Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 236: They are back (below)

Chapter 236, they are back (below)

At this meeting, the atmosphere is extremely depressed. Even when there is a possibility of a conflict, a cold voice suddenly sounds from all sides in the conference room. "What is the use of voting? There is no doubt that there is only one reason why you support the Knights Templar in the latest chapter of the Church. That is, the Knights’ Temple’s fists are not big enough and the strength is not strong enough. In this case, our resolution should also proceed from strength. Whoever has the strongest strength will listen to whoever.”

As soon as the voice fell, some people in the place clearly felt that the temperature in the entire conference room plummeted and there was no murderousness, but there was an unparalleled horror killing that came from all directions. Although at least half of the many assassin's temple powerhouses have been cultivated for more than nine levels, in the face of this horrible killing, everyone still feels like a hail.

“Hmm?” Both the holy month and Xue Zhisheng were shocked. This sudden killing is really too strong. The Assassin's Temple is best at killing, but at this moment, they are shrouded in this killing, but they all have a shocking feeling. When did this person come? So many strong people in the scene did not find anyone. Moreover, this killing has clearly reached the level of the field level!

In the Assassin's Temple, there are nearly 20 people in the 9th-order powerhouse, but there are only four people who really have the field. This includes the holy month and Xue Zhisheng.

Because they have fields, their understanding of the field is even more profound. This sudden chilling killing is clearly above the realm of their level. That kind of invisible suppression is the most shocking to them.

A black figure appeared quietly above the center of the conference room. The conference room was seven meters high and she was close to the roof.

A black dress completely covered her body, and the long lavender hair spread out behind her, and it spread all the way to her feet. The long hair spreads out slightly, and the cold coldness is emitted from her. ("")

Among the right hand, a huge sickle exudes magical blue and magical purple in the black background. Although she is just floating there, it gives a feeling of the core of the world. Everyone feels that the horrible killing of her body seems to be all about dealing with herself. No one dares to act rashly, because even if it includes Xue Zhisheng, no one is sure to take her full blow.

The color of the face is slightly pale, but her eyes are full of endless squats. On her body, a layer of white halo is slowly emitted, and the halo is not strong, but the simple white gives an unparalleled sense of nobleness. A stronger white glow is on her chest, a white light filled with a holy taste.

Seeing her appearance, the holy month suddenly felt that her eyes were a little fuzzy, and the tears disappeared. His clenched fists unconsciously loosened, and the body was slightly uncontrollably trembling.

She is back, she is finally back.

"Celling children..."

Hearing the holy month with a few vibrato calls, the high-level guests of the Assassin Temple were shocked. Almost everyone knows that the Holy Month has a granddaughter who has inherited the sword of reincarnation. But there are not many people who have actually seen children. They only know that more than four years ago, the children were missing.

At this moment, the children appeared again in front of everyone, but they gave them such a strong sense of shock. Can it be said that she has really mastered the power of the sword of reincarnation? However, how old she is! Twenty years old.

Cai’s deep eyes looked at Xue Zhisheng, a faint saying: “Before the vote, I challenged the elder Che’s as the Assassin’s Temple reincarnation. If I win, I will be the position of the chief elder of the Assassin’s Temple. you win……"

Having said that, she paused for a moment, and suddenly she smiled. The smile of the fallen city made the audience feel sluggish. "You won't win, so there is no such thing. I will take everyone to a place in the church, but it is also convenient for Xue Elder." Show."

As she spoke, her hands were slashing in the horizontal direction, and a layer of crystal clear white light suddenly turned into a mask, covering everyone. Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the white light of the children's chest, and the next moment, everything around them became illusory.

Space shuttles, and it is a space shuttle with so many people.

The white light flashed, and the next moment, all the high-rises of the Assassin's Temple appeared in a hall with a faint white glow. Everything around it has an illusory feeling. The gentle spiritual fluctuations flow in the air. It is pure, non-attributable elemental fluctuations, not strong, but it gives people a feeling of dignity.

The high-rises of the Assassin's Temple were completely shocked. The sudden return of the children had already surprised them. At this time, everything she showed was beyond the cognition of the assassins of the Assassins. They even I don't know what the children have done, but they have completed such a magical scene. This is obviously not on the sacred continent, but where is this? Is it true that the cultivation of the children has reached the point where it is enough to open up another space?

Xue Zhisheng's face became very ugly, and his eyes were always firmly staring at the death sickle in the hands of the children. Only he was recognized in the presence, the white light emitted by the Death Scythe was the light of purification, and the purity was heart-rending.

Xue Zhisheng has long heard that there is a granddaughter who is a reincarnation of the Holy Virgin in the Holy Month. He is talented and has more than 90 spiritual powers in the first day. But in his opinion, the children are still young and young. What's more, it has been missing for so long. However, I did not expect that the children would come back at this time. And from the expression of the holy month, it can be seen that even he does not know that the child will appear at this time.

The eyes of the children were swept away from the high-rises of the assassin's temple. The faint saying: "Everything speaks by strength. I will challenge the people one by one, who accepts my challenge, loses, and his voting rights belong to me. Those who do not accept my challenge are deemed to have abstained."

Xue Zhisheng snorted, "Little girl, what qualification do you have to do this?"

Caier smiled lightly. "I am a member of the Assassin's Temple. Strength is my qualification. According to the rules of the Assassin's Temple, when I am repaired to the ninth stage, I can automatically become the elder of the temple. If so, I am already the temple. The elders are part of it. Not to mention, these are not important to me. Here is my world, without my permission, you can’t get out of it, don’t accept my proposal, then you will stay forever. It’s good here.”

"You..." Xue Zhisheng was furious. Although the child was smiling and relaxed, the overbearing voice in her words made the chief elder almost burst into the air. A little girl in her twenties dared to speak to herself.

"Sacred month, how did you discipline your granddaughter?" Xue Zhisheng turned to the holy month to put pressure.

At this time, the Holy Month had no longer had the resentment before, and smiled lightly: "Cai Er is my granddaughter, but she is also the treasure of our Assassin Temple. Everyone should have heard of it. When the child was three years old, it began. Incorporating with the reincarnation of the reincarnation, it has been recognized by the sword of reincarnation. But you have known that in order to fuse the reincarnation, how much pain and suffering did the children experience? Her six senses lost, and she was only three years old. I spent a lot of time alone in the icy cave. And all of this is to be stronger for our Assassin Temple. Perhaps she is not old, but in my opinion, she is the Assassin The temple did not pay less than anyone else. She has been missing for more than four years and finally returned. Then, it is time for me to retreat to the second line. We are going to vote not only for the Assassin’s Temple in Sanctuary. At the same time, I also proposed that Caier take over and serve as the seat of the Assassin Temple. Oh, there is another point I have forgotten to announce to everyone. As early as five years ago, the children were Already awakened by the reincarnation of the Virgin, To those concerned about the death of God. I believe, and now she's the **** of this concern has also been the culmination of repair. Assassin temple, is the need to unite the time. "

For the holy month, for some people, there is a bit of a sense of stone.

The **** of death, succeeding the position of the Assassin's Temple Lord? This is really important for the Assassin's Temple.

Looking at the death sickle in the hands of the children, some people's looks have gradually relaxed. Perhaps, among the elders present, there are more people who support Xue Zhisheng than those who support the holy month, but their starting point is for the Assassin's Temple.

The Holy Month was raised as early as ten years ago. When the children were able to control the sword of reincarnation and cultivated to reach the ninth stage, they were passed on to her facts. At that time, it was unanimously passed.

The son of the reincarnation, let the Assassin Temple reach the peak of the Alliance. Why can't a new generation of reincarnations be done? At this point, the child came back, her cultivation is obviously already breaking through the ninth order, and even has the ability to resemble the field, and the magic of opening another space. Those who are really good at the Assassin's Temple know how to choose.

The most important thing is that Caier is only twenty years old this year! A ninth-order powerhouse in his twenties, the successor of the reincarnation sword, the **** of death, what it means for the Assassin's Temple, everyone is too clear.

Even if the children are just breaking through the ninth order, what about giving her ten years? The strength of Li Zhengzhi is known to everyone, but Li Zhengzhi’s first-day spiritual power is only eighty. It’s just a wind element, and it can be so powerful. In the first day, the spiritual power is as high as 90 or more, even infinitely close to one hundred. After completing the awakening of the gods, how much will it grow in ten years? At that time, the Assassin Temple no longer needs to be attached to it? It should be that someone else is attached to it.

At the thought of this, the mentality of the high-level members of the assassin's temple has changed to varying degrees.


Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. The third child is full of creativity and hopes that everyone likes it.


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