Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 250: wisdom! Bloody female war **** (on)

Chapter 250—Wisdom! Bloody female war **** (on)

The Holy Knight is a little step on the left foot and makes a small lunge. Let Lin Xin attack it. The shields in his hands are high and low, blocking the flames of the heart. (the church)

You should know that Lin Xin’s current heart attack is the spirit level, but it has not caused any harm to him. It has long meant that this holy knight must have unique features in defense.

It can be seen that at the foot of the Holy Knight, a ring of gold that is not conspicuous is released, and the aura is only slightly rhythmic around the diameter of five meters around his body.

When the golden halo is approaching his feet, the color will change slightly. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it. It is a strange golden color, with a colorful mixed golden light.

In the field, this is the field owned by the Holy Knight. His field is so inconspicuous that he has fought so many games. Although some people have said that he has broken the domain he has, there are not many people who really remember him.

If you want to describe the holy knight in one of the simplest sentences, then the three words are as good as the mountains.

Let me attack how powerful, I am self-defense, not moving.

Lin Xin does not know what the role of the opponent's field is, but his powerful aggressive heart flame is unable to invade each other's shield.

He also tried to let the heart blaze the flames to attack, but the shields of others can cast shield walls!

Lin Xin’s attack is good-looking. The blue sky flies and the target is concentrated, just like the magical cannon is shooting the same target.

The coffin is very spiritual, and Lin Xin's magical use is characterized by rapid attack and violent attack. The sacred church has a certain gap compared with the curse. It's easy to hit the opponent with a surprise, but if his attack encounters this kind of defensive opponent, it will be difficult.

Although Lin Xin does not know the exact speed of spiritual consumption of the opponent, it can be seen from the possession of the other party that the opponent's spiritual power is enough to be 200,000.

This is more detrimental to him.

How to do? Lin Xin’s heart suddenly stopped the attack.

Losing the impact of the heart and the flame, the holy knight on the opposite side only felt that the body was light, and here, Lin Xin was a blue flame, apparently recovering the power of consumption.

Battlefield recovery? The Holy Knight can't help but feel a little sad and sad. Does this kid think that I really have no attack ability? How do I say it is also a 9th-order knight!

The right hand of the Holy Knight was lifted up. In the low humming sound, a light magic gradually formed.

However, the guardian knight is a guardian knight after all, and when the attacking skill is applied, the speed cannot be compared with the disciplinary knight. Seeing, the light of a judgment gradually formed in the singing of the Holy Knight. Suddenly, a blue light flew over and bombarded his shield. Not only that, but another blue light drawn an arc from the back and attacked the back of the holy knight.

Although it seems that the Holy Knight is not difficult to resist, in fact, Lin Xin's magical attack power of the coffin level is quite scary. Is it so easy to resist? He did not even dare to let Lin Xin’s spirit fall on himself.

In desperation, the Holy Knight can only interrupt the light of judgment, and a shield wall protects the body.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xin could not help but reveal a faint smile. Everyone has a direction that they are good at, and the same, naturally, has the weakness of their own.

The sacred knight's defensive power is absolutely strong, even more than when Long Haochen is not using the field of light gods. (Church) However, his attack is its shortcoming.

With this understanding, Lin Xin also came up with countermeasures. The previous storm-like attack has slowed down. It is almost every second or so that a heart fire will be emitted.

His purpose is simple, that is, to keep the opponent to maintain the coffin shield, but he does not let his attack speed too fast. In this way, his own consumption will be greatly reduced. With a huge pair of fire wings, the speed of restoring spiritual power is naturally faster than the opponent. This changed from an offensive and defensive war to a war of attrition.

The field name of the Holy Knight is called the 罡 domain, but he himself studied it. This holy knight is a peaceful, best at defense. Therefore, his cultivation direction has always been based on defense. He used to be a hunter, but he was not the head of the team. Although his strength was strong enough, his character was too slow. There are not many means in terms of attacks. Also not very willing to study attacks. In the first few games of the temple, either the opponent’s strength is far from him, or he is exhausted by his exhaustion.

The biggest feature of his domain is that it can strengthen the coffin while greatly reducing the consumption of the coffin. Let the spirits that they perform can reach the technical level in the strongest state of defense.

Inside the Knights Templar, the Holy Knight has the strongest shield. He has an own epic shield. In the holy war, there have been many battles, facing the dead spirit demon Samikina and the bear devil Waffle. With a strong defense, there is no way for these two devils to take him. For the Knights Templar, he made a great contribution to the jihad. Coupled with his gentle personality, his popularity in the Knights' Templar is excellent, and several Knights of the Knights are in an equal position.

Seeing that Lin Xin used this kind of almost sloppy way to deal with himself, the Holy Knight could not help but laugh, but Lin Xin’s cultivation was really not enough to defeat him. The reason why he did not call the mount was that he was afraid that the mount could not be resisted by Lin Xin’s attack. After all, this kind of heart-wrenching spirit is also a terrible attack.

Holding the shield, the Holy Knight began to think about Lin Xin's charge. His speed does not look fast, but it is extremely calm. As soon as he moved, Lin Xin moved and tried to continue to open the distance between the two sides. However, Lin Xin was surprised to find that the Holy Knight constantly changed his direction in the process of moving forward. He always faced Lin Xin positively. Soon, the distance between the two people was close to 100 meters. .

At this time, the Holy Knight suddenly stopped his footsteps, and the shield was removed a little, revealing his face and smiling gently to Lin Xin. The next moment, a white light is already coming out of the electric light, and instantly falls on Lin Xin.

Lin Xin almost screamed, the holy spirit furnace...

He did not count on the fact that the old man actually had a big killer like the St. Traction, pulling. The two major abilities simultaneously work on Lin Xin.

The Holy Spiriting Furnace has apparently been cultivated to the highest level by the Holy Knight. With his strong defense, how can there be no St. Only the St. Primer is paired with his coffin, and he is the strongest defender on the battlefield.

Lin Xin is not as good as a holy knight in repairing, only to see that he has been pulled a little bit. Even if the Holy Knight is no longer good at melee, in the face-to-face hard touch, it is not a magician he can fight against!

The purpose of the St. Inspiring Furnace is not to pull him to defeat, but to force him to attack with all his strength! This is also the reason why the Holy Knight smiled at Lin Xin.

"Fight." The game went here, Lin Xin knew that he was almost impossible to win. At this moment, there is also a strange feeling in his heart.

All along, he feels that his attack power is quite weak. As a fire magician, in addition to his own high explosion, he also has a strong increase in heart flame. However, now he understands that when he encounters a real strongman, his attack power is not enough. In addition to trying to cultivate the field, it seems that we have to work harder on magic.

Lin Xin, who was constantly sucking and pulling in the air, suddenly paused, and a bright Fengming sounded on his chest. Then Lin Xin’s body disappeared. His huge blue fire wing again magnified a few points, and in a flash, turned into a huge blue fire phoenix in the air, and went straight to the holy knight.

The sacred knight saw a glimpse of his heart. He was surprised to find that the blaze was not only outside, but even in the depths of the blue phoenix.

A strong flame.

I don't have time to think about it, the 罡 domain opens to the strongest degree, the lunge, the shield wall, the gods block!

Seeing, the blue-fired phoenix will hit the shield wall. Suddenly, the huge phoenix has nearly doubled in size, and the heart-wrenching flame that was originally outside the body has been retracted, making it look like it again. An energy body, but like an entity.


The Blue Fire Phoenix finally collided with the Shield Wall, and a horrible scene appeared. At the moment of the collision, the shield wall of the Holy Knight completely turned blue. It is exactly the same blue as the heart.

In the fierce roar, the body of the Holy Knight retreated, so he panned on the ground.

The roar is not just a sound, but a series of sounds, "Boom, Boom, Boom--" as the thunder of the thunder is as deafening.

Every roaring sound appeared, and the shield wall of the Holy Knight would accelerate back. When the ninth roaring sounded, he was forced to the edge of the field and backed by the protective cover.

The shield wall is made of a condensate, and it has a strong defense force under the action of the scorpion. However, if you look closely, you will find that the current shield wall is actually dripping down the liquid. That liquid is clearly spiritual! The color of the dripping liquid is also blue. It can be clearly seen that the shield wall under the increase of the field is now becoming more and more slender, faintly transparent, and even able to see the outline of the holy knight.


On Monday, the third child has returned from Lijiang. In order to reward everyone's support, today's three more, I ask the book friends to keep our gods in the first place on the monthly ticket list!


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