Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 232: Long Haochen's choice (middle)

The 232th chapter of Long Haochen's choice (middle)

The horrible soul swayed for a quarter of an hour and gradually calmed down. ("")

"No, no... this is impossible. How can there be such an emotion between human beings. How can it be? Human beings are despicable and shameless, and for the sake of profit, everything is nothing. Why, why is this? Emotion, why?"

Electrolux hysterical screaming, at this time, he is like a wounded wolf, completely into madness.

Without the impact of the soul, Long Haochen only looked at him with his children. At this time, Long Haochen was full of puzzles. He had already promised the inheritance of Electrolux, but what is the **** of the dead spirit? Will it become this look?

Electrolux has been squatting, but what Long Haochen can feel is that in the seventh floor of the Aion, the breath of death is disappearing at an alarming rate. The light elements that were originally very rich here have gradually become holy.

This madness continued the meal, and Electrolux gradually calmed down. Although he was a soul, he was breathing like a big mouth. The whole body is nearly half smaller than before, but it becomes extremely white and pure white. At this time his soul, it looks more like a cluster of flames. The fire of the soul that beats in his eyes has gradually calmed down.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it." Electrolux's voice seemed a bit stiff, his emotions stabilized, but the incredible feeling was still there.

Long Haochen looked at him inexplicably. "Predecessors, you can let me pass on your strength."

Electrolux shook his head and said, "No, I don't have this qualification. I am wrong in the latest chapter of the church. I didn't expect that I was really wrong. I was wrong for thousands of years. I was wrong, I was wrong. ......" He shook his head hard, his face was full of pain.

The picker held the hand of Long Haochen, and the blank in her mind was filled up, filling all the figures of Long Haochen.

She just stood beside him tenderly, and the coldness in the original temperament completely disappeared. When I was young, my inner haze was swept away, leaving no traces. If you want to ask her why, then she will answer, this is the power of love. Yes, Long Haochen used his love to die, and he was willing to give up the love of faith for her, and the soul of the child was sublimated. All the negative emotions in her heart are purified, and this has the immediate change.

Nothing matters, this life, with this love, is enough.

Electrolux looked up and stared at the couple in front of him, his envious envy in his gentle eyes, but no embarrassment.

"Will you listen to me telling a story? A story that happened more than 6,800 years ago." Electrolux's voice was a bit strange, and the deep sadness blossomed from him.

I don't know why, looking at him like this, Long Haochen’s heart raised a faint sympathy and nodded subconsciously.

Electrolux said faintly: "6,879 years ago, I was born in a city in the Pangbo Empire in the northwest of the mainland. This city is called Sidi."

"My father, the owner of the city of Sidi, the hereditary count, I am his only son."

"From the day I was born, I was a nobleman. My father gave me the best teacher to teach me all kinds of knowledge and etiquette in order to let me inherit his count in the future. At the age of six, I was I found a strong affinity with the light element. The sanctuary has the physique of the son of light. Even though I have been in the past seven thousand years, I still remember the ecstasy of my father at the time. He held me and spun in the hall. Excited shouting, Electrolux, you are my pride."

"Since then, I have become a light magician. My cultivation speed has shocked all the teachers. When I was 11 years old, I became a fourth-order magician. Thirteen years old. , the Magi, when I was only fifteen, I became the youngest sixth-order Magi in the continent."

Listening to him here, Long Haochen’s heart is also shocked, because he is also the son of the light, but he did not reach the sixth order when he was fifteen years old! In other words, at the same fifteen years old, Electrolux is better and stronger than him.

“My father said that I have already had the ability to shock the world. So I took me personally and went to participate in the genius battle hosted by the Glorious Holy See between the three empires of the mainland at that time. Only young people under the age of 20 can Participate in the battle of genius. Right, is the Glory Holy See still there? They still rule the mainland?"

Long Haochen shook his head and said: "No, as early as 6,000 years ago, when the dark age came, the brilliant Holy See was destroyed by the Mozu."

"Destruction?" Electrolux stayed, and then he was a bit weird: "It’s good to destroy and it’s good. I know that they will one day go to ruin. Where did I say?"

"The battle of genius." Caier reminded.

"Yes, the battle of genius. In the battle of genius, I am undoubtedly the focus of the whole game. Few opponents can support more than a minute in front of me. When I was young, my appearance was not worse than you are now. I don't know. How many three empire ladies made a look at me in order to make me look more. The final is finally over, my opponent is the Imperial Princess Flo. She is also a genius, she is a powerful summoner. With the support of the imperial royal family, although only ten At the age of six, I already have the call of the beast purple star Xinglong. Although her cultivation is not as good as me, but the endless summoning beast is difficult to deal with. In the first battle, we lasted for half an hour. In the end, she Because of lack of spiritual power, I lost my hand. I also won the final championship. And in that genius battle, our Pangbo Empire also became the biggest winner."

Even if it was thousands of years, when Electrolux said this, his face was still full of pride. It can be seen how much the situation at the time was remarkable.

At that time, the sacred continent was still completely under the rule of mankind. The total population of mankind is probably several times or even ten times that of the present. And this genius battle is undoubtedly the highest level of the young people's show stage, the ultimate crown, the glory of how respect.

"The Pope of the Holy See at the time gave me a reward, and the empire directly awarded me the title of the viscount, and sealed the land. The prize I received was a set of artifacts, which was later epic equipment. I am proud of the spring breeze and have the highest glory of all the young people in the whole continent. Even the Pope’s son, Pero, will be eclipsed in front of me."

"There is no such thing as not knowing each other. Fighting with Princess Fuluo also makes us cherish each other. Since then, we have also been hailed as the empire twins and have been placed high hopes. I was also directly transferred to the emperor. The Royal Academy of Magic and Princess Flo have been studying together and have received the support of the Empire."

Although he was only listening to him telling the story, Long Haochen and Caier could think of how young Alex was at that time. At the age of sixteen, I have won such a glory, no matter who is it.

Electrolux showed tenderness on his face. "At the time of my studies at the Royal Academy of Magic, I spent time with Fuluo, practicing together every day and studying magic together. The feelings between us are getting deeper and deeper. I fell in love with her deeply. The beauty and genius. When we are together, there is always a topic that can't be said. We swear by the mountains, such as glue. The warming of feelings not only does not affect my cultivation, but makes my cultivation faster and faster. In the year, I have become an eighth-order magister. At the speed of my cultivation, I can be sure that at the age of twenty, I will be able to break through the ninth order and become the youngest nine-order powerhouse in the history of the empire. ”

"And as time goes by, my advantage in talent has fully manifested. Although Fuluo is also excellent, but after all, can not compare with the talent of my bright child, when I break through the eighth order, she only I just broke through the seventh order. At that time, I was able to see her dissatisfaction, but did not think much, and told her that I was willing to stay in place and wait for her to catch up with my cultivation."

"At the same time, after breaking through the eighth order, I asked my father to propose to my Majesty and promised my marriage with Fuluo."

"Everything is so smooth, my Majesty is very happy to let us order a relative. Just wait for the day when I break through the ninth order, we will marry us. At that time, I have been hailed as the man who is most likely to become God. The contemporary Pope of the Holy See came to the empire personally and expressed his willingness to accept me as a disciple and let me accept his inheritance."

"For the empire, for Fuluo, I refused. At that time, the Holy See had great power on the mainland. In a sense, the three empires must obey the orders of the Holy See. And I can feel the unwillingness of His Majesty. Your Majesty, I would rather offend the pope and not leave the empire."

"After the eighth order, my repair speed has obviously decreased. My teacher at the Royal Magic Academy told me that this is because I have only been practicing purely, and I have lost my experience. I suggest that I go outside. The world will experience more and experience all the magical places on the mainland, so that I can continue to improve in more sentiments. I accepted his suggestion and told it to Flo, hoping to take her with her. This experience."

"But at the time, Fu Luo refused. Although she loved me deeply, she was even better in her bones. I know that she always hopes to surpass me. However, the distance between me and me is getting better. Far. So, she decided to stay in the college and continue to work hard to catch up with my cultivation."


Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. Give some strength and give strength.


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