Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 246: Haoyue, the possibility of eight heads (middle)

At this time, the domain of the **** of light is in a special state. In fact, it is not a secondary evolution. It is like a dragon, and it is covered with a layer of hyperthyroidism. This hyperthyroidism is the power of the moon. The purple figure with six big heads, is it that it has been disappeared for five years, almost because of the death of Long Hao morning war?

The thick purple halo is the blood of the moon!

More than four years have passed, and Long Haochen’s cultivation has been upgraded to the ninth and second grades, and Haoyue has made great progress. Its body size has increased further, and its body length has now exceeded 30 meters. The whole body is covered with crystal clear crystals of amethyst. But in fact, its repair is nothing more than the eighth-order peak. It is only the evaluation of Haoyue, naturally it cannot be assessed by simple equal order.

The two huge bulges seem to be able to evolve into heads again. The six-headed moon has reached the eighth-order peak. If it can make two more heads and reach eight heads, what level will it be? Lianlong Haochen couldn’t think of it himself. At the same time, because the potential embodied in Haoyue is getting stronger and stronger, Long Haochen is more and more curious about its origins.

Incorporating the blood of Haoyue, the blood of the dragon that Long Haochen himself has was also stimulated. The domain of the **** of light is more noble and majestic in its own peace. Beyond life and creation, it is covered with a layer of destruction and destruction. This is two extremes, but it is the perfect combination of the powerful blood of the moon.

Haoyue is certainly not as strong as Long Haochen, but the level of its blood force can even make the starry beasts separate from Yang Haoyu because they cannot bear it. It is equivalent to breaking the star field of Yang Haoyu.

Under this sneak, the attack of Long Haochen has also been enhanced to the strongest.

The eternal heart beats vigorously, the purple-golden sword spurs an unprecedented brilliance, and the sturdy sword intention brings a leisurely purple gold light in the air. At this moment, the sword soul and the sword are merged into one, and the rebound after the oppression , so that the realm of Long Haochen is instantly improved.

However, Yang Haoyu must have been separated from him by Yang Haoyu's starry beast. It was re-covered on him. However, the promotion of the star field has been weakened. In the face of Long Haochen, this is like an antelope hanging corner, but it is full of heaven and earth. He shouted, and the swords in his hands followed a mysterious trajectory. The stars and the stars returned to each other and collided with a sword from the dragon.

Their collision does not matter, the Chen Zi on the Knights’ Chapel VIP table is a big change. When the body flashed, I went to the top of the shield and screamed. "Everyone works hard to support the shield."

The rise of the two players in the shield is the collision of the two people who have gone all out to the level of the ordinary field. But they seem to have forgotten that this is a game and it is in the trial of the Holy League! Their collision at this level is no longer supported by the protective cover of the artifact. Once the protective cover is broken, I am afraid that the entire holy city will be affected, so many people outside. It’s really going to break out, it’s an unprecedented disaster.

Chen Zi has not stopped them because he and Yang Haoyu are very familiar with each other, knowing that his cultivation is strong, and he is also a very measured person.

But who knows, Long Haochen suddenly summoned a Warcraft and his own unity, and actually forced Yang Haoyu and the starry beast. This has inspired Yang Haoyu's strong heart. The result is the collision of the strongest blow. If this broke out, even if it was the six high-level temples on the scene, I am afraid that few of them below the ninth order can survive.

As the chief referee, how can he let this happen? Hurry and ask for help immediately, the shield is the only way to unite the strength of all people.

Hearing the sound of Chen’s screaming, the top six priests acted almost without hesitation. Li Zhengzhi was the first to save, his hands pressed on the protective cover, and the spiritual power was fully injected.

This shield is amazing, in addition to being able to inject the spirit through the array, it can also be directly in contact with the shield. It just does not have the effect of increasing the amplitude of the injection method.

The temple is a competition between the strongest members of the Temple Alliance. What happened before. Strengthening the defensive power of the shield like this has also appeared in the past temples. For example, the son of the reincarnation of the year, almost shredded the shield.

Although the cover of the St. Mengda Trial Square covers a large area, it is said that the people are more powerful, and there are six top temples in the presence. Under the concerted efforts of all, the protective cover is enhanced to an instant. Extremely high.

The shock of the mountain shakes suddenly broke out at this moment. The inside of the protective cover has become a radiance. The body shape of Long Haochen and Yang Haoyu is completely submerged in the magnificent brilliance. The violent shock has been implicated in the entire holy city, just like an earthquake.

The hood was subjected to a strong impact, as some of the people who maintained the hood were flying from the spectator area and repaired below the eighth order. Under this huge shock, they were driven by the baby. The colorful light of the entire shield is flashing in the kitchen. Anyone can feel that there is a terrible power in this shield. Once it breaks out, it is devastating.

The shield is able to withstand the impact of the spiritual power, but the bottom of it can not directly enter the increased defense, at this time, the bottom has cracked. As a result, the entire sacred trial field swayed violently, and the top was already showing signs of cracking.

At this moment, suddenly, a colorful golden light appeared in the air in an instant, and the golden light was enlarged in the wind. In the blink of an eye, the top of the trial base of the sacred league was broken, and then slowly fell, covering the entire large trial field. Inside.

The shaking of the Holy City was finally stopped, but the Trinity Grand Trial was also largely destroyed by the support of Golden Light, and the top disappeared.

It is a pagoda, glittering and shining. On the pagoda, there are countless complicated golden magic lines, shining with colorful luster. The tower is divided into seven floors. At this time, the size of the tower is exactly the same as the person who maintains the protective cover in the sacred trial field and the entire shield. When it landed on the ground, the horror of the mountain was finally maintained.

Outside the trials of the sacred alliance, it has already been a mess, and all the magic crystal screens that have been broadcast have been turned into powder. The people have had some panic in the shock. Fortunately, the horrible power that turned like a dragon has only returned to normal after a short period of time.

Seeing that the huge tower that broke out in the test camp of the Holy League was broken, people’s exclamations came one after another.

The children were quietly suspended in the air, and the right hand stretched out in front of the body, palm up.

There is no doubt that this is the Aion Tower.

The Aion is now completely different from the original, with a lot less magic, but it has become a real artifact. Although it is not a super-artifact level, it has the ability to shuttle through space and has a strong defense. Before the undead natural disaster Electrolux purification, it has been recognized as the main. Now it is a powerful artifact that has the ability to attack and defend, and even has the ability to trace space.

The Tower of Eternity radiated a slight humming sound, which lasted for almost a quarter of an hour before it gradually calmed down. At the chest of the children, the golden light flashed, and the right hand went to the Aion.

The Tower of Eternity first flew up 20 meters, then quickly shrank and fell towards the hand of the picker. Eventually turned into a seven-inch high, delicate gold Linglong pagoda fell in her palm.

When the child's wrist was turned over, the eternal melody in the chest was shining again, and the eternal tower turned into a stream of light disappearing. Her gaze could not be seen in the big trial field.

At this time, the large trial site has calmed down, and the shields have not been broken. The top six temples that maintain the shields have also returned, and many people look at the children. If there is no town pressure on the Aion, there will not be a real danger to the holy city, but the situation like the earth dragon turning over will definitely cause great confusion in the holy city.

In the day trial, the ground is like being plowed, and the entire ground is rolled. Long Yuchen and Yang Haoyu are at the two ends.

Long Haochen fell on the ground and supported his body with two separate epise. His face looked pale and his mouth had a trace of blood, but he could clearly see that the golden light was shining on his chest. That is a sign of the eternal heart beating. A large number of light elements are recovering at a rapid rate.

Although Yang Haoyu is still suspended in the air, it looks a little embarrassed, his hair is scattered, and his starry armor has disappeared.

Chen Zi slightly breathed a little, and he paid the most to maintain the protective cover. The two people watching the scene could not help but be speechless.

"I lost." Long Haochen and Yang Haoyu almost looked at each other, almost in unison.

"Well?" Chen looked at them with some doubts.

Not waiting for the opening of Long Haochen, Yang Haoyu has said with a deep voice: "Although in the previous competition, I have a slight advantage. But your spiritual power is faster than me. You can also re-call the Holy Unicorn to help out and continue fighting. Going on, you are more likely to win. Needless to say, I admit defeat."

After that, his body shape flashed, he has taken the lead in addition to the protective cover.

In the eyes of Long Haochen, there is a grateful color. He knows that Yang Haoyu is deliberately giving in. It is actually him who loses. His potential can be said to have been squeezed out by Yang Haoyu. If Yang Haoyu went all out to attack, he would have lost. Even in the last collision, Yang Haoyu took the upper hand. If he wants to kill himself, then he can only bring him serious injuries.

I am going to the airport soon. Oh, the update will never be less! Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. (To be continued)


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