Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 243: Blood and extreme cold (below)

However, contrary to expectations, Lin Chen’s holy mantra was too powerful. McDull only supported two rounds and lost the loss. This made Chen Yinger have to change the spell and summon the ice dragon to fight for himself in the shortest time. Even the tactics have changed because of Lin Chen’s power. Otherwise, under Lin Chen's next attack, she is afraid that even the spell can not be completed.

As a soul saint, when she is applying summoning, Chen Yinger’s time is much shorter than that of ordinary people, and her contract summoning beast release speed only takes about three seconds to sing, which can make ice so fast. The dragon appeared.

After more than four years of retreat, Chen Yinger also had a lot of insights in summoning. Except for the six dragons, she did not give any other souls to Warcraft, because she found that if she put the soul in McDull and The contract summons the beast, the effect will be better, and there will be many strange changes.

The ice dragon appeared, whispered, and the wings opened, and Chen Yinger was completely behind him. At the same time, an ice blue breath spurted toward Lin Chen.

Lin Chen’s eyes are condensed. He naturally does not think that defeating McDull can defeat Chen Yinger. Before Chen Yinger’s game, he also saw that this little girl who is a nine-order psychic has a very good hand in summoning Warcraft. The door of the soul, the momentum of the beast is so hard to resist. This is why he used the holy mantra as soon as he came up, because he couldn't let Chen Yinger let go of Shiwei and put the summoning magic to the strongest level.

The golden red faucet is still in the time when the ice dragon appeared outside the holy sun. It has also been brewed, and it is a golden red breath that spits out, or only the thickness of the arm, instantly smashing the sky and going straight to the ice dragon. The breath greeted us.

The contrast between the ice dragon and the holy fire dragon can be clearly distinguished from the temperature in the large trial field. Where the ice dragon is located, only the temperature of it and Chen Yinger is lower, not affected by the burning, and the temperature brought by the Shengyang fire dragon is boiling elsewhere.

There is no doubt that the Shengyang Fire Dragon is much more powerful. Moreover, Lin Chen’s mantra is still singing, and no one knows what his next magic will be with the holy mantra. But it is foreseeable that the power will never be low.

At this time of the battle, the situation has been very unfavorable for Chen Yinger.

"God descends, and the beasts are on the rise." Chen Yinger's beauty is full of tough glory, don't look at her usual haha, but in fact, her ambition is extremely strong. Yang Wenzhao has been eliminated, and she will never allow herself to be eliminated.

I saw Chen Yinger’s body suddenly covered with a layer of milky white brilliance, and then, a huge virtual shadow suddenly emerged from behind her.

The figure seems to be a human figure. When he appeared, the amazing sound of the roar of the beasts appeared in the entire large trial field. The beasts are screaming, what a spectacular scene. Only that roar, Lin Chen’s body swayed, and the holy fire dragon in the holy sun was also affected.

The two white lightes were simultaneously released from Chen Yinger, one fell in the distance on the McDull against the flame of the holy sun, and the other on the ice dragon in front of her.

Suddenly, the strange changes have appeared.

The first thing that caught the attention was the huge ice dragon in front of Chen Yinger. I saw that the ice dragon body swelled instantly, and the original ice blue raid completely turned white. The white mist of ice is almost half of the scope of the large trial field in the blink of an eye. The length of the ice dragon has surged to 30 meters. The breath is hard to block the flame of the holy fire dragon, white and golden red. The light is intertwined and swayed in the air.

This is already the appearance of an adult ice dragon!

The strongmen of the Soul Temple looked at this scene with a stunned look. In their memory, the summoner never had any kind of magic to make an early childhood World of Warcraft adulthood, and broke into adult strength! However, Chen Yinger did just that. The ice dragon is clearly adult, even if it faces a highly concentrated three-fire combination, it will not fall.

On the other side, McDull received the increase of white light released by Chen Yinger, and there was a great change. The body suddenly expanded nearly twice, and it turned into a huge black dragon with a length of more than 30 meters. The deep roar, dark purple darkness The spiritual power quickly resolved the erosion of the flame of the holy sun.

The more shocking scene is still behind, McDull screams in the sky, the black on it turns into white in a very short time, and the body also has many strange changes, even turned into an adult ice dragon. . The bird danced and flew in the direction of Chen Yinger, while a breath spit out to Lin Chen in the distance.

this is……


The summoners watched the battle in their eyes, even if they were most familiar with the summoning magic, they were deeply shocked by the scene. The summoning magic that Chen Yinger has displayed can be regarded as unseen and unheard of for them! What are the capabilities?

The appearance of the second ice dragon also changed Lin Chen’s face. In the face of an adult ice dragon, he has already felt a lot of pressure, and this is the second time, his holy flame has been difficult to get the upper hand.

Chen Yinger is as usual, continue to sing a spell. Without the increase of the Soul of the Soul, her magic is limited, but don't forget that she is the first soul saint in the soul temple for thousands of years!

The huge figure that appeared behind her is the **** of the gods. After more than four years of deep meditation, Chen Yinger also chose a path for herself. Just as Lin Xin will simplify the magic and Sima Xian will be wild in the tactics, her path is the perfect combination with the ability of the beast.

The two white lights are the areas that she created through the combination of the soul and the gods. It is called the field of beasts.

The power of the beast **** field is that it can be a range of areas or a single field. Its role is only an increase, and the increase in the summoning beast of Chen Yinger.

The young ice dragon got the increase in the field of beasts, and instantly became an adult ice dragon. McDull is also greatly increased in strength. If it is a range increase, the ability to increase the individual will be worse, but the amount of increase can be much larger.

"It's me." Chen Yinger screamed in her heart. Her curse sang suddenly stopped. With both palms facing outwards, raise your head and make a heavenly move. Then, the huge virtual shadow behind it suddenly shattered and turned into countless crystal light spots, flying toward the two ice dragons in front of Chen Yinger, instantly blending into them.

"God descends the heavens, the domain!" Chen Yinger sighed. A scene that everyone can't forget has appeared.

The two ice dragons raised their heads at the same time, and their eyes turned into ice blue. Then, the entire large trial field was turned into the same color. The ultimate coldness and even the colorful light of the large test field protective cover were suppressed, and there was a squeaky, squeaky voice.

Lin Chen’s next magic was just ready, but he was shocked to find that his temperature was greatly reduced, and the magic was interrupted by hard. The biting chill came in an instant. He was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant.

Li Zhengzhi’s eyes instantly became sharp, cold and radiant, and the hands clasped the armrests of the chair. The tone was also significantly improved compared with usual. “Double field.”

There are two interpretation methods in the dual field. One is that there are two fields at the same time. One is that one person has two fields. At this time, the situation is obviously the former, and these two fields are not released by Chen Yinger.

That is the field of ice dragons, exactly the same, the domain of extreme cold.

If it is only an extremely cold domain, perhaps Lin Chen can still resist by his holy mantra, but at the same time the emergence of two extremely cold domains, complement each other, it is a superposition of geometric multiples! After all, Lin Chen is not a strong field. His holy mantra is immediately suppressed by the extremely cold field of relatives. The magic is broken and he is also frozen in the extremely cold field.

Chen Yinger relies on the ultimate increase in the field of beasts, which makes McDull and Ice Dragon have the ability of the field at the same time. Although it can only be launched for a short time, it is enough for Lin Chen.

Without the support of the soul sacred clothes, after the display of the gods in the field of the beasts, the face of the gods was obviously pale. But standing in the snow and ice world, she gives a feeling of holiness and nobleness, like a snow lotus, and it is not stained.

On the six VIPs, all the referees from the hunting squad are injecting spiritual power into the hood, which stabilizes the hood and will not be affected by the two fields. But their spiritual power is also rapidly consuming. This shows how terrible the dual domain is.

"Receive the field, you won this game." Chen Zi’s voice sounded. At the same time, a golden light descended from the sky and landed on the frozen Linchen.

Chen Yinger's hand type received, the increase ended, the extremely cold domain came fast, disappeared quickly, and instantly returned to normal in the large trial field.

McDull changed back to the appearance of the piglet and jumped into the arms of Chen Yinger. There were still a few blacks on the body, and the ice dragon also became smaller and disappeared in the six-pointed star appearing under the feet.

The deputy of the magical temple, Lin Chen, defeated.

When Lin Chen melted in the golden light column and regained consciousness, he couldn't help but shudder because of the cold machine spirit. With a sigh, he shook his head and turned to walk to the magical temple area.

Even if Li Zhengzhi can't blame him, he has done his best. It’s just that the opponent’s dual field is too strong.

Lin Chen’s heart is actually not convinced, secretly thinking, if he can break through the ninth order in the early 20 years, transform the holy yang spell into a field, and truly complete its power, even in the face of the bipolar cold, It may not be a disadvantage. It’s a pity that when he thinks that the holy mantra is likely to be his own, he can’t help but feel sad.

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