Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 234: Holding the sun and the moon to pick up the stars, there is no such person in th

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The Eternal Heart is actually a very pure element of light, the core of which is the blood of the light of the original Electrolux. Long Haochen itself is the son of light, and then merges with the blood of the bright children of thousands of years ago, but this process still has a short rejection.

Compared with the strength of the blood, Long Haochen is much stronger than Electrolux. After all, Electrolux died for thousands of years. Perhaps his spiritual power is not scattered, and his soul power is even more powerful. But his blood has long dried up. What he extracted is only the most essential part of the blood. Therefore, after a short rejection and collision. The power of Dragon's own blood is fully motivated, and the power of this pure blood is integrated into itself.

In this case, Electrolux's powerful ability appeared, the blood fusion was completed, and a large amount of body tissue began to fluctuate within the dragon's chest. A brand new heart is growing.

The itch is spread throughout the dragon and the morning, and it also wakes him up in a sleepy coma.

Long Haochen soon discovered his own physical changes, and the itchiness in his chest was more intense than any pain. But he clenched his teeth and endured hard. He knows that this time is crucial to himself. Reinventing the heart, he has never heard of it. Even the most powerful light system rehabilitated resurrection is to complete the resurrection when the body is intact. But Electrolux did that, and the miracle was on him. If at this time he couldn't stand the halfway because of his itchiness, then even if all the gods came, I would not be able to save his life. How can Long Haochen make this happen for the sake of the children, for the family and for all the partners?

Sitting cross-legged there, he was soaked in sweat almost in seconds, but still motionless, not even a single voice. He can feel that the child is not far from his body. The more he does, the less he can let the children feel the pain they have suffered. She has already paid too much, too much, and has suffered too much for herself. Long Haochen is not willing to let her worry about herself again.

Reinventing the heart is definitely a complicated process, and in the process of reshaping, the power of Long Haochen is always improving.

Although the body suffered extreme pain, Long Haochen also found that his heart was significantly different from the previous one in the process of remodeling.

He is not a doctor, nor a pastor, and he has no knowledge of the structure of the heart. But even if you don't know anyone, if you look at what you see in the morning, you can obviously feel the difference. The most direct performance of this difference lies in color.

The human heart should have been red. Even when there is spiritual power, the spiritual power can only be guarded around the heart. The first coffin of various professional powers is in the middle of the chest. In fact, it is the guardian heart. Where. The heart of Long Haochen is totally different in the process of recovery. He clearly feels that flesh and blood are growing, but the flesh and blood that grows out is completely presented as a color, which is a little red? Moreover, when the heart grows, spiritual power is free to make it out, and it is completely integrated with flesh and blood.

There is a word in the description of mankind, a heart of gold. And Long Haochen now makes this sentence a reality. His heart is reshaped in this golden color.

Although Long Haochen did not know how such a heart would change, he did not have a choice. Before he was in a coma, he heard the words that Electrolux had said. He also understood that Electrolux was doing it for himself. He is afraid that he will have a psychological burden that will affect the future.

There are also pity for hateful people! Long Haochen can't, and is not qualified to forgive Electrolux for humanity. His sin is too deep. However, when he and Electron listened to the story of Electrolux, he was sympathetic to his experience in Long Haochen’s own heart. At least for him, Electrolux had a huge day of help and gave him a second life.

Therefore, when Long Haochen wakes up, he subconsciously said to Electrolux in his heart.

The pain of remodeling of the heart is getting stronger and stronger, and the willpower of Long Haochen has withstood a huge test. Although it was different when Caier first climbed the road to Tongtian. But in the pain of the body, he has to bear more. At the time, the children were mainly from spiritual torture.

Long Haochen withstood the pain, and he had only one thought in his heart, in order to pick children.

It took less than a day, except for Long Haochen, all members of the Light Morning Hunting Demon Group all entered deep meditation.

The energy in the Aion is too pure and too large. Only by entering deep meditation can they better absorb and better understand everything. This feeling is very wonderful. Such an opportunity can be said to be unique.

In a twinkling of an eye, three days passed.

It can be clearly seen that Long Haochen’s original clothes turned out to be black. Under the white energy of the Aion, his clothes are constantly being broken. Every time it breaks, it will be purified by these pure energy. Long Haochen is also changing towards the awkward situation of the whole body.

These blacks are completely the sweat of the crown itself, the impurities in the body, the dark corrosion left by the demon **** in his body, all discharged in the process. More importantly, although Long Haochen experienced great pain, the golden light on his chest was becoming stronger and stronger. Yes, his heart is about to be reshaped.

After three days of torture, Long Haochen’s consciousness has been somewhat blurred, but he has been biting his teeth. He has to face all this clearly, otherwise, no one knows what will happen after the coma. Moreover, the heart has undergone such a significant change. If you can't see the whole process of its remodeling, Long Haochen will certainly suffer a lot in the future cultivation.

Seeing that the heart has been completed as a whole, the internal golden blood vessels are also being dredged in a slight fluctuation. Long Haochen knows that the most important process of reshaping is coming. Only when this reshaped heart began its normal work, he was considered a complete resurrection.

In the face of such a situation, Long Hao morning is also awkward. He is not afraid of death, but he is never willing to die. Reinventing the heart, for humans, is absolutely unprecedented, can it be successful? Whether the Eternal Heart can really condense. Long Haochen has no grasp at all. The difference between the golden heart and the other organs of the body seems too obvious. Can such a heart really exude the vitality of life like his original heart?

No one can answer the question of Long Haochen, including Electrolux, who has already gone. If Electrolux is still alive, he will be more confident than Long Haochen, but he will not be 100% sure.

Just as the heart of Long Haochen is about to reshape and begin to enter the process of recovery.

In another world, another black and red world. A huge body shivered slightly.

The scales have long lost their luster, and the huge body has been there for a long time. Around its body, it is dark purple blood. And these bloods are flowing from his six big mouths and noses.

It has been in this state for some time. Its life has already disappeared completely. However, at this time, it actually trembled so gently. A trace of life has also quietly appeared on it. This life volatility first appeared on its scales, the scales that had already lost their luster were black as ink, but just now, a small piece of scale on the back suddenly glowed bright purple. The brilliance of amethyst gradually emerges, which is also an important reason for stimulating its body to tremble.

Yes, it is a month. After being killed in Long Haochen, he also lost the lunar month of life.

However, just like Long Haochen’s soul is not scattered with the help of the night’s tears, Haoyue still maintains a hope of resurrection.

In fact, even if the soul of Long Haochen dissipates, the real death of Haoyue will also experience! Process. For every other head, its life will become more tenacious. It already has six heads. Even if it is died due to blood depletion, it will remain for thirty-six days without physical decay and the possibility of heavy work. This is the advantage of the blood. What's more, Long Haochen’s body died despite exhaustion, but his soul was not scattered. Therefore, Haoyue always has a trace of residual atmosphere.

A scale is bright, like a fire that ignites the stars of the prairie. Gradually, one piece and another scale became shiny and the mouth was even more strange. The dark purple blood on the ground seemed to be rendered by the purple color emitted from the scales, and there was a slight energy fluctuation. A little purple light gradually separated from these dark purple blood, floating in the air and falling to the body of the moon.

Long Haochen’s body suddenly became stiff, and the last blood vessel in the heart was about to clear. The decisive moment finally arrived.

"哧" blood and spiritual power quietly drill through the last barrier, Long Haochen's body suddenly burst into a fierce embarrassment. His consciousness is completely locked in the heart, because of the tension, the body is involuntarily squatting.

The last blood vessel dredges, and the golden heart also shrinks sharply. The golden color is tight, and the soul of Long Haochen is also tightened. It is clear that a golden glow spreads out of the crunched heart. But this time it is not just a simple spread and recovery. It is rendered.

Long Haochen only felt that everything in his body was rendered golden at this moment. The next moment, the golden heart finally rose again.

"Hey, come,"..."

Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. You can also guess, after the cultivation of the Aion, what kind of cultivation can each of Xiaolong and Guangchenchen achieve?

Everyone should also see that the secret of the Aion is reserved for this episode. I am very cool and very satisfied, and I hope that this big ** will leave a deep impression on you. Immediately, the next paragraph is about to begin. Don't go away, insist on subscribing every day, it will definitely make you love God's seal. Hey. (To be continued), read the novel and go to the pen Chinese network


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