords that are smashed in their hearts.

However, they can't do anything now, and they can't enter the light door, and naturally they can't help. They can only watch it here. Looked at the bright red blood on the golden ladder.

There is no change in the road to the sky, everything is still there. The golden ladder has no end.

An hour has passed.

The body of the child’s body suddenly moved slightly, and the arms supported the body. She slowly lifted up and she woke up.

Without looking back, she just paused for a moment and struggled to stand up and take a step forward and bow again.

Only a little, the blood will reappear on the new level.

"Cai Er ah······" Chen Yinger and Wang Yuanyuan are already bursting into tears. Their voices have become hoarse because of crying.

The men have already had their eyes red, and the clenched fists and nails have pierced the palms. How much they hope to be on the road to replace the children!

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps...···

After picking up, the children are still so strong. The dragon on the back is now as heavy as a mountain to her, but that is all her heart! Life is endless, and progress is not limited. Either die on this road, or save my people.

In the mind of the children, this sentence is repeated continuously.

This time, she advanced to the twenty-eight steps, and when she fell again, she fell directly into a coma. However, even so, when she fell, she still clinged to the front steps and prevented herself from falling.

Climbing, coma, climbing again, then coma...

The child fell over and over again, and climbed again and again. When she climbed the second step, she became a blood man.

At this time, she has been in a coma for the seventh time on the road to the sky.

Chen Yinger has fainted in tears, and others are attacking the barrier of the light door madly. Only in this way can they vent their pain and suffering in their hearts.

The knees of the children had no complete flesh, and the white bones were barely exposed. Her long, slender legs were always unconsciously squatting. Because of excessive blood loss, the whole person showed a pathological paleness. Her life is losing at an alarming rate. And the road to the sky, but still can not see the end.

This time, the time of the coma was especially long, and she woke up again after seven hours.

"Celling children, picking children--" The light of the dawn of the people madly bombarded the front of the barrier, they screamed exhaustedly. They really can't stand it anymore, they want to tell her more, don't continue. This sixth floor leads to the seventh floor of the ladder, and their torture is far more than the previous test!

However, Caier never looked back. She raised her head slightly. In her eyes, only one blood red was visible.

Reluctantly moved the body, she found that she could not stand up.

Seven times in a coma, she has consumed all her physical strength. Her life is coming to an end.

At this time, suddenly, the front is bright, a huge flash of light appears in the ten steps, the golden light shines, the light door slowly opens, faintly revealing the golden world behind.

Door, door...

The eyes of the children, who had already had some grayish white eyes, suddenly became brighter when they saw the door. Door, hope. Hope is right in front of you.

She saw it, and everyone in the morning of the light hunter also saw it, and they unconsciously quieted down. Looking at the light door that appeared higher, painfully gritted.

The children’s legs have no consciousness, but at this moment her eyes have become very bright, carrying her dragons in the morning, her arms are desperately dragging themselves and Long Haochen’s body up one step. The forehead hit a powerful force on the steps.

The deep bloodstains remain on the ladder, and the golden road to the sky has even exudes a faint red light because of the blood she left behind.

But the children can not care about all this, the door is in front of you, hope is in front of you. I will be able to walk into this light door with the morning and resurrect him.

I don't know why, Caier feels faintly, in his own ear, it seems to echo a sobbing voice, crying like a cry. But these are not important to her. In addition to moving forward, how can she care about other things.

The potential of the body was inspired by the word of hope, and she climbed up day by day with her own arms. At least two-thirds of each level of the ladder will be stained with blood on her body. But the blood is getting weaker and thinner, will her blood drain?

five four three two one.

Finally, the light door is only a few feet away, and the firm and persistent face of the child’s face finally reveals a smile.

Raise his hand, the fingertips that have been worn out, the bones looming, and trembled and grabbed the light door.

However, at this time, the scene of the morning of the light of the hunter demon group appeared almost crazy. The light door suddenly swayed slightly, and the upper step was raised upwards, which also caused the picking to fall into the empty space.

Despair, appearing in the eyes of everyone outside the light door. Is the door on the ladder actually fake? They are hysterically attacking the front door in madness.

They cursed the Holy Spirit of the dead, the undead natural disaster Electrolux.

Caier is just a girl, why is he so cruel?

Only the children did not despair, her eyes were still firm, and the empty hand fell on the ladder that was already empty, and her body moved upward again.

This is the last chance. She knows that if she is comatose again, I am afraid I will never wake up. The resurrection morning, this is the last chance.

Faith and perseverance, burning like a flame in an instant, the hands of the children suddenly tried their best, almost madly pushed on the ladder.

Cover your face and escape... I don’t want to be like this... But I have already thought about this bridge, I don't want to swear! ! !


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