Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 231: You won

Chapter 213, you won

Caier looked at Long Haochen with deep affection and said: "How about that, my heart is with him, he can be resurrected by me, this is enough. ("") died for him, I am willing. I, is there a second heart here? I just want you to raise him."

Electrolux was silent, his eyes were extremely struggling, but the attention of the children at this time was not noticed in Long Haochen.

"If I met her like you, then how good. Maybe, everything will not happen. Or maybe, I have already accompanied her. Even if it is dead, I will take Going with happiness."

Electrolux’s muttering voice awakened the child, and she looked up and insisted: “Please use my heart...”

Electrolux suddenly interrupted her words and said, "Child, don't worry. Let's make a bet. If you win, I will help you raise him. If you lose, then you have to give up. He, one by one, inherits my strength. Although I don't like your purification attribute, I like your character."

"I don't gamble." The child shook his head hard. "I will not gamble on everything related to him, because I can't afford to lose."

Electrolux said coldly: "This is because you are not allowed." At this moment, he showed the majesty of the deadly spirit and the natural disaster.

I saw him with a big hand, and the children only felt that the whole body was tight, the body was completely out of control, and even the Death Scythe in their hands was suppressed back into the body.

Jinguang traction, she came to Electrolux. Then everything around it began to distort slightly, and everything was in a strange change. Everything has become illusory and has become essential.

The child was surprised to find that he could not move, and even the sound could not be emitted. Even a little spiritual fluctuation could not be manipulated. It seems as if the whole soul has solidified.

Electrolux suspended quietly beside her, and a layer of golden halo was constantly released from him. Just next to Long Haochen, there was another more children. A chest was cut open, with a blood hole and lost the heart.

Then, his right hand food pointed to the body of Long Haochen. I saw the wound in front of the dragon's chest and healed at an alarming rate. In the strong golden light fluctuations, the fine gold pedestal on his body was lifted, and under the gaze of the children, the skin of Long Haochen's white skin gradually became a trace of blood.

This is really amazing. Electrolux is just a matter of gestures. It seems that it has already revived Long Haochen’s life.

The voice of Electrolux rang in the mind of the children. "I made him temporarily yang, everything is alive. The latest chapter of the church, you guess, when he knows that you are resurrecting him with his own heart, he will What kind of reaction?"

The original excitement of Caier was like a splash of ice water. She desperately wanted to break the shackles of Electrolux. However, this once brought disasters to all mankind, and even almost killed people. Is it so easy to contend with the shackles of the dead gods and the natural disasters? She couldn't do anything, she could only watch the vitality gradually recover, and the body began to have a trembling dragon.

It’s so cold, Long Haochen only feels that he is soaked in the ice water, and the cold body is shaking. The dead brain gradually fluctuated, and in the cold feeling, he kept shuddering one after another. It was also awakened in this cold.

The whole eye is full of gold, and the fading light elements seem to make his body's chill seem to have dropped a bit.

This, where is this? Hell?

Subconsciously, Long Haochen raised his hand to his chest. He was surprised to find that the hollow in his chest had disappeared. There seems to be a feeling that the heart is beating and the blood is flowing in the body. However, his powerful cultivation is nothing. The sense of weakness is hitting his brain wave after wave.

"Are you awake?" The old voice caught the attention of Long Haochen. He saw the huge coffin and the soul suspended in the air at a glance.

"You are? Where is this?" Long Haochen said subconsciously, his spirit is still a little confused at this time, but the coldness of his body gradually fades away. The thick light elements in the air make him feel very comfortable, and the spiritual power in the body seems to be It is also slowly recovering under the injection of these light elements. Finally, there is a bit of warmth.

"This is the seventh floor of the Aion. I think you should know who I am," Electrolux said faintly.

Long Haochen was shocked and he woke up. "What? This is the seventh floor of the Aion. Then, then you are..., how can I come here."

Electrolux pointed to his side and said indifferently: "She brought you here."

Long Haochen looked in the direction of his fingers. The next moment, his whole body solidified. Zhang opened his mouth and his eyes were round, and he suddenly found that he could not even make a sound. The whole person is like being given a body-building method, standing there and motionless.

Then, that is the child. The chest was cut open, and the blood flowed through the ground.

Lost the vitality, his face pale and paper-like.

Picking children, picking children, how can my children take it.

Keeping this stiff movement, it lasted for half a cup of tea, and Long Haochen didn't move. The latest chapter of the church

Electrolux’s voice rang in his ear. “She brought me the eternal melody that I gave you, carrying your body, and came here through the difficult assessment of the Aion. She said, you are me. The descendant, let me raise you. You should know how you died, your heart has been lost, even with my undead magic, you need a fresh heart to resurrect you. So she will Your own heart has given you."

"No--" Long Hao Chen Yang Tian mournful, "Yu Tong" slammed to the ground, fluttered to the children, tightly clutching her delicate body, tears burst out.

The body of the children is so cold, cold like a million-year-old ice. Long Haochen only felt that the blood in his body had solidified at this moment.

"How come you are so stupid, why are you so stupid! Pick children. Do you think that you are dead, can I still live alone?"

Suddenly turned around, Long Haochen looked at Electrolux, "Predecessors, I ask you, return the heart to her. You must have a solution, right? Ask you to raise her."

Electrolux said coldly: "When are you playing this game? Heart transplants can also be reciprocated? What's more, even if I can do it, you lose your heart and still die."

Having said that, his voice suddenly became gentle. "The man is already dead. She resurrected you with her own heart. I hope that her heart can be integrated with you, so that you can never be separated. Is it true? You don't understand her pains? You are my chosen disciple. When you come here, you should inherit my strength. Where is the world without grass? With your excellence, you will find a better girl in the future. And, only survive to revenge. If you don't die, she won't die to resurrect you. You should go to the person who killed you to revenge. Not the sorrow here."

"Get up, accept the inheritance of my undead Scourge Electrolux. When you leave from here, you are the strongest in the human world. At that time, everything is killed by you, no matter how many women you want. After you avenge her, I will pay homage to her with the body of the enemy."

Long Haochen held the body of Caier and turned to look at Electrolux. His eyes were very indifferent. He seems to have been convinced by Electrolux that the previous hysteria has all converged and the mood has calmed down.

Holding the body of the child, he slowly stood up and said to himself: "If there is only one person between us, then she will die."

Electrolux showed a strange look at the bottom of the eye, turning to look at the real picking around, Long Haochen could not see, but he could see it. His cold voice rang in the depths of the soul of the children. "See, this is the man you are willing to give to his life."

However, Electrolux was disappointed because he saw only sadness and endless affection from his eyes. She didn't seem to hear the words of Long Haochen at all.

"You still don't understand?" Electrolux asked angrily to the children.

Caier shook his head gently and didn't even look at Electrolux. "I understand very well that you don't understand it, because you don't know him at all."

Electrolux snorted, "Don't you understand?"

He turned to the indifferent Long Haochen, Shen Sheng said: "You are right, she is dead, it will complete you. Are you ready to pass on my strength?"

Long Haochen shook his head gently and said: "Inherit your strength? What does it mean to me? You are a hangman. A physique that has a bright child should bring light to the human world." I chose the dark executioner. I will not pass on your dirty power."

"Alive, it is more painful than death. If I and Caier can grow old, then I will try to be later than her death. So, when she dies, I will be with me and be the end of her." If I die in front of her, then how lonely she will be when her life comes to an end."

"What power, what revenge? All this is not important to me. Perhaps, I still have a lot of responsibilities, but how can I let my children wait."

Having said that, his eyes turned to his left hand. "Sorry, the sun and the moon, I let you down. I can't bring the light to humans. Even the son of light, even if I admit that there is no impurity in my heart. But I still have a weakness that can never be changed. Let me be willful once and be selfish for myself. Picking up, you go slowly, I am coming."

With his left hand licking the child, he lowered his head, kissed her red lips deeply, raised his right hand, and the spiritual power that had just recovered a little condensed on the right palm, and slammed it toward his head.

"Don't die." Electrolux shouted unwillingly, and his soul figure came to Long Haochen in an instant, grabbing his arm.

Long Haochen looked up and looked at him coldly. "What qualifications do you have to stop me?"

I don't know why, with the powerful soul power of Electrolux, I was swept away by the cold eyes of Long Haochen, and he was actually chilling. Actually, he couldn’t say anything to refute him.

"Get out of the way." Long Hao morning roared. Fierce earned.

Electrolux grabbed his arm hard. "Don't there be anything else you have left in this world? It's just that the love of men and women is going to die, is it worth it?"

Long Xiaochen smiled contemptuously. "Listen to what you said, you don't understand what love is. Love is deep in the depths, and deep in love is deep. Without her, my heart is dead. Any world The nostalgia has no meaning to me. The world is colorless for me, don't prevent me from going to find my children. Do you think that if you hold my hand, can I die?"

As he said, Long Haochen’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he could see that there was a golden flame in his pupil that burned in an instant.

"Bastard, you are crazy." Electrolux screamed with anger and anger, while pointing at the center of Long Haochen's eyebrows.

Long Haochen flew out by his direct click, hitting the wall of the seventh floor of the Aion.

If Electrolux's action is half a second later, Long Haochen's soul will burn up. At that time, let alone the Necromancer, even if the gods come, he will not be able to resurrect him.

The impact bounced back on the wall, but Long Haochen was still squatting, and his right hand picked it up again, and he did not hesitate to shoot at the top of his head.

Crazy, Electrolux feels an unprecedented madness from the eyes of the dragon and the morning, and the sorrow is greater than the death of the heart. Perhaps this is the true meaning of his eyes.

"She is still alive."

The simple four words are more effective than what is blocked. Long Haochen’s right hand is solidified on his head and he looks down at the children. He still does not see the semi-separator.

However, at this time, a scream of screaming sounded, "Oh, morning."

In the morning of the dragon, the children in the arms of the dragon disappeared into a little golden light, and just beside the undead natural disaster Electrolux, the children appeared alive, and their body shape flashed, rushing into his arms and bursting into tears. .

The body of the child is warm, her tears wet the clothes of Long Haochen almost instantly, her arms are so powerful, holding him tightly.

"Celling children, picking children, picking children, picking children, picking children..." Long Haochen kept calling her name. He wanted to cry, but he couldn’t shed a tear, and the joy he recovered was the soul of his dead. Finally there was a glimmer of light. Tightly glaring at her, his chin trembled, his call was full of whimpers.

Looking at the men and women who are hugging there, the dead gods and the undead natural disaster Electrolux said with a hard time: "You have won."


Ok, I am guilty. For the sake of atonement, this chapter is four thousand words. I invite all brothers and sisters to accept it.

The monthly ticket and the recommended ticket are still to be cast, even if they are crying and throwing...


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