Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 241: The domain of light gods (on)


When these two words came out, Li Xin in the stands, the tears in my eyes instantly spurted out. He is back, although he did not come to her in the first time, but he still remembers her!

Then, Lin Xin raised his hands at the same time, and used the blue light with extremely terrifying attack power to surround the heart of Xiner and outline a heart.

"This little bastard." Lin Chen's eyes can not help but red. For the first time, he felt that the grandson’s treasure was not so abominable.

Opposite the guardian knight's facial muscles twitched, the other party actually showed love to the lover in the game of the temple, this is simply a slap in his face! I can't stand this shame anymore, and the guardian will turn around and leave. Is this game still going on? He must have lost.

The word "Xin" is probably more horrible than the power of a normal fire system.

Lin Xin looked up, his eyes blurred and looked at the heart of his own outline. Suddenly, a bright phoenix sounded in the sky. Suddenly, the blue light in the sky was like a sea of ​​rivers, and it gathered like his chest. It disappeared in a blink of an eye. The next moment, the blue light behind him flashed again, and the venue was also played. Pick up the cloak and return to the partners.

This is the competition, and the people in the stands must never be in contact with the contestants. Li Xin sat there, covering her face and crying. He is back, he is still coming back. He didn't forget me.

Seeing this scene, even Chen Zhi, the chief referee, has become a bit strange on his face. I am thinking about it, now these young people are getting more and more bold. However, Lin Xin’s actions are not a violation of the rules of the game. Before he wrote the two words, he has already proved to everyone the power of the blue light. Very simple! A nine-order powerhouse, the most important thing is to find a way to go in the future. Undoubtedly, Lin Xin has found his own path. He broke away from the limitations of traditional spells, opened up new paths, and opened up his own path. Perhaps, in the attack area, he is slightly less, but in terms of attack intensity, it is definitely the top of the fire magician. More importantly, in this instant way of fighting, his survivability on the battlefield must be extremely strong, and no need for other occupations to assist.

Among the light morning hunters, ten people have already played in the third, and not only have all won, but they have all shown great strength. In particular, Sima Xian and Lin Xin have left a very deep impression.

The choice of light reproduction, it is unfortunate that, immediately after the last game, this time, one of the two choices of light, once again shines in the light of the morning hunter demon group. The other is in the soul temple.

When you see the person in the soul temple that is illuminated, many people can't help but take a breath. That turned out to be the deputy of the soul temple, Sanshui mother-in-law.

The jihad caused enormous losses to the sacred alliance, but it also promoted the birth of the strong. Sanshui mother-in-law and Lin Chen, after the jihad, continued to break through the calm through their own efforts, and the cultivation was also upgraded to the ninth order. The strength has increased greatly. Moreover, she is the wife of Chen Hongyu, the master of the Temple of the Soul. It can be said that it has a pivotal position in the Temple of Soul.

The light morning hunter demon group actually encountered such an opponent, this time no one is optimistic about them. After all, this is the first nine-order powerhouse they encountered.

When the participants of the light morning took off the cloak and walked into the venue, it caused a burst of gloom.

This is too young. What kind of monster is this morning light hunter? Are they in the presence of surgery? Why are all so young?

Long hair fluttering, with a bit of weird smile on the pretty face, Chen Yinger walked into the playing field.

Sanshui mother-in-law saw her, her face was somewhat helpless. But it is not excited. Obviously, just as Caier once returned to the Assassin's Temple, before this temple began, Chen Yinger had already met her grandfather and grandmother.

After Chen Yinger entered the competition venue, she did not sing a spell. She looked at her grandmother so pitifully. It was like saying it again. You can do it, and play it lightly.

Sanshui mother-in-law sighed softly and looked at her eyes full of loving colors. Helpless shook his head and said: "I admit defeat." After finishing these three words, she immediately turned and walked out of the playing field.

Chen Yinger spit out her tongue, but she smiled and jumped out.

what? Sanshui mother-in-law admitted defeat? Most people think that there is a problem with their ears. In the face of such a young girl, as the deputy priest of the soul temple, the Sanshui mother-in-law of the 9th-order psychic actually admit defeat? You know, this is a knockout, as long as you lose a game, then there is no chance to play again in the Temple than the first level!

Li Zhengzhi frowned and seemed to want to say something, but he finally resisted. With the understanding of his light morning hunter, I naturally know the relationship between Chen Yinger and Sanshui.

There are very few cases of direct admittance in the temple, but it is not absolutely absent. For example, in the last temple, there were two hunters who represented their respective temples. After the encounter, one of them took the initiative to admit defeat. In any case, there is no rule to restrict admission. Therefore, although the behavior of Sanshui's mother-in-law caused an uproar, no one could stop her from doing so. Surprisingly, the entrants on the side of the Soul Temple turned out to be calm. No one had any arguments about Sanshui’s mother-in-law’s admittance.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhengzhi suddenly felt a bit of uneasiness in his heart, and the calm of the soul temple seemed to mean something. Although the relationship between the Temple of the Soul and the Temple of Magic is not as close to the Assassin's Temple and the Knights' Templar. But the Soul Temple has always been a supporter of the Temple of Magic. It’s just that the atmosphere of cooperation between the two sides is more intense. After the end of the jihad, the Soul Temple and the Magic Temple are the fastest because of the least loss.

The game continues.

The time for each game in the temple is not too long. First of all, because it is not life and death, and the participants have nine orders and eight orders, it is very easy to cause a gap in strength. Therefore, the progress of the game is relatively fast.

After the morning time passed, the game has been played for forty games. At this rate, in the evening, the first round of the game can always end.

The five major temples in the competition, the morning light of the hunters, the only way to keep the victory is the dawn of light. They have played five people. Yang Wenzhao, Sima Xian, Lin Xin, Chen Yinger, and the perfect combination of their own mammoth mounts after their appearance, are also the eighth-order peak of the memory. All won the game.

Among the five people who appeared, only the situation of memory loss was more difficult. It took nearly a quarter of an hour to fight a magician with his own strong defense and heritage. In addition to winning, the other four wins are still easy.

There is no lunch time in the temple. Those who can compete, even if they don’t eat for ten days or half a month, nothing. Therefore, the game is always going on.

In the forty-eighth game, the light morning hunter demon group appeared the sixth person to play. This time, the light of choice shines on the members of the Hunting Devils standing in the light of the first place on the left.

At the moment when the light of choice was solidified, the eyes of the top six temples were almost concentrated. Everyone knows that standing in the first place in the hunting demon group must be their head. And the head of the Light Morning Hunting Devils is not Long Haochen?

Yes, after more than four years, Long Haochen finally appeared again.

Long Haochen’s luck is very poor, because the other choice of light is chosen, it is the Warrior Temple Lord, Qiu Yonghao. It is also the first strongman of the Warrior Temple.

When Qiu Yonghao saw that the light of choice fell on himself, he stayed a little. Long Haochen, did I actually fight with him like this?

With a flash of shape, Qiu Yonghao has already entered. On the other side, Long Haochen, who took off the big cloak, once again appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Instead of entering the venue for the first time, he turned around and went to the Knights Templar and his grandfather, Long Tian, ​​to perform a knight's ceremony before entering the venue.

A plain white dress, a long blond hair, clear as if you can see through all the eyes, as well as the handsome face and the calm temperament.

No matter how you look at it, his appearance is in his twenties, but the temperament of his body at this time makes everyone forget his age.

Looking at him, he will unconsciously feel like a spring breeze, there is no spiritual fluctuation, but he is there, but will immediately become the focus of the audience. Even Qiu Yonghao, the master of the Temple of the Warrior, is far less eye-catching than him.

Among the Knights' Temples, except for the Dragon Seal, all the knights of the fine gold base got up and returned to Long Longchen. No matter how long he has disappeared, before the Knights Templar did not announce the removal, he was the Paladin of the Knights Templar, the commander of all the fine gold base knights and the Mithril base knights.

It is not only the Knights' Temple, the Assassin's Temple, the Priest's Temple, the Warrior's Temple, and the Magical Temple that recognize the dragon's morning. Many people recognize his identity.

At the time of the holy war, although Long Haochen did not appear for a long time, he left a deep impression on the Assassin Temple, the Warrior Temple and the Magic Temple. When he was in the **** town of Nanguan, he was the hero who saved Zhennan about water and fire. History will not forget these. Even after a long time, they recognized the handsome face of Long Haochen.

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