Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 249: Beast God Warfare (below)

The twenty-fourth chapter of the beast **** war gods (below)

However, Chen Yinger can not kill, this is the temple than the ratio, not life and death! Therefore, in a sense, Chen Yinger is fully utilizing the rules. ""

Therefore, he can't attack Chen Yinger now. The summoner's body is fragile. Li Zhengzhi is really afraid that he will accidentally kill this genius girl. But don't kill Chen Yinger, these Warcraft will not be confused, continue to besiege, and even if they can kill most of them, I am afraid they will be killed.

Moreover, the summoning magic has been completed, although the thirty-six light doors have also closed and disappeared. But these Warcraft will not return to their original place unless Chen Yinger is willing.

Only kill them all to end this battle.

With an accurate judgment, Li Zhengzhi no longer hesitated. Hands in front of each other, pinched a discovery, two infiltrating green light shines from his eyes.

The crazy idea rose rapidly on Li Zhengzhi, and the speed of the technical winds derived from the Fengshen field suddenly slowed down. The body that Fengshen summoned quickly returned to Li Zhengzhi, and he was shrouded in him, then slowly narrowed down and integrated into Li Zhengzhi.

At this time, Li Zhengzhi, the whole body showed a dazzling blue color. With a right hand, a wind blade that looks like only the size of the palm has quietly flew out. The wind blade looked a bit unstable, with a clear blue-green airflow flowing over it. In a flash, it fell on a nine-order Warcraft. At this time, the speed of these nine-order Warcraft was affected by the slowdown of the hurricane, and it became slower, just like being trapped in a quagmire. Even so, a wind blade for a nine-order Warcraft, what is the difference between it and tickling?

However, the next moment, Li Zhengzhi let everyone witness the power of his second field skills.

The sound of "噗" sounded softly, and the blue wind blade was so lightly immersed in the body of the 9th-order Warcraft. Just a second later, the 9th-order Warcraft turned out to be completely blue and blue, with a strange look in the eyes. Suddenly bursting open, even the flesh and blood splash did not appear, so it turned into a few breeze disappeared. The latest chapter of the church

this is……

Chen Yinger’s eyes widened because she did not understand how Li Zhengzhi did it.

Just as she was shocked, Li Zhengzhi flicked with both hands, and the same wind blade as before was flying out.

The result is exactly the same. Wherever these wind blades pass, there is no one that the 9th-order Warcraft can withstand. It was turned into a breeze in the blink of an eye, and there was no bone.

Long Haochen’s eyes are full of dignity, and he has gradually seen the mystery of Li Zhengzhi’s second field skill.

The true meaning of the wind, he has mastered the true meaning of the wind.

What is the true meaning of the wind? It is freedom. He is the ultimate in the freedom of the wind, and thus derived into the second field of technology.

Yes, Li Zhengzhi’s name in this second field is called freedom!

More than 30 nine-order Warcraft, dissipated in this free wind. When the last Warcraft dissipated, Li Zhengzhi’s body swayed, but his eyes were still concise.

A scream of screaming, Chen Sak's arms in the arms suddenly leaped, and the body instantly became bigger in the air. When it landed, many people could not help but cast their eyes on Chen Hongyu.

Because, the Macao of the McDull, it is exactly the life of Chen Hongyu's life, four Chimera.

"Hey--" four breaths spurt, went straight to the field of Fengshen bombardment. McDull is only a change after all. Compared with the real four-headed Chimera, there is still a gap between them. Therefore, these four breaths cannot be merged, and they can only fight each other.

But even so, it is a 9th-order attack. ("")

However, the field of Fengshen in the field of technical skills is indeed strong, and four breaths enter it, and immediately swept by the hurricane, first slow down, and then, it was decomposed by the hurricane and turned into invisible.

Li Zhengzhi raised his hand and it was a wind blade that condensed in the palm of his hand. A faint confession to Chen Yinger: "I don't want your life to summon the beast to die, just admit defeat."

Looking at Li Zhengzhi's cold eyes, Chen Yinger slowly stood up and snorted, saying: "If you can't use equipment, you may not be able to win me."

Li Zhengzhi smiled lightly but did not say anything. He is an elder and will never tell Chen Yinger that my equipment is not weaker than you.

The blue wind blade flew up in his hand and went straight to McDull.

Chen Yinger was shocked. Before that, the nine-order World of Warcraft died under this seemingly ordinary wind blade. She really dared not use the life of McDull to gamble. Hurry and yell, "I lost."

The wind blade dissipated in the air, and Li Zhengzhi’s field was instantly recovered. His face was obviously pale, but the pace of going down was still stable.

Chen Yinger was tired and returned to her friends, holding a small mouth, apparently not satisfied with her own results.

"Boss, you said that if I use the elite soldiers, will it be more likely to win?" Chen Yinger asked Long Haochen.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: "Don't be upset. Li Dianzhu's repair is really strong, Sakura has done a good job for you." Although he does not know how much Li Zhengzhi really consumed, but with the field with two The consumption of large-scale technology continues to be exerted, and this consumption is absolutely not small. At least before the start of the next round of competition, Li Zhengzhi is unlikely to return to its best.

The morning light of the hunter was once again eliminated, but Chen Yinger’s performance did not think she lost. That is thirty-six nine-order Warcraft! It is more than enough to fight against the Devils. The summoner has been cultivated to such an extent that it cannot be described by simple peaks.

The light flashed again, this time, it fell on Lin Xin. His opponent is a knight.

Although the most powerful Yang Haoyu and Longtianyin of the Knights' Temple have been eliminated, there are still two people entering the fifth round, which shows the strength of these two knights. What Lin Xin is about to face is a nine-level holy knight with a field.

When I walked into the venue, Lin Xin’s look immediately became dignified. He knew that the biggest test he had to face after the beginning of the temple was coming. Whether you can beat your opponent, you must do your best to reduce the strength of your opponents. Although this opponent is the Knight's Temple. However, among the six people in this round of promotion, it is very likely that three of them will be able to qualify. Therefore, now weakening the strength of the opponent is equivalent to laying a good foundation for the partners to fight next. Of course, if you can beat your opponent, then it would be better.

The Holy Knight is very old and must be white. It seems that the age is at least not less than the Dragon Seal.

In the face of Lin Xin, he did not call his own mount for the first time. His left hand was lifted, and a golden light shield was already in control.

This holy knight is a guardian knight. It looks like a tepid one. Facing this opponent, Lin Xin suddenly felt a bit strange because he was surprised to find out. The temple has been carried out in so many rounds than the individual game. The holy knight should also be able to get through this step, but there is no impression in his heart.

So low-key, but can go to the front of this step, what does this mean? The guardian knight was not good at heads-up! The bottom line, this is the foundation of the Knights' Temple! There was Yang Haoyu before, and now there is this quiet and low-key powerful guardian knight. The Knights Templar has been the first temple in the league for many years. I am afraid that this time, even if they don’t have the light of the morning, the magical temple is difficult to completely overwhelm the Knights’ Temple. This is still the case when the three great Indian knights only came one.

In the past few years, the Magic Temple has been infinitely beautiful. Especially after the holy war, because of its own loss, the achievements on the battlefield are even greater. The limelight of the Magic Temple has completely overshadowed the Knights Templar. However, in the battle of the Temple, the foundation of the Knights' Temple was fully revealed in the battle of the six temples. If it weren't for the presence of the Light Hunting Demon, there are now 80% of the Knights' Temples that are likely to lead.

In the eyes of Lin Xin, the blue light flashed, and a pair of huge fire wings stretched out behind the back. His wing is very different from ordinary magicians. The first is big.

The size and strength of the wing are directly linked. In addition to the special multi-wings of Long Haochen, in general, the larger the wing, the stronger it is.

Ke Lin Xin just broke through the ninth order, but his wing is big, but he knows that he can compare with the wind wing of Li Zhengzhi, the master of the magic temple.

The huge wings stretched out, ten meters away, and opened behind him, like raising two walls of fire. Moreover, the shining flame on Lin Xin's wing is the blue of the heart.

With the improvement of cultivation, after breaking through the ninth stage, his blue heart of flames has a more intoxicating beauty. Along with the rhythm of the spiritual wing, the depth of the blue changes constantly, just like the most clear sea facing the sea.

Lin Xin's hands were in front of him, his eyes flashed, his right hand lifted, and a fire blade launched a tentative attack toward the holy knight.

"Oh--" The blue fire lingers, and the holy knight stands in the same place. The blazing flame ran through his shield, but it did not stain him half a point, nor did he invade his condensed shield.

This first attack is just a prelude to a full-blown explosion. As the fire magician, the strongest part is the explosiveness of the attack. It can be said that this game is a powerful spear facing a solid shield.

Lin Xin did not hesitate to launch a full-scale attack, only to see his hands flying, a blue fire blade like a blue lightning flying to the Holy Knight.


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