Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 250: wisdom! Bloody female war **** (below)


No outsider knows that in the morning of the light, the real magical repair to reach the ninth-order second level has only the dragons and the children.

Although Chen Yinger and Wang Yuanyuan also have their own fields, they are actually nine-level one-level cultivation. Their fields are all enlightened by more than four years of deep meditation. This is already creating a miracle. But behind the miracle, the lack of cultivation is also obvious.

Otherwise, Chen Yinger may not lose to Li Zhengzhi. At least it will bring more trouble to Li Zhengzhi.

The temple can not use any equipment, and the inferiority of the light morning hunter demon is naturally revealed.

Therefore, when Wang Yuanyuan came up, he took a different approach. I chose another way of fighting. She stood there and did not move. In fact, her mind and heart were always fighting. She is looking for the flaws of her opponents and winning.

The powerful space field began to compress the living space of Wang Yuanyuan. Space cracks in the field are becoming more and more. Looking from the outside of the protective cover, there are at least tens of thousands of space cracks in the large trial site! It seems that anything in it will be smashed in an instant.

How to do? How will Wang Yuanyuan choose? Many people have the same problem in their hearts.

Finally, the first space crack contacted Wang Yuanyuan's blood. "嘶啦", like the ice water hit a red hot iron, Wang Yuanyuan's blood violently surging, the space crack suddenly disappeared. But if you look closely, you will find that the crack in the space is also hard to tear off a trace of blood in her blood.

This is only the beginning, with the first space crack collision, more space cracks attacked Wang Yuan.

"嘶啦" sounds constantly. The cracks in the space will disappear quickly after contact with the blood, but it can also be seen that Wang Yuanyuan's blood is in dire volatility and the power is decreasing.

People are a combination of magic and field, and she is only passive domain defense. In contrast, the judge is high.

The collision between the two sides continues, at this time, among the spectators. A lot of people are shaking their heads. Even Li Zhengzhi’s face showed a smile, and said to himself: “Is this little girl looking for flaws? How can she find it? The old field is known for its ever-changing. There is no law at all. Little Shantou wants to attack by the explosive power of his own field, and it will only get deeper and deeper."

Li Zhengzhi couldn't help but feel good when he thought that there would be another strong magical temple in the final six. His spiritual power is also recovering quickly. If the fifth round of the game is delayed for a longer period of time, wait until the next round, maybe he can really recover all the power. However, because of the previous two areas of technology. There is a loss of his strength. therefore. It is a bit difficult to get back to the best.

Time passed by, and Wang Yuanyuan’s blood area was really strong, under the attack of mixed magic in the opponent space. Still stubbornly supported. At least a few thousand space cracks disappeared under her blood.

The child sighed and said: "I might not find the flaw of the opponent. The magician is very careful. You see, his field is attacking. It is a constant change attack. Moreover, the density of space cracks is getting bigger and bigger. If the original originates an impact, it is likely to become more trapped. The old magician is too embarrassed, and when he discovers the original idea, he immediately responds. This consumes, the original insists Not too long."

Long Haochen took the hand of the picking child and said: "Trust her, the original is not only persistent, but also clever. Among us. Her talent is actually the lowest, but the achievements are still extraordinary. The repair of the 9th and 2nd grades has its own field. This comes from her intelligence and understanding."

Speaking of this, Long Haochen can't help but think of his former teacher, Night Shura. He has not seen a teacher for many years. I don't know where I was sent by the Knights Templar. Long Haochen once asked Grandpa, but Long Tianyin was ashamed, just told him that Nighthua is carrying out a very important task. and so. Long Haochen has never had the opportunity to thank Shi En.

In the field, Wang Yuanyuan's blood from the beginning of the three-meter diameter has gradually been compressed to a degree of only one meter in diameter, barely able to protect her body.

"Little girl, admit defeat. The old man does not want to hurt you." The voice of the old magician came from all directions. The offensive is also slightly slow. This is the danger of the oppression of the temple. If it is not good, it will take the life of Wang Yuanyuan.

but. In the moment when the other side of the field was slow, Wang Yuanyuan finally moved.

Her speed is too fast, and all the spectators just see a **** flash. It even went straight into a space crack.

The audience suddenly exclaimed.

Be aware that these space cracks are spatial turbulence created by space magicians, not for transmission. Not only is it very unstable, but it will collapse at any time, and the space crack has a strong cutting and phagocytic ability. Inhaling people, this is one of its power. Investing in it is no different from suicide.

Who can think that Wang Yuanyuan would choose this way? This girl is too staunch. Can she say that she has to exchange her own life for a failure in the Temple of Magic? After all, according to the rules of the Temple, the opponent will be eliminated immediately.

Even Li Zhengzhi saw this scene, it was a stunned look. However, in the next moment, all the people know that they are wrong.

When the blood flashed, Wang Yuanyuan had already appeared in another position in the field. At this moment, many space cracks became messy.

Because the entire site was covered with space cracks, Wang Yuanyuan's disappearance appeared again, only to see the red flashing in the field. But no one can see what happened inside.

The space crack began to disappear and spread, and gradually revealed the situation in the center of the site.

It’s so cool that Wang Yuanyuan stood there quietly, her palms pressed against the head of the old magician. The old magician did not use any more magic, but looked at Wang Yuanyuan with a puzzled look.

“How did you do it?” the old magician asked with doubts. “In my field, with so many spatial cracks, you are simply not able to spread the ability. I know that you have one that can transmit. I’m thinking about it, I don’t understand why you can cross the crack in space and eventually appear in front of me. There is absolutely no law in my field and magic.”

Wang Yuanyuan said faintly: "No ability can be completely flawless. Because you use the field to increase the space crack, you can make so many space cracks appear at the same time. Yes, there is no rule between these space cracks, but, You forgot, they are all in the same field after all. This is their commonality."

"In the same field, it has caused them to be related to each other, and there will be a space passage like a cobweb in an instant. What I am doing is calculating and judging a space passage that can come to you. Will suffice."

Wang Yuanyuan seems to be very simple, but the old magician is changing his mind. "How is this possible? How much calculation is needed. And, as long as you make a mistake, you will be smashed by space fluctuations, or thrown into endless In the space."

Wang Yuanyuan faintly said: "No, I won't. Yes, my soul furnace can't be used in your field. But I can protect my position in my own field. This is why I have always been The reason for not moving, otherwise I can support more time by relying on the shield. I don’t move, I want to keep the position of the furnace. Even if I can’t successfully cross the cracks in your space, once I am in danger, I also The connection that can be located through the spirit furnace, plus the protection of the field, returns to the previous position. Didn't you find that when I sent it, the blood fog on the other side continued for a while until I came to you, that Does the blood fog disappear? Although it only lasts for a second, it is enough for me to judge. So even if I calculate the mistakes, I will only fail, and I will never die."

The old magician stared at Wang Yuanyuan and couldn't speak for a long time.

Wang Yuanyuan took back his hand and once again gave him a warrior ceremony and turned and walked out.

"Wait a minute." The old magician suddenly called Wang Yuanyuan.

Wang Yuanyuan looked back at him. "Do you still have something?"

The old magician solemnly said: "I lost, lose my heart and take it orally. Although you win in wisdom, but in this world, there are too few and too few people who have such wisdom and calmness. The future of the Warrior Temple You must be respected by you."

As he said, the old magician solemnly bowed to Wang Yuanyuan, then smiled and turned away.

When Wang Yuanyuan came out of the big trials, it was Chen Yinger’s warm hug to greet her.

"Win, win. Original, you are awesome." Chen Yinger eagerly embraced Wang Yuanyuan, but Wang Yuanyuan's body was obviously shaking, closing her eyes in her hug, the weak way: "Help me pass."

This battle, it seems that the process is so simple, but only Wang Yuanyuan and the old magician can understand how much Wang Yuanyuan suffered in this battle.

How much pressure does the field collision bring to her? In this pressure, she has to constantly calculate and accurately target her goals. The positioning of the Ling furnace, and finally drilling into the space crack is still life-threatening! She wants to defeat the enemy and pay attention to her own safety. Together, these pressures have taken too much mental energy.

At this point, in the second round of the six wars, the light morning hunter demon group has won two victories, occupying two seats in the last six.


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