Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 243: Blood and Extreme Cold (middle)

The orange fireball is suspended like a round of glare, and the body of Lin Chen is completely orange. The low curse sings a few words. Under a series of hand-shaped changes, a strong orange-red fire shot from the top of his head, went straight to Chen Yinger.

In the soul temple area, Chen Hongyu stood up fiercely and looked at the battlefield with a gaze. He whispered: "Lin Chen, the old guy, is really a squatting hand! When you come up, you use the holy mantra. ”

The holy mantra is a powerful magic created by Lin Chen. For many strong people, along with the increase of age, it is difficult for them to continue to improve after they have reached the bottleneck. Unless there is an excellent chance, it will be difficult to break through again in life. In this case, in order to pursue more powerful strength, they tend to work **** their own ability, especially for magicians, because the magic of each attribute can be generated by different combinations of different ways. Different.

Lin Chen is one of the best, and he did not expect that he could make a breakthrough after several births and deaths during the holy war. Before that, he had reached the eighth-order peak for nearly forty years. Forty years, his main research has been on this holy mantra. After the strength breaks through the ninth stage, don't look at the magical temple deputy. The lord can't have the power of the field, but it also makes his sacred mantra a great success. His strength has surged and he has become the top of the magic temple.

The Holy Sun Curse is a fusion of Lin Chen and the male's own yang, which is integrated into the fire of the life and the fire of the spiritual power. At the beginning, Lin Xin’s father was ignoring the fire while studying and practicing the holy mantra, igniting the fire of his own life, which led to the death of the husband and wife in the magic.

Lin Xin can say that there is a natural hatred for the holy mantra, how can he learn? Even all attacking magic is not willing to practice.

Later, although he decided to practice the attack magic for Li Xin, he still rejected the holy mantra. Therefore, Lin Chen can be said to be the only person in the world who can cast the holy mantra and practice it to the peak.

Where the orange-red fire passes through the air, the air is violently distorted, and the watery ripples are scattered around. The temperature in the entire large trial field suddenly increased, so that the colorful light of the protective cover became strong.

Chen Yinger's face is also a slight change, she did not expect Lin Chen's magic attack so fast, the power is so strong.

A crystal-clear pig smashed out of Chen Yinger's arms, it was McDull.

Compared with before, there is no small change in the purchase, the volume is still the same, it seems that it will never grow up, but the skin is crystal clear, a pair of small eyes are like two diamonds. Let the light shine. At the same time as the body is pulled out, there is even a string of glittering radiance behind it.

In the air, McDull's limbs made a stretching movement, and the magical scene appeared. Before he was so small and lovely, the next moment was an instant enlargement. Turned into a huge black dragon, a mouth, a dark breath to go straight to Lin Chen's holy mantra.

This, this is the anti-day dragon?

The change of McDull surprised all the six great members of the temple. The devil is a demon god! How could a summoner have such a summoned beast? And the summoned beast released at such a speed can only be the summoned beast!

Black and orange, two powerful forces collided in the air. The horror of the spiritual power suddenly spread outwards centering on the collision between the two.

Chen Yinger’s hands were heart-shaped, and the crisp curse sang in the air.

Under the collision of the anti-dragon dragon and the holy mantra, there was a slight loss, but after all, it was resisted. McDull’s huge wings slammed hard and rushed toward Lin Chen.

Lin Chen saw the same as the demon dragon, but his combat experience was very similar. Although he was shocked, his right hand was pointing, and the sun was shining on the top of his head. A round of orange-red halo suddenly bloomed. Collided with the body that McDull rushed.

The huge figure of the Devil's Dragon was actually blown away by this orange-red halo. More shocking is still behind, along with Lin Chen's low curse, an orange-red faucet emerged from the holy sun, spurting a golden red flame toward the anti-day dragon.

This golden red flame is only the thickness of the human arm, which is very disproportionate to the orange-red faucet that is drilled out.

However, when the golden red flame came out, the temperature in the entire large trial field suddenly increased, and the air inside the protective cover all showed water-like ripples. Even the ground is like a magma. It can be seen how hot the seemingly tiny golden red flame is.

In the face of this level of flame, McDull apparently hesitated, the huge body stagnated in the air, the dark purple light oozing from the thick scales, quickly concentrated on the top of his head. Turned into a dark purple light ball in front of the body, just blocking the golden red flame.

"The holy mantra, breaking the evil!" Lin Chen shouted.

"Boom--" was only seen in the air, the dark purple light beam released by McDull was instantly broken, and it was full of gold and red flames flying up and down all over the body. But the broken dark purple beads also emit a strong dark purple light, which will isolate the high temperature.

Lin Chen's body shook a little, and the speed of singing the spell became noticeably slow. The McDull, who is full of golden red flames, has already fallen far away. The dark purple light constantly appeared on the body to dissolve the burning of the golden red flame.

"Well?" Seeing this scene, Long Haochen was taken aback and couldn't help but look at Lin Xin. Although the McDonnell turned into a demon dragon, although it is not really a devil, you can only use some basic abilities, but that is also the real nine-step strength! In front of Lin Chen, only two faces were bombarded. Look at it, it seems that it has lost its combat power in a short time. This strength is not something that a ninth-level junior magician should have.

Lin Xin smiled bitterly: "The holy mantra is the brainchild of Grandpa's life research. Although it is not a field, but to a certain extent, it is enough to compete with the field, the three fires are one, and the explosive power of fire magic is maximized. Play it out."

Long Haochen slightly decapitated, said: "It seems that this is a small test for Sakura."

The battle between the summoner and the magician should be the speed of their own cultivation and magic singing. With Lin Sheng, the Lin Chen method not only sings very fast, but also the magic power is super strong. The temperature of the golden red flame has even surpassed Lin Xin’s heart. In terms of talent and luck, Lin Xinyuan surpassed his grandfather, but in the cognition of fire, he and Lin Chen still have a big gap.

In the big trials, after Lin Chen launched the golden red flame, the offensive was also slightly slow, and Chen Yinger in the distance had already completed her first summoning magic.

A white six-pointed star appeared in front of her body, and then, in the long dragon hum, a dragon with a length of more than ten meters emerged from the white six-pointed star.

In terms of volume, this ice dragon is not as big as the McDonald's, and looks like a young dragon. However, it is not a dragon or a dragon, but it belongs to the continent. Real Dragon!

The summoners of the Soul Temple saw this scene, and the emotions were all excited. Summoning the dragon is the greatest glory for the summoner. Even if it is just a baby dragon, it is the same.

Summoner's Summoning Magic generally has two ways of using it. One is to summon creatures from other planes to fight. After the battle is over, summon creatures to either die or return to the original plane. The next time you call again, it will not be the Warcraft that has been summoned. Another way is contractual. After the contract is concluded, the summoner must not allow the summoned beast to die easily, and the summoned beast will grow as the summoner grows and become stronger and stronger. Although the degree of intimacy is not as good as the summoned beast, the contract summoned beast can also be said to be part of the summoner's strength.

The Summoner, according to his strength, has a different number of contract summoning beasts. Once the contract summoned beasts die, it is not a small blow to the summoner.

In general, each additional level of repair can have a contract summoned beast. Although it is not necessary to sing time as in the summoning beast, it is much shorter than the normal summoning of the same level of Warcraft.

From the time when Chen Yinger sang the spell, the summoners knew that this young ice dragon was Chen Yinger’s contract summoning beast!

What they don't know is that this ice dragon is also Chen Ying's first contract summoned beast. Before the seventh order, she could not display any summoning magic. Therefore, there has never been a contract summoned beast. After she broke through the seventh order, she stayed in the Temple of Soul and awakened the soul of the Holy Virgin. Later, following Long Haochen's deep battle with the Mozu, the strength has been increasing, but there has never been a contract summoned beast.

After they left the Aion, Chen Yinger’s cultivation has reached the ninth order. Through the special connection of the soul saint, she found this young ice dragon and concluded the first contract. This time, the ice dragon is fighting for Chen Yinger for the first time.

In fact, Chen Yinger has already suffered a loss in the game with Lin Chen. The spell she sang first is not to summon the ice dragon, but her six-dragon summoning technique that can release the elemental cage.

In her view, McDull's anti-day demon dragon can always resist Lin Chen's attack for a period of time, as long as her element cage is completed, then Lin Chen will be defeated.

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