Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 241: Domain of Light God (middle)

The dawn of light, it turned out to be his hunting magic group! This is the common idea of ​​all those who are not familiar with Long Haochen but who have seen him. The high-level priests who really know the meaning of Long Haochen have different ideas in mind.

It was this young man who defeated the Devil's Pillars for the first time. That is, he triggered a two-year jihad of the Mozu and the human race.

Now, he is back, coming back with his hunting devil. What do he have to do to participate in this temple? Why is he not playing on behalf of the Knights Templar? Instead, choose to use the hunter to fight?

Looking at the youth in front of him, Qiu Yonghao’s feelings are different from others. When he first saw Long Haochen, Long Haochen left a sword for the Warrior Temple. It is also because of that sword meaning that he has witnessed the bright sword of the night without hurting him, and has made amazing progress. Next, every appearance of Long Haochen brought him a miraculous feeling.

After missing for so long, he finally came back. At this moment, Qiu Yonghao couldn't help but recall the words that Wang Yuanyuan had found him a few days ago.

"Long time no see, morning." Qiu Yonghao smiled slightly, staring at Long Haochen with a burning gaze.

Long Haochen’s face also showed a smile. “Yes! Qiu Dianzhu, we are here, it’s been nearly five years. I didn’t expect it to be reunited in this situation.”

Qiu Yonghao said: "In the morning, I will not be merciful. Let me see how you have improved in the past five years."

Long Haochen slightly decapitated, "Please give pointers."

When Qiu Yonghao opened his mouth to Long Haochen, he had already made a decision in his heart. As the owner of the Temple of the Warrior, his first thought was how big the influence of Long Haochen was. What will he bring to the league in the future.

As a result, he found that at least behind the dragon's morning, stood the Knights' Templar and the Assassin's Temple. This is the second of the six great temples. Moreover, he also clearly knows the relationship between Chen Yinger and Chen Hongyu. Didn’t you see Sanshui’s mother-in-law admit defeat? This makes it impossible to summon the temple at least for them. Maintaining neutrality is the most likely to happen.

The influence of the priest's temple in the league has not been great, so Long Haochen is likely to be supported by more than half of the alliance's strength. After all, he has a very special identity. He is the brightest son of the Knights' Templar and the heir to the next lord. Even Wang Yuanyuan has reached the ninth order. So, how much will his cultivation be achieved? If he can prove his strength to everyone with his own strength. Then, in the future, he will have a pivotal position in the new alliance.

Therefore, Qiu Yonghao understands that Long Haochen can incite the entire alliance, the most important thing is strength. It depends on whether he has superhuman training, and whether there is strong support from the centrist.

Therefore, Qiu Yonghao decided at that moment that if Long Haochen could defeat himself, then no matter what he would do if he participated in this temple, the choice of the Warrior Temple would be at least neutral.

Long Haochen took a step forward with his left foot, and his right fist was born and blasted out toward the front. He did not summon his own mount.

Qiu Yonghao does not think that Long Haochen, who is not riding, is not strong enough. The distance between the two is close to two hundred meters. The dragon’s fist is blasted, and he feels the air in the entire large trial. It was completely evacuated in general. The pressure of a harmonious and awkwardness has already come.

Qiu Yonghao is also a strong man who has experienced many battles. In the first time, he felt the danger. Although this and the pressure of embarrassment seems to be less oppressive. But he is faintly aware that if he can't handle it properly, I am afraid there is a possibility of losing the game.

The same right fist blasted, Qiu Yonghao's eyes turned into a golden color, behind him, a huge golden epee turned out, rising from the sky. The fierce swordsmanship suddenly filled the entire venue with chilling gas.

The dragon smashed out the boxing, and Qiu Yonghao slammed the sword.

The spiritual power of both sides is invisible, but just in the moment of the collision between the two, suddenly, the shield of the entire large trial field swayed violently, and the colorful golden light that burst above it suddenly increased. Obviously it is under great pressure.

In the next moment, everyone saw that Long Haochen had already come to Qiu Yonghao and attacked the warrior temple.

Qiu Yonghao's face is dignified, and I don't know if the first collision is cheap or bad. Faced with the attack of Long Qichen this punch. He put his hands up and hard.

The strength of both sides has reached the level of returning to the true level, and the stronger spiritual power is contained in the body. It seems that this is a collision of limbs, but everyone knows that this kind of battle is the most dangerous. Because of the outbreak of spiritual power, it is the landslide tsunami.

"Hey--" Qiu Yonghao's arms held the fist of Long Haochen. Both of their bodies stagnate in the air. Then, the spectators saw the golden light flashing in front of the dragon's chest.

At that moment, everyone felt that Long Haochen’s body seemed to swell. The next moment, Qiu Yonghao, who had just carried the attack of Long Haochen, actually flew out and slammed into the cover of the trial field.

A fist to fly the Temple of the Warrior? Seeing this scene, even Li Zhengzhi suddenly stood up from his seat.

He and Qiu Yonghao are old friends. Naturally, Qiu Yonghao’s cultivation is very clear. Over the years, Qiu Yonghao has been practicing hard and pursuing breakthroughs. The repair has finally broken through the ninth-order second, and the inner spiritual power has reached more than 260,000. In the entire temple alliance, it is the strongest in number, and the first strongest in the Warrior Temple. Known as the strongest **** of war.

However, just in the moment when he just played, he was shot by Long Haochen. what does this mean? It means that the dragon's spiritual power is stronger than him. In the absence of equipment bonus, to the level of the ninth order, I want to fly the opponent without using the skills, I am afraid that the spiritual gap between the two should reach more than 50,000.

However, how is this possible? More than four years ago, the power of Long Haochen was only three or forty thousand. In just over four years, he has not reached the level of nine or three.

For the first time, Li Zhengzhi felt a huge threat in Long Haochen. Not only did he come back, but his strength was stronger than his own judgment. The purpose of this light morning hunter demon group is probably not just to hone its strength through the temple.

Qiu Yonghao hit the shield, and the body rebounded instantly. The huge golden light sword that was dozens of meters behind was also pulled out. It turned into a huge golden mantle in the air and went straight to the dragon.

This is not a weapon, it is a pure sword, and it is the domain of Qiu Yonghao.

In order to pursue the true meaning of the sword, Qiu Yonghao's field of understanding is the meaning of the sword. His field of swords is enough to be an artifact. If you don’t, then it’s already out of the way.

In the face of the fall of the golden giant sword, Long Haochen stood firm on both feet. Behind him, the strong golden light suddenly shone. Six huge golden wings suddenly stretched out. Then, a sly suggestion suddenly burst out from him.

On the right finger day, the dragon's eyes suddenly turned into an incandescent color, and then an incandescent sword was violently erupted from him. Turned into white light, skyrocketing.

This sword mans looks a lot smaller than Qiu Yonghao's sword field. It is the size of a normal epee. The incandescent halo spreads. But when it appeared, Qiu Yonghao, who played the field of swords, trembled fiercely.

“叮——” A crisp sound rang, and Long Haochen’s body swayed slightly and stepped back two steps. But the golden light that had surged before his chest flashed again, and his pace stabilized immediately.

With the sound of crispness, Qiu Yonghao’s swordsmanship field was still moving, and was held by the white lightsaber.

The white lightsaber screamed slightly and was slowly pressed down by the golden sword. It seems that some are overwhelmed. Everyone who sees this will think that Qiu Yonghao has regained the upper hand. However, only he himself understands. The swordsmanship released by Long Haochen is different from his sword.

His sword meaning is entirely the idea of ​​the sword, which is the combination of the mind and the sword. The dragon sword's sword meaning, although there is no strong field of his sword. However, the white sword is above, but it has the fluctuation of the soul. In other words, in this sword, there is a part of the soul of Long Haochen.

Qiu Yonghao clearly remembers that when he was still a servant of the bright sword night, he was on the eve of the night without injury and challenged the demon god. He once said to him and finally realized the mystery of a sword soul.

At this time, what is the performance of Long Haochen, is it the sword soul? That is beyond the existence of the sword level!

On the face of Long Haochen, there was a faint smile on his face. He looked at Qiu Yonghao: "Congratulations to Qiu Dian for major advancement. You have a strong attacking power in the sword field. If you have one day, you can understand the soul. The true meaning of the sword, then, your achievements can surpass the night of the year without hurting the predecessors. I also want to use their own field, or you can not resist your offense."

The temple has performed so many games, and during the game, Long Haochen was the first.

Qiu Yonghao not only was not irritated by his words, but had a subtle sense of enlightenment, and his eyes gazed at the swordsman who was gradually being pressed down and was close to the top of the dragon's head.

He can feel that the sword soul of Long Haochen is just beginning to take shape, but he has indeed reached that level! Sword Soul, Sword Soul, how can we turn the soul into a sword?

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