Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 245: The domain of light **** VS star field (below)

Ling Dan. The golden light of the group is the panacea of ​​Chen Zi, who can't easily display his own field, otherwise it will affect other people in the big trials. Therefore, he can only use his own spirit to stabilize the defense of the large trial field.

In the large trial field, after the explosion of the star, Long Haochen and the holy unicorn were suddenly blown up and flew out. In the air, Long Haochen had already spurted a blood. His field of light gods was almost broken in the violent shock.

This explosive power is really terrible. Is this the power of the field?

Long Haochen’s own spiritual power is as high as 290,000. Together with the increase of the fine gold base trench and the increase of the sacred light of the holy unicorn, the total spiritual power of the mobilization has exceeded 400,000. Although he does not have the level of the ninth and fourth levels, but the spiritual power of mobilization is a lot!

However, in the face of this bombing, he has a horrible feeling of being deprived of seven hexagrams. It is not only his body, but even his soul. Is this the starry spirits?

At this time, Long Haochen, his heart was full of strong Zhensong, and he did not expect that Yang Haoyu’s field was so strong.

In the confrontation with Yang Haoyu, because they are not familiar with each other, and the other is the strongest of the Knights' Temple, Long Haochen always maintains a tentative attitude.

This is why he chose to use the sun and the moon to connect hard when he was carrying the star attack for the first time instead of relying on the power of the field. The same is true at this time, he wants to really try to see how powerful the field technology can be.

It turns out that the horror of destructive power in the field is far above the curse. If the starlight exploded just now, there would be no shields from the sacred trials, and I am afraid that the entire holy city will suffer.

However, Long Haochen did not feel discouraged. On the contrary, in the face of tremendous pressure, what was in his body was awakened.

Taking a deep breath and stabilizing his body, Yang Haoyu, Long Haochen did not wipe the blood of his mouth, his eyes became more peaceful.

The field of light gods was once again oppressed to within ten meters of his body. Long Haochen took a deep breath and seemed to inhale all the light into the body.

The double sword in the hand slowly closes above the head. When the two swords meet, the faint blue light flashes, and then the blue light becomes seven colors and then turns into an incandescent color.

Double swords combined. At the beginning, he used the power of the two swords to make the demon **** also admire it. The combination of the two swords of this decision is only to manipulate his domain of light gods.

A strange white brilliance bursts out of his double swords, blending with the domain of light gods.

At this moment, Yang Haoyu’s face showed a shocking color for the first time. Because of the dragon’s field of light and god, the temperament changed.

Every field has its own temperament, such as the star field of Yang Haoyu. The temperament is mysterious and endless. The original temperament of Long Haochen’s Light God is vast and boundless. It is endless light, pure and soft.

At this moment, the temperament of the domain of light gods has undergone a wonderful change. The golden field has turned white, and the incandescent color has been softened after the short-term strength at the beginning. A kind of familiar atmosphere of Yang Haoyu appeared.

That is life, that is creation.

Yes, Long Haochen relied on the combination of two swords, which led to a state similar to evolution in the field of his own **** of light. The white field has a sense of life and prosperity.

This is the creation of life created by the fusion of light and water. The domain of the **** of light is to magnify this trait by hundreds of times and thousands of times to change its temperament.

Life and creation, this is the new meaning of the domain of light gods. Long Haochen’s eyes also turned into incandescent hands, holding the sword of life and creation, slowly pointing forward, and his domain of light gods re-expanded. Wherever he went, the star field was actually unable to resist the retreat.

Yang Haoyu waved his right hand. This time, the two stars flew toward the dragon.

Once the two stars explode, the power will definitely increase in geometric multiples.

The white light circulates, and the dragon god’s field of light and light suddenly spirals slowly, and a white light band stretches out. When the two stars come to the front of the light god, there are two light bands open, gently Bring those two stars into it. Wrapped in yourself. Yang Haoyu immediately discovered that he had lost contact with the two stars.

Starry spirits are to be detonated after being in contact with the opponent's ability. At the time of detonation, the explosive force will appear at the core of the opponent's ability. It is impossible to detonate in advance, when the stars are still in the star field, which is equivalent to attacking themselves. However, when he touched the dragon god's field of light gods, he lost contact and could not detonate. It was equivalent to his starry spirits being broken by Long Haochen.

At this moment, Yang Haoyu is already full of shock. He never imagined that Long Haochen was able to break his domain skills by virtue of the evolution of the field.

The training direction of Long Haochen is slightly different from that of the children. The direction of the children is more important than the development of the field. Because she inherits the power of the purification of death, the field skills can greatly enhance her attack power.

After Long Haochen merged the physical son of Electrolux, his whole person has completely become a part of the light. The true meaning of light is not killing and fighting, but the creation and life brought by light. Just because he found its true meaning, Long Haochen chose this way for himself. That is the road to domain evolution. At this time, what he exerted is the second form of the field of light gods, and it is also the evolutionary form.

Life and creation are inevitable and accidental for everything. Use this wonderful change and connection between inevitability and chance. This resolves some of the capabilities beyond the scope of light.

Starry spirits are indeed powerful, and Long Haochen can't stop it. However, through the domain of the evolved light god, he has the ability to interrupt the starry spirit. Even the star field was affected by the law of life and creation in the expansion of the light gods at this time and there was a slight collapse.

Yang Haoyu knows that he still underestimated the young man. His understanding of the field may not be profound enough, but he has the talent of being a great man. His knowledge of light has far exceeded himself. And he just integrated this cognition into the field, so that the field is complete.

Come to recommend tickets. The evening update will be three thousand words. Try to restore it today, and then it will be restored to more than 3,000 words per day... (to be continued)


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