Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 251: The purification of the soul of Shengshi Lotus (on)

The 251st chapter of the soul purification of Shengshi Lotus (on)

The golden light of choice was stirred up, and the children were once again shrouded in it. This time the church, her opponent came from the Temple of the Soul.

The fifth round of the individual match, the fourth game, started.

The summoner facing the children is a tall old man. Being able to enter the fifth round is nothing but a strong man. The summoner in the performance of the previous game, the light of the morning, the hunting demon group also saw very clearly. His most powerful place lies in the summoning of the beast. It is a dragon, a real dragon. The summoner is also the only dragon summoner in the soul temple.

In the face of this dragon summoner, there is a huge pressure on the use of any equipment. Although the summoner has not yet entered the leadership level, the dragon he summoned is already a strong field.

In the long dragon hum, a blue dragon appeared in the big trial field. The old man who is the dragon summoner sits on top of it. To defeat him, he must first defeat the dragon he summoned.

The Dragon Summoner grabbed the dragon's horn with one hand and looked at the opposite child.

This blue dragon is a water system, and its length is 50 meters. Even in such a large area in the large trial field, it is still a giant.

The child’s body flashed and disappeared in the field. She knows that this battle will be very difficult for herself. She can't use the Death Scythe and the Aion, and her strength is limited too much.

It is too difficult to defeat the dragon in this field. If you can show the death of seven, you can still try it, but now she can only be a thief.

The dragon summoned the gaze of the dragon, the water dragon communicated with his mind, and the dragon screamed in the sky, and a circle of ice blue aura was released from the top of his head. ("")

Generally speaking, the range of aura-based skills is limited. However, the aura of this water dragon is like an endless, spreading to the entire large-scale trial cover, completely covering the test site. Inside.

The stealth of the children is naturally invisible in this case, and the figure flashes and appears in the field. Before the aura was in close proximity, she suddenly took a step forward, the body disappeared again, the halo passed, and she did not appear.

Space shuttle? This is the powerful ability that the Assassin has to achieve to a certain extent.

The Dragon Summoner smiled a little, and he was not the first to face an assassin. He naturally knew how to deal with it.

The wings behind the water dragon suddenly opened, and the horrible blue frenzy broke out from its open wings. This is the real storm. Peng Yu’s water elements are overwhelmingly impacted in the large trials. Every corner is covered in an instant. No matter where the next point of the child is, it will bear the impact of this wave. Moreover, with such a huge impact of water elements, there have been some changes in space. The closer to the core, the more terrifying the fluctuations in water.

In the void, a crack quietly appeared in front of the top of the faucet, and the child took it out in one step. The white glow spread from her. The Death Scythe, which was condensed by the power of purification, went straight to the water dragon.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to attack the dragon summoner. It’s really that the water element released by the water dragon is too large. A layer of blue mask has already appeared around his body. If the child insists on attacking him, then he will suffer the most from the water dragon. A strong blow.

The water dragon's eyes lit up, opened his mouth, and squirted toward the picking. At the same time, the surrounding water element suddenly turned into a huge vortex, pulling the body of the picking child to fall. A huge column of water rushed up from below, attacking the upper and lower sides.

A icy chill appeared in the eyes of the children, and a white halo emerged from her. The seemingly soft white of the sacred church not only resists the water dragon's breath, but also purifies all the water elements that are close to it. It is the purification field of the children.

The water dragon whispered, and the huge body was slightly shocked. It was a bit of a taboo for the purification of the children. But it also released its own field at the same time.

The azure color covers the entire large trial site. All the water elements are like alive and come. A small dragon that is completely condensed by water elements begins to emerge rapidly from the field. It seems that they are not at all illusory. A quick impact on the picking. And everything around the body of the water dragon suddenly became illusory, and there seems to be a layer of water curtain between it and the children.

This is the defense that the Dragon Summoner makes in order to protect himself from the power of the field. After all, Caier is now the only assassin left in the temple, and she has the field. What if she breaks through the blockade by virtue of the power of the field? The power of the Dragon Summoner is on this dragon. All his abilities are related to the dragon, and the two complement each other. He is connected with the water dragon by the soul and commands the water dragon to fight. Not only can it enhance the fighting skills of the water dragon itself, but also connect its own spiritual power with the water dragon. The total amount of spiritual power of this water dragon is close to 300,000.

In the face of the impact of the water dragon, the eyes of the children are brightened, and the power of purification is like an infinite general, expanding rapidly through the field of purification. At the same time, she lifted her right hand and stretched out in front of her. It seems that there are some stubborn eyes with a few expectations.

The scattered petals began to shrink and condensed in her palm. In the process of this condensation, the body around the body is like a horrible vortex. As long as the small water dragon caused by those fields flies to a certain extent around her body, it will instantly break, disappear and re-form into water. However, the power of purification around the body of the child does not spread out, and will not affect the field of water dragons.

The process of the rapid condensing of the white petals is beautiful. The children are suspended in the air, like a fairy. One of the biggest features of her purification properties is that it is not disturbed by any other attributes. Even if the other party is using the power of the field, it is the same. The water is richer and still water. In the absence of active attack by the power of purification, the water element has no way to influence its ability to form.

The eyes of the water dragon looked a little flustered. From the children, it felt a huge threat.

"Hey--" wants to crack the domain of purification, you need a full collision. Elements can't be affected, but skills can.

The small water dragons in all fields are full of anger. Suddenly, everything in the entire water dragon field has become brighter. The huge field has turned the entire large trial field into a huge vortex. Each water dragon turns into a streamer in the vortex, and the body of the water dragon, together with the dragon summoner, disappears in this huge field.

This huge vortex has an extremely horrible suction force. Each streamer impacts on the purification field of the children, and it will produce a violent explosion. The white light in the purification field will also fluctuate drastically. As the vortex rotates faster and faster, the impact becomes more powerful.

But at this time, the white lotus in the hands of the children was formed.

Field technology, Shengshi Lotus.

Last time, this lotus flower appeared in the Aion, and it did not really burst out of its power. This time, Caier has thrown it out without hesitation.

This is the field skill that the child can't control completely, and it is also the strongest blow she has except the Scythe and the Eternal Tower.

However, can her skills in this field overcome the water dragon?

After the Shengshi Lotus flew out, first of all, released a round of purification power, and then flew to the top of the head of the pick.

Suddenly, the flying clothes that were originally driven by the water dragon vortex calmed down instantly. Then, Shengsheng Lotus bloomed above the top of the pick.

A circle of extreme white light suddenly spread, and all the spectators in the big trial site felt their souls seem to be stripped at this moment. Even the protective covers of the large trials seem to have no protection.

"Hey--" The dragon's dragon screams with a strong panic. Because it suddenly found out that the white light that erupted from Shengshi Lotus did not have any intersection with its field, so it expanded. The water element does not have any blocking effect on it. Or, no skill can stop it from moving forward. With its powerful soul, in the process of approaching this white light, it seems to be pulled out of the body.

That's right, this is the most terrifying place to purify. The purifying attribute purifies the body, but it is also the soul. The lotus flower of the children of the children is to strip off the power of purifying the soul and increase it to the strongest level. No matter how strong your strength is, once the soul is damaged, it will be hit hard by irreparable.

The water dragon no longer dares to attack the children, and its huge field instantly shrinks and turns into a huge bubble-like protection around the body. At the same time, its pair of dragon horns also released an ice-blue lightning, which was protected on their heads.

At this moment, all its energy is used in the guardian of the soul, guarding itself, and guarding the dragon summoner above it.

When the spiritual density reaches a certain level, it will be somewhat useful. And the water dragon can also feel that the purification field of the children, the real restraint is not their own water properties, but should be the undead property. If it is an undead creature, even if it is twice as powerful, it will instantly become a fly ash in front of this flourishing lotus. But it is a water attribute, there are not many dark things in the soul, and it will not be too powerful to be purified. But the impact of the soul is always very dangerous. It must be fully defensive.

The white halo of Shengshi Lotus finally hit the shroud of the water dragon.


The monthly ticket is in a hurry and applies for support. Re-rush back to the first place, tomorrow will be three more.


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