Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 230: The road to the sky and the blood mark (below) (four more for the monthly ticket

The miracle was staged at this moment. It was completely exhausted. Even the life had to go to the end of the picking. At this moment, it was forced to push his body with the fragile arms. Rush up. I did a move that was almost like a squid.

It was this flutter, and her right hand finally reached into the light door. But this time, it also exhausted all her potential. Seeing the moment when the palm of the hand reached the light door, the eyes of the children were so big that they had completely lost their looks.

Just as her right hand touched the light door, the light door suddenly burst into golden light, and the light shrouded the body of the children and the dragon's morning, and they smothered them and disappeared.

Along with the disappearance of the children and the dragons, the platform of the sky and the platform where the light hunters are all illusory.

Glossy distortion, refraction. The next moment, it has been restored to the sixth floor of the original Aion, but the children and the dragons are still disappearing.

Everyone who was in a state of hysteria because of the tragic nature of the children was breathing hard. There was also a thought in their minds. The children have succeeded!

The golden light is lingering, and the children carrying the dragon's morning appear in a golden world. Surrounded by endless golden light. In the air, the tiny blood-colored haze was dyed and dyed, and the body surrounding the children's body was quietly injected into her body with a little golden light.

Even the blood on her clothes was also turned into a **** fog in the golden light, and then quietly integrated into her body.

The right hand of Caier kept on stretching forward, but he said that he was stalking the legs of her waist, which seemed to fear that his body would fall off.

The wounds on the children are quietly recovering, and all the scums are broken down and disappeared in the golden light. Only the broken dress can't be recovered.

The look on her face is still persistent, even if it is the glory of losing all the gods, it has not changed.

In the golden world, a long sigh rang and the old voice echoed. "Is it worth it?"

The golden light gradually converges, and the children carrying the dragon's morning lay down on the ground. She dreamed of herself and Long Haochen seemed to return to the original hunting squad in the Holy City.

They held hands and walked along the road back to the hotel, walking...

This road suddenly became endless, and it was impossible to walk to the hotel. But they did not have the slightest irritability, but they enjoyed the warmth of holding this hand.

The sound of the green bamboo sticks echoed in the world of the children. When she turned her head and looked at the dragon, she always saw the smile filled with love and gentleness.

Their lives are also like this moment.

All the pain has been forgotten at this moment, just go on like this, forever, forever...

However, many things are often not transferred according to the will of the people. The road ahead was illusory, and the next moment, the surroundings were golden.

The children were a little scared. She clutched Long Haochen’s hand and shouted.

"Every morning, early morning...,

When I woke up, I suddenly turned around and sat down and looked down. I saw the hands that were stalking in the morning and the morning. She hurriedly clenched.

The pain of the body has indeed completely disappeared, and even all internal and external spiritual powers have fully recovered.

The pain that I experienced has left a lot of memory on her body. The hem of the long skirt has already been broken, because the painful memory, the body trembles unconsciously.

Memory Recovery, the child, just remembered what he had done before, can not help but look up the "" sailing text. Here, it should be the seventh floor of the Aion.

Looking around, everything is golden. Compared to the first six floors of the Aion, the area here is much smaller. The circular hall is about 30 meters in diameter.

The dome is arched. There are twelve golden pillars around it.

Whether it's the ground, the dome or the pillars, there are countless fine golden magic symbols.

The entire hall floor is a huge golden six-pointed star. There is a faint golden mist rising.

In the center of the six-pointed star, there is a huge coffin, five meters long and three meters wide. This golden enamel is studded with a variety of magnificent gems. No, not just gems. There are also the magic crystal of Warcraft and the human spirit. Nothing is actually less than the ninth order.

This is the seventh floor of the Aion, the place where the **** of the dead, the **** of sleep, and the sleep of the natural disaster, Electrolux?

Some children can't wait to stand up. After paying countless efforts, I finally came here. This is her only chance to resurrect Long Haochen! However, where is the inheritance of Electrolux's natural disasters?

"Worth it?" Suddenly an old sigh echoed.

The child took a step back and looked at the huge golden dragonfly in front of him.

A white cloud of smoke slowly rose from the golden urn and floated in the air.

Soon, the white cloud clouded into an adult shape, exactly the same as the statue she had seen before, but there was no lower body, and the lower body was like white smoke, connected to the golden dragonfly.

On the old face, it was all sad, and the eyes looked softly at the children, and sighed softly, asking her again: "Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it. Are you sleeping in the natural disaster Electrolux?" said Chen, firmly. Electrolux has a slight jaw. "Yes, I am the **** of the dead, the natural disaster, the Electrolux. Is it really worth it?"

The eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, "Of course it is worth it."

Electrolux sighed and said, "You are a good girl. I didn't expect that the test I set up in the past was actually done by you. You know, among all the attributes, the least acceptable to me, Is it the purification property of your body, and it is almost impossible for you to pass on my clothes?"

Listening to him saying that, the child suddenly worried, she does not care about the inheritance, but she cares whether it can resurrect Long Haochen! If she can't inherit the power of Electrolux, isn't all the effort she has made in vain?

"I am willing to pass on your strength. Your message has said that as long as you can come to the seventh floor of the Aion, you can accept your inheritance. Isn't it necessary to talk?" said the child reluctantly.

Electrolux smiled and said: "I have never heard anyone speak to me in this tone for thousands of years before my death. And you still want to pass on my strength."

The children were sluggish, facing Electrolux and stumbled, and went on. "Sorry, teacher. I am wrong. I hope to pass on your strength, you must have a solution, right?"

Electrolux’s eyes showed a sigh of incitement. “It’s all for you to carry this child. This should be the child of my inheritor.”

There was no buzzing in the children, but she continued to bow to Electrolux. Soon, her forehead became red and swollen.

Electrolux waved his hand, and suddenly there was a golden light on the ground that lifted the body of the child.

Collapse the reply: No matter whether it is windy or rainy, there will always be a figure in the front row. |2012-8-2017:04: I am Chinese paper, I am called Han paper, I am also Chinese paper, pure Chinese paper, and ask for help. #(爱心带薇薇婆婆# (Rose Xiaoyu sister squid small is not a scorpion small light absolutely 殇王小墨幽灵|2012-8-2017:04:|2012-8-2017:04: front row!!! !!!|2012-8-2017:04: Front row!!!!!!|2012-8-2017:04: This sticker will be fire, bring my life call to call the beast~|2012-8-2017 :04: Front row!!!!!!|2012-8-2017:04: Amount|2012-8-2017:05

"You have enough heads. Yes, I have a way to let you pass on my strength. But if you pass on my strength, then your original purifying power will all dissipate, even your body. It will fester and become a zombie. This is the inevitable conflict between the power of purification and the power of my undead. If so, are you still willing? If you lose your beauty, even if you are resurrected He, will he still like you?"

"I am willing!" said the child without hesitation.

"You are not worried?" Electrolux seemed to be somewhat unwilling to ask.

The children shook their heads hard. "I don't worry.

Please start. ”

Electrolux looked at Long Haochen deeply, and his eyes showed strong emotional fluctuations, so that his smoky body was gently twisted.

For a long time, he said faintly: "His heart has been destroyed and his vitality has been cut off. Although the soul is not scattered, it will be very difficult to resurrect. First, he needs a fresh, beating heart."

Caier looked up at Electrolux, and she untied the chain and carefully placed the dragon in the morning, letting him lie flat on the golden ground.

Deeply watching Long Haochen, stroking his face without a trace of blood, bowed his head and kissed gently on his forehead. Although his forehead was cold and there was no trace of temperature, it still gave her a feeling of real existence. Jiaoyan showed a faint smile, and the children slowly stood up, the right hand lifted, the black mans flashed, and her death sickle has appeared in her own control.

"You are right, in fact, he should be your inheritor. Please raise him. As for the heart..."

The children laughed, and she laughed very embarrassedly. This moment was like a blooming flower. Even the undead natural disaster Electrolux has been sleeping for thousands of years, seeing her smile, can not help but stay.

"Use me."

The black light flashed, and the death knife in the hand was turned over, and the sharp blade pointed to the chest. She has absolute certainty to pick out her fresh heart. Keeping your heart in his chest seems to be a perfect ending. This will never be separated from him. Therefore, she smiled very happy, she has already felt the cold and sharp edge of the death knife into the skin. Just need a flip, the sharp sickle will separate her chest and carefully pick out the heart.

"No." Jinguang rushed from the bottom, rushed from the bottom, hit the slashing knife, and brought a huge sickle, but still left a blood on the chest of the child.

Electrolux angered: "You stupid girl, is he really worthy of you for him? Do you know that this purifying blade has the effect of purifying the soul, even if it is yourself, once it is stabbed by it? It is also mortal, and no power can bring you back to life."

In the past, the most abused place has finally passed. In fact, when I wrote it, it was full of tears! Everyone understands and understands how to say, I am also a relative, after all, right.

If you want to vent, vote for it. Anyway, today's four more I got it. I want to continue to look at the back, there is the ability to explode the mouth of the pie on the monthly ticket list, then add two more.

Keke, although it is more abused, I know that everyone is not well-intentioned, but in order to endure hardships, it is still encouraged to encourage the same tears, and ask for monthly passes and recommended tickets. (To be continued) [This text is provided by "". If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my greatest motivation. )

Author of the novel Valkyrie space: Fu Xiao dust preexisting work "Flying Wild," "rebirth of entertainment stars," and so on

Introduction; Ye Xi text is just an ordinary college student on the earth, but unexpectedly crossed into a world called Zhenwu!

In this world, powerful warriors can smash the mountains and destroy the earth!

This is an ordinary qualification for him, because he got a mysterious special space, so he has since then. . . Niubi!

Any martial arts can be deduced in the mysterious space. Others practice for decades, he only needs one year!

As long as there is enough Lingshi, what genius is in front of him is a cloud!

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Collapse the reply: No matter whether it is windy or rainy, there will always be a figure in the front row. |2012-8-2017:04:More refreshed once|2012-8-2017:04: This sticker will be fired, bring my life call to beasts to call ~|2012-8-2017:04: Front row!! !!!!|2012-8-2017:05:--|2012-8-2017:05


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