Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 246: Haoyue, the possibility of eight heads (on)

Yang Haoyu is full of appreciation. He understands that as long as he gives the young man some time, he will definitely surpass himself.

"A good life and creation. Then let our field do the final confrontation." As he said, Yang Haoyu slowly raised his right hand and pointed to the air. His star field contracted for the first time, but during the contraction process. The stars are constantly released. The expansion speed of the dragon god's domain of light gods was suddenly greatly affected. Because even if it is only a starry spirit, it will have a great impact on him. Therefore, he can only slowly resolve the power of these stars.

Among the shrinking stars, more stars went to Yang Haoyu and settled in his golden armor.

His golden armor was originally gorgeous, but when the armor was set with the stars of a star, it became more and more embarrassing.

"The field is for me." Li Zhengzhi screamed and his eyes were full of stunned colors. He knows that he and Yang Haoyu still have an insurmountable gap.

Li Zhengzhi’s biggest advantage in this sacred temple is that he has broken through the ninth and fourth grades. His inner spiritual power has exceeded 400,000, not only that, but also has two powerful field skills.

However, when he saw the ability of Yang Haoyu to display at this time, he knew that he and the legendary starry sacred knight still had an insurmountable gap.

The field is me, this is the trait of the ninth-order five-level, and it is also the representative of the ninth-order powerhouse to enter a higher level.

At this moment, the field is Yang Haoyu, and Yang Haoyu is his domain. He has completely integrated the power of the field with himself. This has reached the realm of immortality.

Of course, it’s not really not dead, but it can reach the level of the field. Then, the life of the human strong can be extended to over 500 years old! This is what Chen Zi can't do, but it appears on Yang Haoyu.

Long Haochen’s domain of light gods gradually covered Yang Haoyu. Yang Haoyu's face reveals a faint smile, and his field has completely merged with himself. It is equivalent to being caught in the field of the light **** of Long Haochen.

A pair of swords, Yang Haoyu immediately appeared in front of a channel, even if the domain of the light **** that has completed the evolution is also split in front of his double sword, the double sword in his hand has become transparent at this time, and the body The same as the armor. The stars are twinkling, he is the endless night sky.

Crossing the cross, the strange starlight cross flew to the dragon's morning along the channel that he tore open, and the domain of the light **** could not be closed at all.

The speed of the Star Cross is very slow, but the huge pressure generated by it is actually a series of humming sounds from the oppressed dragon 皓 身上 body, and numerous cracks begin to appear on the fine gold base trench. Epic equipment has not been able to withstand the pressure of this level.

The sacred unicorn wings spread out, and the painful color appeared in the eyes. Under the great pressure, its head was oppressed and lowered, and the sacred light released by the unicorn became much weaker.

This sacred unicorn is naturally evolved from the promotion of the Dragon King with the repair of the dragon, and it has not yet belonged to its own field. In the confrontation between Xiaolong and Yang Haoyu, the role it can play has been suppressed to a minimum by the star field.

Yang Haoyu’s attack is already the pinnacle of his own field, and the field is compressed into skills. In this cross, it can be said that it contains thousands of stars and spirits. Even if the domain of light **** evolved into the realm of life and creation, it would not be possible to turn "a decade to provide a copy of Sima" to such a highly concentrated and powerful domain.

This is not the difference in the quality of the field, but the difference between the two sides.

In the sound of “叮一一”, Long Haochen chose to give up the fine gold base trench, and let it revert to the fine gold base and fall down, and then lift it, this piece of fine gold base is trembled. Will be ruined forever.

Without the protection of the armor, the situation of Long Haochen became more precarious. The tremendous pressure made the sword of life and creation that he held in his hands could not even fall.

This is the true strength of the Holy Knight of the Stars! It can be said that all the previous battles, Yang Haoyu is quite awkward to conduct a guiding war against Long Haochen, in order to enhance his experience in fighting against stronger players.

Yang Haoyu's starlight crossbow can be faster and directly blasted to Longchenchen, but he deliberately reduced his attack speed, but increased the pressure to the strongest.

The greater the pressure, the stronger the rebound. With the repair of Long Haochen, it is very difficult to let him withstand such pressure. Undoubtedly, Yang Haoyu is forcing Long Haochen to make a breakthrough by virtue of his own powerful strength. This experience will have indescribable benefits for his future.

In the face of devastating pressure, Long Haochen's body trembled slightly in the air, and the combined life and the creation of the sword exudes a sound of dragons and sorrows.

The Starlight Cross is getting closer and closer to Long Haochen, but he still can't make effective obstacles, and even the changes in movement can't be done.

Yang Haoyu sighed in his heart and secretly thought, is it that my request for this child is too high? He is less than 30 years old, and he can already complete a field evolution, and what is he to be forced?

Under tremendous pressure, Long Haochen's mouth and nose have begun to have **** oozing, and if he continues, he will be in danger.

Just when Yang Haoyu wanted to end the attack, suddenly he saw the eyes of Long Haochen.

The golden eyes are still clear, and under such pressure, his emotions are still calm. Even in the eyes, there is a bit of softness, and the softness contains a perseverance.

He did not give up! This is Yang Haoyu's first reaction, and at this moment, he saw a layer of purple in the eyes of Long Haochen, and the brilliance of purple gold almost instantly erupted from his eyes. In the middle of the forehead, nine purple light patterns appear quietly.

Like the tsunami-like purple gold halo, it expands from the back of the dragon, and after the evolution, the white light gods instantly turn into purple gold.

The breath of life and creation has disappeared, and replaced by a sense of supreme majesty and endless destruction.

In an instant, the temperament of Long Haochen changed, unchanged, only the soft and calm eyes.

A huge illusion emerges from behind the dragon's morning, not the goddess of light. When he absorbs the essence of Electrolux's son, he can no longer perform the gods, because his own spiritual quality It is already a **** of light, and it is the same level as the goddess of light.

This huge phantom is purple, crystal clear purple, six huge heads high, on both sides of the six skulls, and each has a huge raised mouth that is almost flush with the six heads. .

The huge body gradually became solid by the illusion, and the huge wings spread out, covering the dragon's purple-colored light gods and the unparalleled elegance and majesty.

Yes, it is coming. When the dragons face heavy pressure, almost life and death, the call of blood makes it come.

"吼" screamed in the sky and screamed behind the dragon.

The thick purple blooms and turns into a purple purple halo to blow away to Yang Haoyu. An astonishing scene appeared, where the purple light passed, everything in the morning of the dragon became purple gold, and the starlight cross was stagnant in the air. It is shocking to see that no matter whether it is the starlight cross or the channel that Yang Haoyu tears open, in the purple light spread, countless stars are engraved away. . .

Yang Haoyu's double swords have changed, and a starlight has been intertwined into a magnificent star map in the air. However, in front of the purple halo, it seems to have no effect. The star map is directly blown away, and when the purple light acts on Yang Haoyu. At that time, his body trembled fiercely, and a group of illusory light clouds were forcibly removed from him and floated backwards.

The sword of life and creation in the hands of Long Haochen finally fell, squatting on the cross of the star of the star, the crisp sound of the broken sound, and the cross broke open. Long Haochen was under the traction of the air machine, and the void stepped out. The huge light and shadow behind him suddenly became like a Heiner River and integrated into his body, turning into a magnificent purple gold armor.

But this purple gold is too overbearing. When it swept through Long Haochen, it was hard to shake the holy unicorn.

It is also strange to say that in the face of this situation, the Holy Unicorn has no meaning of half-revolt, and the colorful six-pointed star disappears quietly. If someone pays attention, they will find that "a decade of providing a copy of Sima", when the huge purple figure appeared, as an ancient sacred unicorn, the eyes are full of fear.

Contrary to Long Haochen wearing a magnificent purple gold armor, Yang Haoyu’s star-shaped armor and the double sword in his hand disappeared. Just the roar, a burst of purple halo, forcibly stripped off his connection with the starlight beast.

At this time, Yang Haoyu has become a discolored, secondary evolution, and he has completed the secondary evolution of the field. This is impossible. As a 9th-order 5th-level powerhouse, he can't do this! It is possible to complete at least nine levels and six levels, or even nine levels and seven levels.

He felt the tremor of his partner, and the purple halo turned the star-light beast of the first beast under the starry sky in battle, in fear. Since the conclusion of the contract with the starry beast, Yang Haoyu has encountered this situation for the first time.

Long Haochen has been suppressed since the beginning of this game. The pressure suddenly became light, and under the traction of the air machine, he launched the attack almost subconsciously.

The update in the morning is wrong. It is not to restore three thousand words per day. It is three thousand words per chapter, and one is sweaty.

Unless it is the third time, there will be no more single chapter 2000 words.

I will start tomorrow to attend the starting pen meeting. However, the third child will certainly stabilize the update at more than 6,000 words, and once again sincerely thank each and every brother and sister for their support.

Well, the recommended ticket is not a few more chapters, we have declined in the recommended list. I hope this month will be the glorious month of our gods. (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.) (To be continued )


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