Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 236: They are back (middle)

Chapter 236, they are back (middle)

Wang Yuanyuan smiled slightly and said: "It is precisely because this temple is more unusual than the ordinary meaning that we have to participate. The latest chapter of the church, Qiu Dian, are you willing to support us?"

Qiu Yonghao said: "Since you come to participate in Dabi, you should know all the rules of Dabi. Even if you are a title-level hunting demon, it is almost impossible to do what the strength of this team is. It is even more impossible. Although Long Haochen has a good grace for the Warrior Temple, but this time you are fooling around, I can't support you, and I won't give you any promise. I represent the Warrior Temple."

In the eyes of Wang Yuanyuan, the light flashed. "So, if we can finally get the first point of the score? Over all six temples. You are willing to support us."

Qiu Yonghao’s body was shocked, and he heard strong faith from Wang Yuanyuan’s words. Before he had tried the strength of Wang Yuanyuan, although it was only a simple contact, he could also conclude that Wang Yuanyuan’s repair should have broken through to the ninth order.

When he thought of it, he couldn’t help but be surprised, yeah! Wang Yuanyuan was only a warrior in the morning of the light hunter, and the repairs have reached the ninth stage. How much can the dragon's repairs be achieved? Moreover, they have also destroyed the Devil's Column.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yonghao's look eased a few points. "The original, what are you going to do? What is the purpose?"

Wang Yuanyuan said: "The Lord, we have only one purpose, that is, to lead humanity and defeat the Mozu."

Qiu Yonghao still shook his head and said: "It’s a big deal, and suddenly you come again, I can’t give you any reply."

Wang Yuan nodded and said: "That's good. (") I believe that the head will have the ability to convince you, as well as the other six high-level temples. At least for now, against the Mozu, strength is still the most important I am leaving, we have already returned, and please keep it confidential."

Qiu Yonghao said: "In the original, don't underestimate the temple ratio. Perhaps, your strength has made great progress. However, the foundation of the major temples is not something that you can fight against."

Wang Yuanyuan smiled slightly and said: "I think, you will see surprises."

Qiu Yonghao smiled bitterly: "In fact, I don't want this surprise, because it will make it harder for me to do. Although I don't believe that you can succeed, if you finally come to that step, our warrior temple will at least remain neutral. ""

In the eyes of Wang Yuanyuan, there was a hint of surprise. When she came here, the real purpose was to say hello to Qiu Yonghao, clearly indicating that she was back, and to give him a deep impression before the temple. But she did not expect that Qiu Yonghao actually said the word neutral. The Warrior Temple is a loyal supporter of the Magic Temple. They are able to remain neutral and are very important to Long Haochen's plan.

Qiu Yonghao is the master of the Temple of the Warrior. He is optimistic about the dawn of the light. The nature of the hunting demon is not because of the grace of the Dragon Warrior. Personal favor is one thing, and the interests of the temple are another. The reason why he said neutrality is because he is optimistic about the future of the light.

How old is Wang Yuanyuan this year? Less than thirty years old, the Warrior Temple has not appeared in the ninth-order powerhouse of less than 30 years old? Not just the Warrior Temple, how long has the entire league not seen the ninth order of this age? Moreover, from the words of Wang Yuanyuan, he can also hear that in the morning of the light, the sorcerer’s squad is not only the one who has reached the ninth stage. They are confident that they will participate in the temple as a hunter. many problems. Long Haochen was a stunning generation of Tianjiao. Today, after more than four years of disappearance, they are back. Whether it is talent or age, it indicates that they will become the mainstay of the six temples in the future. The Warrior Temple took the initiative to show that he was planning for the future.

Qiu Yonghao doesn't think that the morning light of the hunting sorcerer can compete in this temple. What is the harvest? If so, why not sell it? It was after this multiple consideration that he made such a promise to Wang Yuanyuan.


The Assassin’s Assassin’s Conference Room is now undergoing intense debate.

"The Lord of the Holy Moon, I don't think that we still have to go all out to support the Knights' Temple. Can't you see that the Knight's Temple has already gone down?" The old man is talking, the old man is small and thin. The old face is covered with wrinkles of orange peel and bald. It seems like it’s been a dying year, and it seems that a gust of wind can blow him down. But he has a pair of extremely sharp eyes, like an eagle, and it is even more indignant.

"In the past ten years, there has not been a new **** of the knights in the Knights' Temple. Among the three great knights of the Knights, Yang Wenzhao was once the last league ally, and this time he could not participate. Long Xingyu is even more fundamental. Didn't come. Just one Dragon Seal, how much can it be? This temple is bigger than the past and will determine the future league trend. If we stand in the wrong direction, it will probably lead to the decline of the temple, in the new The right to speak in the league will be greatly reduced."

"Although we will not go to support the magical temple in reverse, but at least we must remain neutral, no longer like before."

Don't look at the old man's small size, but it sounds like a loud bell. His speech made the whole meeting room tremble slightly.

The holy month is sitting in the first place, but at this time it is sinking. This is not the first assassin's elders to raise objections. Although he is the owner of the Assassin's Temple, the authority of the elders of the Assassin's Temple is much larger than other temples. Especially the one who spoke before.

Xue Zhisheng, the chief elder of the Assassin's Temple, is a generational figure. He is a generation older than the holy month. He is the representative of the oldest generation of the Assassin's Temple. The strength of the Assassin Temple is second to none. It is the 9th-order second-class, close to the third-level powerhouse. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a rogue in the Assassin's Temple. Moreover, as the chief elder, there are many people who support him in the Assassin's Presbyterian Church. At this time, he expressed his ideas in such a fierce manner, and the impact on this meeting will be a turning point.

The assassin's high-rises and the elders of the meeting had a total of forty-one. After listening to Xue Zhisheng, at least half of them were slightly beheaded.

Another elder interface said: "Xue Lao is right. The jihad more than four years ago, our loss is great. The same is true of the Knights' Temple. Under the demise, the Temple of Magic and the Temple of Soul are due to jihad The loss is the smallest, and the development momentum is also the fastest in recent years. I don’t like the Knights Templar to defend this temple. Maybe maintaining neutrality is the best choice."

The cold eyes flashed in the eyes of the Holy Moon, Shen Sheng said: "Elder elders, I understand what you mean. You are all for the future development of our Assassin Temple. But have you thought about it? How many years have we been in alliance with the Knights Templar? If it is because they are not enough to defend themselves now, we will give up this alliance. After the establishment of the new alliance, what will the other temples look at? We will not only lose a strong ally, but even the other temples."

"In another way. In the jihad of more than four years ago, if there is no support from the Knights Templar, can we support the end of the holy war? The Knights Templar will help us guard the exorcism, how many knights remain In the city? Do you want to cross the river to remove the bridge? I have decided that regardless of whether the Knights Templar can finally defend, the Assassin Temple should fully support them. Even if the Knights’ Temple is defeated. At least we can unite. Our goal is the Mozu, not the civil strife. I believe that no matter who is in power in the new alliance, it will not overstress other temples."

Similarly, the holy month is not the first time it has been said at the meeting. However, the interior of the Assassin’s Temple has never reached a unified opinion. The temple is about to begin, and the choice and direction of the Assassin's Temple can no longer deviate. There must be a decision today. The objection is still great.

Among the six temples, the lowest control of the temple is probably the holy month. The reason is historical. After all, his teacher, the last Assassin Temple, has died for many years, and Xue Zhisheng and his teacher used to be competitors. The competition between the two was fierce, and the strength and power were similar. Now the Holy Month has lost the support of the teacher and naturally does not occupy much advantage in the Assassin's Temple. This is one of the reasons why he broke his heart and let the children merge with the reincarnation. He hopes that one day, when his granddaughter is in charge of the Assassin's Temple, don't be like himself.

Chief Elder Xue Zhisheng said: "Since you are willing to go your own way, then everyone will raise their hands. As a lord, you can occupy three votes. I am the chief elder who can take two votes. The minority obeys the majority. Today there must be Results."

Listening to him saying that the Holy Month can not help but sink his heart, he understands that since Xue Zhisheng wants to vote in this way, it means that he has absolute confidence to get the support of the vast majority of people. Once the final resolution is established, even if he is the lord of the Assassin, he will not be able to change anything, and his authority will be hit by an unprecedented blow.

At this point, the holy month has been unable to stop the voting. Because of anger, his hands could not help but clench his fists, and his eyes looked at Xue Zhisheng on the opposite side.

Xue Zhisheng's cold glory is not allowed. Although he is old, the influence of the strongest of the Assassin's Temple is still huge.


Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. Come back, yes, they are back. What kind of brilliance will be created after the retreat of the light morning of the retreat for more than four years? Everyone will wait and see. Hey.


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