Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 240: Wildhead of the bald head (below)

"You give me back." Night Weiyang grabbed her. "Are you still a little bit squatting? Just smashing the bastard, it’s so strong, people are exposing muscles, you have to make a fool. The guy is four years away. More time, no news at all. If he wants to come to you, he will prove that he has no you in his heart. Even if he comes, this time he should give him a lesson. Otherwise, you will not be bullied by him in the future. You? I am sitting here honestly, I don’t want to see him, I don’t hear.”

Feng Linger sat down in a pitiful position and whispered: "No younger sister, don't need to be like this. You see, his strength has become so strong now. You must have been less guilty in these few years. Don't you think he is very good?" The 30-year-old nine-stage 哎, look, people have found a potential stock."

"You will be proud of you. Hey, what if he doesn't want you?"

Feng Linger shook her head and said: "It won't be. He must have come to me because he wants to be amazed at the temple, so as not to expose the strength of their team."

Looking at her confident look, the night couldn't help but sneer out, "You, you, what little white flower, it's just a little flower idiot. Ignore you."

The victory of Sima Xian caused great concern in the six temples. But the game has to continue. Soon, the audience’s attention was drawn to the exciting game.

Shortly after Sima Xian's battle, Li Zhengzhi, the master of the Magic Temple, was selected to play. His opponent was a warrior. Li Zhengzhi used only one magic to complete the process of defeating the enemy. It seems to be very low-key, but it is obvious that his opponent is not strong enough to force him to use more abilities.

Almost half of the contestants in the six temples are in the ninth order. After the ninth-order and ninth-order situation began to appear, the game became more and more exciting. There is even a game where there is a strong field.

The game went to the thirty-fifth game, and the light of choice was lighted for the third time in the morning of the light. This time, the light fell on the fifth person.

It was a slender man. When he took off his cloak at the entrance, he showed a younger face than the two before, and a dark green hair.

His appearance almost immediately caused a discussion on the magic temple, because many magicians recognized his identity. On the side of the Knights' Templar, in the stands, a woman with long pink hair almost instantly clenched her fists. She is like Feng Linger before, the whole person is completely sluggish, clenching silver teeth, and resisting crying out.

Li Zhengzhi looked at Lin Chen, who was next to him, and his eyes showed the light of inquiry.

Lin Chen was also sluggish at this time, and then he trembled fiercely because of his excitement.

Li Zhengzhi moved back and looked at Lin Chen’s expression. He did not know that his grandson had come to the Holy City. It was impossible to pretend that excitement and excitement.

Yes, this has a long dark hair, a slender figure, a handsome and even feminine man, the only magician of the Light Morning Hunting Devils, known as Lin Xin with a drug brother.

Lin Xin’s opponent is a knight. Therefore, he and the knight went into the venue together. Did not wait for the knight to open, Lin Xin flashed, it seems like a teleport in front of a hundred meters, and the knight opened the distance.

The six major temple powerhouses were on the scene, but they only saw the blue light flashing behind Lin Xin, and then they rushed out of the 100 meters.

When did the magician have this speed? He is not a wind master!

The knight was also shocked. However, he came to the competition and naturally would not be easily intimidated. The golden light flashed, and the whole body was white, and a giant eagle with a golden hair on his forehead appeared above his head.

The giant eagle's wings spread out ten meters away, only when it appeared, the light elements screamed like a landslide and tsunami. Pour into the knight below.

The knight was originally built on the eighth-order peak, and was assisted by the air giant eagle. The momentum suddenly increased, and in the blink of an eye, it climbed to nine levels.

The opposite Lin Xin did not sing a spell, but the right hand in the air, suddenly, a length of about one meter, it seems that only the blue light of the thumb thickness came out of nowhere, went straight to the knight spurt away.

Wherever the blue light passed, no one whistled, but in the process of flying forward, it turned into an arc.

what is this? The Cavaliers just got their own bright Golden Eagles increase, and they rushed toward Lin Xin under the storm. Seeing that the inconspicuous blue light had already spurred, his left hand lifted, and the strong golden moment condensed, turning into a golden shield on his hand. At the same time, the foot stops, and the gods block has been completed.

Blu-ray? Is the opponent a water magician?

This is the Temple of the Great, no matter how inconspicuous the opponent's attack looks, he will not have the slightest care. As a guardian knight, to be stable, step by step is the most important. The battle between the guardian and the magician, if the guardian knight can finally win, then the magician is often exhausted. After all, the guardian knight is not good at speed and the attack power is relatively weak. In the face of magicians who have the wings to fly, they do not take advantage.


The blue light hits exactly on the guardian's shield. What everyone didn't think of was that it looked so slight, even worse than a fireball with a powerful blue light, and after the collision guarded the knight's shield, it made a roar.

The guardian knight was actually shocked and the body slipped back nearly ten meters. Before the shield, there was a blue light, and then his sacred shield was disappeared in the blue light. The air around the body was noticeably distorted.

It is not a water system, it is a fire system. What kind of magic is he?

The guardian knight was broken by the shield with the defense of the gods, and the hot airflow caused him to consume a lot of energy. It was hard to offset the aftermath of the blue light attack.

In the ninth order, he is the ninth-order god-level powerhouse. The guardian knight secretly complained. Although his cultivation is also upgraded to the ninth order by the mount partner, he is not really a ninth order after all! In the face of the nine-order fire system **** known for its high explosive power, he knows that his chances are very embarrassing.

At this time, Lin Xin’s attack has reappeared. Behind his left hand, a dark green hair grows slowly behind his head, and his right hand is lifted again. This time, two strokes in the air, suddenly, two blue lights fly out again. .

The guardian knight's face has become very difficult to read. In the case that he can't use any equipment, his shield can only be transformed by spiritual power, and with God's imperial block, it is basically his strongest defense state. However, the blue light just broke his defense. This time it is two, it will definitely be more difficult to resist.

With a big bang, the guardian knight suddenly stepped forward and made a lunge movement. At the same time, the whole body's light rose and instantly turned into a holy China. The hands clasped in the air, suddenly collided, and a thicker shield appeared on the side. The incandescent color is a heavy shield and the crossbar is in front of it.

Still the gods block. His only hope now is that Lin Xin’s seemingly instant magic requires a lot of magic, and he can stick to the moment when the other side’s magic is exhausted.

Two blue rays rushed to each other. After the guardian knight was wrong again, the two Peng Blu-rays rushed in front of him. The shield built on the basis of St. Hua and the coffin was once again broken. The scorching blue flame has already been stained on him, and the power of the big buds constantly bursts out of the body, fully defusing the burning blue light.

The real nine-order powerhouse is so powerful that it has reached such a level?

Compared with before, this game seems to be a lot dull, no dazzling magic, no strong skills. There is no such thing as the wildness of Sima Xian.

But the real powerhouse can see a lot of things from it, the simple blue light is not simple!

Li Zhengzhi looked at Lin Xin, his eyes were full of surprises, muttering: "The spirits are smashed into a line, which has been separated from the magical category. It is a seemingly simple and practically difficult spiritual control. law.

Lin Xin, the child, has the understanding of fire been so deep? ”

Lin Chen’s shock is more than Li Zhengzhi. Is this still his grandson? Just a few times ago, he asked himself that he could not do it. After the end of the holy war, Lin Chen’s cultivation finally broke through the bottleneck for many years and successfully broke through to the ninth stage. But he also asked himself not to have such control over the fire. And Lin Xin's heart-burning flame is much stronger than the flames controlled by ordinary magicians. The grandson who has been missing for more than four years has become so powerful after he came back. How can he not be excited?

At this time, Lin Xin’s next scene was even more shocking.

The left foot took a half step to the left, and his face became dignified. The true light was shining in the eyes, and the right hand was lifted. This time, just use the index finger to swipe in the air.

A blue light appears in the air like that. Compared to the previous two, the current light seems to be shorter. But did not fly to the guardian knight in the first time, but stagnated in front of Lin Xin.

Just in a flash, Lin Xin scored more than twenty blue rays on the dragon and phoenix dance. The opposite guardian knight saw it and was completely sluggish.

Two blue lights made him tired. So much, is this not his life? Fortunately, there is a clear stipulation in the Temple of the Great, it is absolutely not allowed to kill the opponent, otherwise, he is afraid to be scared to escape.

The more than twenty rays of light, intertwined in the air, turned into two big blue characters, "Xinger."

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