Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 234: Holding the sun and the moon to pick up the stars, there is no such person in th

It is a feeling of flesh and blood, it seems that this tower of eternity is part of her body.

The artifact recognizes the Lord. Caier immediately made the most accurate judgment. Because she had experienced it once in the same situation, and that time, it was the feeling of her first fusion with the sword of reincarnation. It was only the sword of the reincarnation at that time that was more overbearing than the current Aion. Far from being so soft.

Electrolux is worthy of being a genius in genius and fighting against the terrorists of the entire continent. Only with the connection between the si-sword and the children, he completed the Aion and the children. It is entirely conceivable how strong Electrolux will be in life. Perhaps even the demon **** is inferior to him.

The si scorpion seems to have some strange changes with the purification of Electrolux. The original dark body exudes a magical blue and a purple color in the surrounding white, with a little more hegemony, but more A little strange and proud.

Holding the si scorpion in the hand, the stalker stood there for a long time. In her heart, she always echoed the story of Electrolux and the arrogance of the heavens when he left.

"Teacher..." The whispered whispered. The next moment, she turned to Long Haochen, who was sitting cross-legged and had already entered deep meditation.

A faint golden light emerged from the chest of Long Haochen, spread to every corner of his body, and then slowly recovered. He has been immersed in this retreat.

But the breath of life has been completely in stable. 0 Undoubtedly, Electrolux's shot has completely resurrected him. The magic that belongs to the Necromancer is amazing.

Did not immediately sit down next to Long Haochen, the child's thoughts moved, the next moment, she has returned to the sixth floor of the Aion. Now she is already the master here. In any case, it is enough to control the Aion.

For the incomprehensible changes in the surrounding area, the morning of the hunter-hunting demon group is waiting hard. The white light in the air is full of pure energy, but here is the Tower of Eternity! They didn't dare to absorb it before they knew what was going on. What's more, what is more important to them is the safety of Long Haochen and Caier. The two lives are not clear, how can they calm down and practice?

"Cell children."

The sudden appearance of the children, suddenly caused a pleasant surprise, Wang Yuanyuan first rushed forward, holding her up. Others have also come up. Chen Yinger is crying with her children.

The scene of the children climbing the road to the sky has left a deep imprint on their hearts. It is no longer a simple emotion. They will never forget the scene where the three blood marks spread on the road of the sky, and they will not forget the **** dress of the children.

Hug by Wang Yuanyuan and Chen Yinger, feeling the burning concern of the partners, the children have not had the original cold, and softly said: "I am fine, let everyone worry."

Lin Xin asked anxiously: "What about the head?" They did not see Long Haochen behind the children!

Caier smiled and said: "He is fine."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was sluggish for a few seconds, and then the cheers rang through the sixth floor of the Aion.

Although they just felt the safety of Long Haochen when the children were born. Otherwise, it is impossible for the children to relax so much, and there is no "corpse" with the dragon. But when she said that Long Haochen was already safe, the emotions suppressed by the people could not help but spurt out like a volcanic eruption.

The stalwart of this group of young human generations, at this time, is like a child who is excited and excited, jumping and jumping. Their heads have miraculously resurrected, and their light dawn has a soul and a spiritual pillar. It is to regain their best brothers!

The tears of the children’s tears came out unconsciously. “Thank you, thank you. You can have your brothers and sisters, and I am the biggest lucky man in the morning.”

Chen Yinger cried and laughed again: "Chen, this is what you said wrong. We are a whole, don't take you out and the boss! Oh. Great, it's great."

Sima Xian took a hand on Lin Xin’s neck and looked curious to the child: "Quickly say, how did you resurrect it? The original si can really be resurrected. This undead spell is really amazing!"

Of course, the children must share with the partners the process of the resurrection of Long Haochen, so she said everything that happened after she boarded the road to heaven.

Listening to the tragic experience of Electrolux, the crowds who were excited and excited gradually calmed down. The experience of the spirit of the spirit of the gods and the undead natural disaster Electrolux is really too fierce. The feeling of sympathy unconsciously appears in their hearts.

The child sighed and said: "The teacher is still awake after all. He has purified everything he has, and he has purified all the sins. In any case, he will always be my teacher. The purity left in the Aion." The energy is produced by the teacher's own purification and the tower of the Eternal is erased by the teacher. It is the purest power. Everyone tries to absorb it. We will stay here for the time being. Until we convert all of this energy into our spirit. Until now, a super artifact is reduced to the energy released during the artifact, and it should be able to lead our repairs to make great progress."

The mission of the Stars and Devils in the Devils failed, and they almost lost their heads and came to the Aion. They experienced countless difficulties and obstacles and finally resurrected Long Haochen. Now, the opportunity for improvement has finally arrived.

The children’s sleeves waved and the white light shone. The next moment, everyone appeared together on the seventh floor of the Aion. The seventh floor is the core of the Aion, and all the energy can be transferred here. Moreover, the children are also required to let the partners witness the resurrection of Long Haochen.

When the crowd saw the dragon sitting in the quietly practicing place, they couldn’t make cheers anymore, and the tears flowed in unison. The dawn of light finally reunited.

They sat down on the knees of the dragon, and they finally calmed down and began to practice.

Meditation has just begun, and everyone has been deeply shocked. Those seemingly soft white spots only inhaled into the body and immediately produced dramatic changes. Pure energy, no matter what the spiritual power of the fusion, can complete the fusion process in the shortest time, and does not need to go through the process of eliminating impurities. The spiritual power of everyone has increased at an alarming rate during this absorption process.

What is different from everyone is the children. The children absorb not only the pure energy in the Aion, but also the pure si energy left by Electrolux in the eternal melody of her chest.

Si **** can also be called the **** of purification. The power of the si **** comes from the purification of the spirit of grievances. In this world, there can be no more grievances than Electrolux. When Electrolux himself purifies himself with the purging blade of the Si **** knives, it even led to the evolution of the Si **** knives.

However, the si **** knives themselves and the children are integrated. After the children took it back, they just started to practice, and the si **** knives immediately fed back to the children. The enormous power of purification floods into the body of the child, converging her own spiritual power, absorbing the eternal melody of the soul and the pure energy in the Aion. Almost for a moment, the inner spiritual power of the children was pushed to the level of the seventh-order peak.

The experience of the children has been rich enough, and the accumulated accumulation is long enough. There is no need for her own work. After the three coffins of the chest, forehead and lower abdomen are completely filled, the shoulders and the double-stranded moments each have a coffin, and the number of coffins is directly raised to seven. The huge spiritual power that had not been absorbed before suddenly swarmed in at an alarming rate and injected into these four new spirits. From this moment on, the cultivation of the children was officially promoted to the eighth order.

Although the speed of others' promotion is not as fast as that of the children, it is amazing enough compared with their usual practice. Almost every spiritual power will rise every week, and this feeling is too exciting. Everyone knows that this kind of opportunity is only one time in life, and naturally it will go all out. In particular, the self-knowledge and the light of the morning hunter demon group great difference between the memory and Yang Wenzhao, but also desperately practice. For a time, the Aion Tower was completely quiet.

Because of this quietness, everyone is immersed in their own cultivation. No one has seen that there is also a strange change in the body of Long Haochen.

The eternal heart enters the body and fills the position of the heart of Long Haochen. The huge light element repeats the process of diffusion and cohesion in his body.

When the heart of Long Haochen was crushed by the demon god, the core coffin in his chest was actually broken. At that time, even if he could survive, he could be said to be exhausted.

Immediately after the injection of the Eternal Heart, it became the core of communicating with other spirits in his body. In the expansion of the huge light element, it quickly established contact with other coffins and communicated all these coffins. In this way, the light element can flow smoothly in the dragon's morning, and restore his original cultivation.

This recovery process is extremely fast, and it is already finished when the children tell the process they have experienced to their partners. When Long Yinchen's spiritual power returned to eighth order or more. His body began to produce strange changes.

Frankly, I also like the role of Electrolux. Especially like the last sentence he said, when I wrote it

When I picked up the stars in the month of the month, when I was without people like me, I was touched by the words of my men.

Going off for Electrolux and taking good care of Lao Yi, the children will make atonement for you with their own contributions to humanity.

I have been very touched by this paragraph of the recent period. I know that many brothers and sisters are very vocal because of my cruelty to the children, and I also say that I am a heir.

In fact, as an author, when I wrote this episode, the sadness I felt in my heart was definitely deeper than any of you, really. I am also very distressed, distressed, and distressed Electrolux. This can be the case, you have to write it down to write a good book.

I am really more and more in love with God, and I have paid countless efforts. I also hope that every brother and sister of Tangmen will love our gods as much as I do.


Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket.

(To be continued)


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