Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 232: Long Haochen's choice (on)

"You have won."

The simple four words, speaking from Electrolux's mouth, are extremely difficult. The soul of his soul is suspended there, but his eyes are full of incomprehensible and incredible. In his heart, it seems that the most important thing has been touched, so that the soul is unstable and fluctuating, and white light is constantly showing signs of scatter.

Only at this time, Long Haochen and Caier were completely immersed in the joy of reunion, and did not notice his change.

"Celling children, picking children..." Long Haochen whispered her name. At this moment, his emotional state of sorrow is greater than that of the heart and death, because of the appearance of the children, it has become an extreme fear, lest the children in front of the child are fake, so that a hope that is hard to produce is so broken.

Therefore, he glared at her as if to integrate her into her body. Constantly calling her name.

Long Haochen also clearly remembers how he felt when he was wearing the heart of the demon god. The darkness is close, there is no resentment and pain in his heart, only endless reluctance, reluctance and attachment to the children.

As the darkness gradually came, the figure of the child was blurred, and until then, he was afraid of death. The last thought in his mind is: Can you see the children again?

Now, he has lived again, and his children have finally returned to the front, how can the rise of the joy and hope of this person be described in words. Tightly holding her, the inner fear is gradually becoming an extreme happiness. If this is a dream, he hopes that he will never wake up.

"If you want to be together forever, then calm down." The gentle voice awakened the two people who were immersed in happiness with a strong soul shock.

Long Haochen and Caier went back at the same time, only to see the changes in the undead natural disaster Electrolux.

Electrolux's solid soul exudes a circle of white glow. On top of his body, the breath of death is slowly spreading outward. On the body where the soul is condensed, the eyes seem to be much brighter than before. I was staring at them with gaze.

Long Haochen listened to his words and some of them are still unknown, but the children are clever and shudder, yeah! Long Haochen did not really resurrect, but was only temporarily used by Electrolux to let him live.

She immediately stepped forward, and some eagerly said: "You just said that we won. Since it is a win, should you help the morning to resurrect?"

Long Haochen stunned for a moment, and looked at Caier inexplicably. "Is this not good? What are you talking about?"

Electrolux smiled and said: "You are really a silly boy. Have you forgotten what happened before? The scene you have just seen is virtualized by my soul. But in a sense It can also be a reality. If I promised that this girl would help you resurrect with her heart, then the scene just was true."

"Cell, you..." Long Haochen will pick the children tightly in his arms. "Why are you so stupid! Don't you understand, if you are dead, what is the meaning of living?"

Caier bowed his head in his arms. When Long Haochen was only a corpse, there was only one thought in her mind, that is to save him. However, the previous scene was also very big for her. Especially the words that Long Haochen said. Yes! If he is saved and he is dead, he will still die. Does it all make sense now?

At this moment, the two are very quiet, and it seems that the children are no longer eager to resurrect the dragon, or the same life, or die together. After thinking about this, her heart has been relieved.

"It turns out that there really is true love in the world?" There was a bitter smile on the old face of Electrolux, even though it was only the body of the soul, but at this time, he looked like he was old.

"Of course." Long Haochen looked up and looked at Electrolux with a burning gaze. He was a little good at Electrolux. It was the hangman in front of him that led to the burning of charcoal in the sacred world. If it weren't for him, how could there be a dark age? If it weren't for him, maybe everything would be different. As the owner of the physique of the light, the person chosen by the goddess of light finally embarked on a path of destruction. Long Haochen still deeply remembers the helplessness of the heart when he talked to himself.

How can Electrolux not see the rejection in the eyes of Long Haochen, he said faintly: "Long Haochen, you now have a chance to choose. Compared with her, you are more suitable for the ability to pass on my ability. It can be seen that you have officially become the **** of the goddess of light, and must have looked down on me as a person who is going to death and darkness. However, now you only have to choose to inherit my strength to survive. On the one hand is the woman you love. On the other side is your faith, now you can make a choice. Choose to inherit my strength, you can be with her, you can live together, and you will become stronger. If you choose Give up, then you will die, she must die because of you. You choose."

Long Haochen stayed, and the children were still stunned.

They did not expect that Electrolux would make Long Haochen make such a choice at this time.

"You, you mean, even if you don't have my heart, can you help him resurrect?" asked the child with a surprise.

Electrolux proudly said: "I am the great **** of the dead, the **** of sleep, Electrolux. In this world, I can't do too little, too little. His soul is still, reshaping* *What? But why should I help him to resurrect? Unless he is willing to pass on my strength and become a new generation of undead natural disasters, otherwise you will kill yourself. You will watch him die, as for how you choose It has nothing to do with me. I can't sleep for thousands of years, waiting for the next inheritor."

The child instantly turned to look at the dragon, but when her beauty and the morning gloom of the dragon's gaze, the moment of excitement of the flames seemed to be poured out of the sky by a basin of ice water.

Yes! Choosing to accept the inheritance of Electrolux can be resurrected, but the morning is the **** of the goddess of light, the son of light. How can he inherit the power from Electrolux? Electrolux is the enemy of mankind, the source of sin, and the long-term disaster. If Long Haochen passed on his strength, is it still the son of light? If you do that, he will give up his faith!

If the children came to the lips, they couldn’t say anything. She loves this man deeply, how can she let this man give up his faith for himself. The children are very clear. For Long Haochen, this belief is even more important than life.

He is a knight, the purest knight in the heart, let him give up his faith, it is tantamount to let him commit suicide!

Did not say anything, tears fell again from the eyes of the children, she stretched out her arms, wrapped around the dragon's morning waist, and put the body tightly with him, she has nothing to think about. Let him choose, he chooses to die, then he will go with him to die. At this moment, Caier suddenly felt that she was so tired and tired. She just wanted to hold the dragon and the morning. Whether it was life or death, it went on forever.

The stagnation in Long Yin’s eyes gradually disappeared. He bowed his head and looked at the children in his arms. His eyes flashed, but there seemed to be no emotional struggle.

A faint smile began to appear in his mouth, and Long Haochen looked up and looked at Electrolux calmly.

"You have a decision?" Electrolux looked at him with amazement. He thought that Long Haochen’s heart would be extremely struggling, but he did not expect that he would look at himself with such eyes so quickly. Has made a decision!

Long Haochen calmly said: "I am willing to accept your inheritance and survive."

After listening to his words, whether it is Electrolux or Caier, it is a sudden shock.

The child raised his head fiercely, and his eyes were full of incredible look at him. "Hey morning, you one by one"

Electrolux is even more incredible: "You are not afraid of death, but now you have to give up your faith? Do you forget that you are the son of light, is the **** of choice chosen by the goddess of light?"

Long Haochen raised his hand and gently stroked the long hair of the child. "I want to die for her, and I will be born for her."

Having said that, he paused a little. When he looked at Electrolux again, he had already dazzled in the eyes. "How about giving up the faith for the children?"

Boom one by one

The two explosions appeared almost at the same time, and they appeared in the brain of the children. She only felt that there was a blank in her mind. The whole person has completely lost the ability to think.

The other explosion is directly on the body of the soul of the dead, the soul of the undead, and the soul of Electrolux.

The horrific explosion produced huge soul fluctuations, and the dragons and the children were all bombarded and flew out.

Electrolux looked up and screamed in pain in his mouth. The whole body was trembled fiercely. The death of the big hood and the big spurt spewed out of his soul, and the more intense holy white flame began to be in him. Burning above the soul. With the momentum at all costs, it creeps into every corner of his soul.

Long Haochen squatted closely and took the impact of this horrible soul with his own body. Electrolux's soul power is too strong, even if it is the demon **** can not compare with him. In the face of this horrible soul pressure, he could not even do it.

The pressure above is very big, farther and farther away from the fat man above. In the second half of the year, do you still have strength? This piece of wonderful wood is over. Hey.

(To be continued)


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