Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 244: Starry Holy Knight (on)

Chen Yinger also won't win this game. After the end of the extremely cold field, her body swayed slightly and walked slowly to the rest area.

In this game, the summoners of the Soul Temple are intoxicated. The original summoning magic can also be played in this way to summon the beasts to display the field, which is impossible in the current Soul Temple. Chen Hongyu, who has the field of the beast, is also not good.

Chen Yinger used her own strength to prove what Sanshui’s mother-in-law had said before. It’s true that with her cultivation, Sanshui’s mother-in-law is not her opponent!

The power of the Morning Light Hunting Devils has been recognized by the six great temples as the game continues.

The most deeply felt is Li Zhengzhi. He originally thought that in the morning of the light, the real and excellent one is only one dragon, and at most one more. From the current situation, their other members are equally tyrannical! Chen Yinger and Wang Yuanyuan also have fields, and the field power is quite strong. Li Zhengzhi asked himself that if he wants to overcome them, he will certainly consume a lot.

The game continues. After this round, there are only twenty-four people who can stay. The game is also very exciting. The battle between Chen Yinger and Lin Chen is not the only bright spot. In the next few games, it was also wonderful. Because the strength of each other has become stronger, the domain capabilities will occasionally appear in the large trials. What is really enjoyable is the audience outside the stadium. If there is no temple ratio, how can they see such a strong strength?

In the next game of the Light Morning Hunting Devils, Han Yu lost. In this third round, the good luck of the Light Morning Hunting Demon seems to have been exhausted. He met the grandfather of Chen Yinger. Chen Hongyu, the temple of the soul temple. In the face of the powerful Beastmaster, there is almost no chance for him to have no field. However, Han Yu also fully demonstrated his own strength. With the powerful defense of the guardian knight, he insisted on ten days before the mad attack of the beastmaster field to defeat the beast. And his partner, the evil eye tyrant, left a deep impression on everyone. The evil eye tyrant is equivalent to the eighth-order peak, and its powerful mental repression, control, and even the increase in the beastly field offset most of it. It is a pity that the evil eye tyrant wants to evolve again, and special opportunities are needed. In terms of mounts, Zhang Fangfang, Han Yu, Yang Wenzhao and Shu Yiyi are faced with the difficulty that the mount is difficult to evolve into a ninth order.

Fortunately, Zhang Fangfang, Lin Xin, Sima Xian, and Wang Yuanyuan all successfully defeated their opponents and passed the third round of the individual competition.

In the morning light of the hunter, there are only Long Haochen and Caier who have not yet appeared. In the second round of the twenty-four games, only the last four games were left.

At this time, Long Haochen’s calm look has changed slightly. In this temple, it is not impossible to draw teammates. And now there are only eight people left, and he and the children have a chance to crash.

At the thought of this, Long Haochen unconsciously recalled the scene when he participated in the hunting squad selection. He and the children met, and the children chose to give up. Is it true that history will not repeat itself? I remembered that at that time, in order to make a commitment to Lin Xin, the decision to explain to Caier had deeply hurt the children. Long Haochen’s gaze could not help but become softer.

Gently hold the hand of the child, whispered: "If we run into it, this time, let me admit defeat, okay?"

Picking the child a little, "Oh, morning..."

Long Haochen smiled and said: "When you obviously defeated me, you gave up the game. Why can't I give up for you once?"

Caier smiled and said: "Stupid, don't make trouble. Can the situation be the same as that of the year? At that time, it won't matter for us to win or lose. And this win or loss is related to our future against the Mozu. You are the head of the morning light, the leader of everyone! Oh, it seems that we have no chance to run into this round."

When the two are talking, the light of choice falls on the children, and the light of another choice falls in the camp of the Assassin Temple in the distance. The selected one is the Holy Moonman.

Seeing the sorrowful man's unwilling look, Long Haochen couldn't help but smile. "It seems that Zeng Zu wants to compare with you."

Caier laughed softly and said: "No."

Sure enough, without waiting for the children to end, the Holy Moonman over there has already said: "I don't think I can't help but give up the game." After saying this, he regained his position and didn't go out.

Who can think of it, in the five major temples participating in the individual competition, only in the third round, there are already three leaders who have led the team out. The easiest thing to go out of is the holy month, and it is directly admit defeat, and it is not an opponent of the children. This is the second time when the Assassin’s Temple is facing the children.

At this time, the light of the morning has passed, and six people have passed the third round, and one of them has not appeared.

The light of choice shines again, almost from the plucking of the child to the dragon. The dragon's opponent is in the Knight's Temple.

Two consecutive games were against the same door.

It was an older knight. It looked like he was a little older than Long Tianyin. He slowly stood up and nodded to the dragon sitting in the back row. The old voice is very majestic. "Let's have a showdown between the knights." After saying this, he walked to the venue.

Long Haochen looked at his grandfather subconsciously, but Long Tianyin showed him a helpless smile. This can not help but make him a little surprised. Grandpa’s expression is equivalent to telling him that the old knight is also unable to control Long Tianyin. It is important to know that the Knights of God and the Knights have almost supreme authority in the Knights' Templar, and the Cavaliers, which Long Tianyin cannot control, are naturally very high.

Long Haochen followed the fine gold knight and walked into the big trial field to take the initiative to speed up and walk away, pulling away the distance from the old knight. This is the etiquette of the younger generation to the elders. He can't stand there, waiting for the elder to go far.

"My name is Yang Haoyu, an elder who cares about the matter. In the future, I will thank you for my own for the future. Thank you for saving us the seedlings of our Yang family." A knight ceremony.

Long Haochen understood the identity of the old man. He turned out to be the brother of the owner of Yang Yihan. It is very likely that he is still a brother. No wonder even Grandpa is very respectful to him. I am rushing to pay tribute.

Yang Haoyu looked at Long Haochen with his eyes fixed. "I have heard you from the vast expanse and Tianyin. You are very good, more than your grandfather and father. But, after all, you are too young. The Knights Templar did not admit defeat. Knight. I want to recognize everything about you, then, very simple, beat me. Please --"

As he said, the old knight shouted, and behind the golden light, two turns together, and quickly split to the sides, a golden light cloud was drilled out of the crack, covering Yang Haoyu. I saw Yang Haoyu's body, a layer of golden light spread instantly, and in a flash, a golden armor had already covered him, and a double sword was found out of his hands. The fierce momentum turned into a tangible, golden light shining around, making Long Haochen feel like he was in the starry sky, and there is a powerful beast in this starry sky, opening his mouth to swallow him.

Seeing this scene, the magic temple rest area, Li Zhengzhi suddenly changed his face and lost his voice: "It is him. It turned out that he came. It is no wonder that the Knights' Temple even Long Xingyu has not been dispatched. He is not close to death. Is it year?"

Although Tan Maru lost the previous game, but because this round has not ended, she is still in the rest area of ​​the Magic Temple, and she can't help but curiously ask: "Teacher, who is this person? Is it better than the God of the Knights?" Still amazing?"

Li Zhengzhi always looks like a smile, even if he was selected for the Dragon Seal, he looks as usual. And the knight in front of him can make him change color, obviously there is a very unusual place.

Li Zhengzhi's look gradually returned to normal, Shen Sheng said: "In a sense, he is the strongest in the Knights' Temple. If he can get the recognition of the Throne of God, he may become the six The true leader of the temple, the Temple Alliance will not be as loose as it is now."

"Ah?" Tan Maru was shocked. She had never heard the teacher have such a high evaluation of a person, and he was still a knight. Even for Long Haochen, Li Zhengzhi has reservations and thinks that he is too young.

Li Zhengzhi said: "His name is Yang Haoyu, which can be said to be a legendary figure. Yang Menghan, the singer of the sacred alliance, is his younger brother. In a sense, Yang Yihan can also be regarded as his disciple, so you can think of him. How strong is it."

"He is nearly 30 years older than Yang Yuhan. When he became famous, Yang Xiaohan just joined the Knights Templar. Yang Haoyu's talent is extremely high, and his character is strong. He was once known as the knight who has the most kingly spirit. He is also a disciplinary knight. It is said that the only one of the Knights' Temples, now the disciplinary **** of the Knights, is based on his disciplinary knights.

"Yang Haoyu never used any weapons and equipment, because he has a very special World of Warcraft, called the Starry Sky. In a sense, this kind of Warcraft has been separated from the scope of Warcraft. It belongs to the existence of the super nine-order. It can be For any form, and assist Yang Haoyu in cultivation. In the process of cultivation, he can also help him absorb the power of the sun, the moon and the stars. According to the generation, he is my elder, I don't know when he broke through the ninth order, but He once had an unprecedented feat in the Knights' Templar. He refused to be a Knight of God."

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