Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 255: Long Haochen's tricks (middle)

The smile on Ling’s face has become more and more intense. After the integration with Long Haochen’s field, the field of the three people is more pure, which is good for the future. .. Moreover, the integration of the six people's fields has also made them the most powerful party, in an invincible position. If this continues, even if the last priest's temple will be out of the morning light, I am afraid it will be better than the Knight's Temple and the Magic Temple! It can be said that they are making big profits, and they have already been eliminated.

This is the killer of Long Haochen. After Long Tianyin gave him a detailed account of the process of competition in the field of the Holy Pearl, Long Haochen had this idea.

His field of light and **** has a commanding power for all light and spiritual power. In the competition in this field, although the strengths of the six great temples are different, the gap will not be too great. As long as he brings the fusion of one side, he will be able to stand up to the end. In the battle of this field, the light of the morning has the strength of the top three, even if it is hard to fight to the Knights Templar and the Magic Temple. However, with the addition of the priest's temple, they are the advantage of Tianda!

There are many choices for Long Haochen. He can also choose the Warrior Temple. After all, Qiu Yonghao is also a bright attribute. However, the spiritual attributes of the Warrior Temple III are not the same, and it is necessary to peel off the field of Qiu Yonghao. This is more troublesome. The situation in the Holy Pearl is confusing, and Long Haochen really does not have such great energy. Therefore, he had to choose to give up.

The next two choices are the Knights Templar and the Priest's Temple. The three strongest of the Knights' Temple are also bright attributes, and the relationship with Long Haochen is the closest. But don't forget, the strength of these three is also quite tyrannical. Long Tianyin has the increase of the throne of God, and Yang Haoyu has a starry field. It is not so easy for Long Haochen to conquer them with his own domain of light gods. Moreover, it is easy to cause dissatisfaction in other major temples.

Therefore, Long Haochen finally decided to set the goal on the pastor's temple. The field of the three pastors of the priest's temple is relatively soft and has the least rejection of his field of light gods. Moreover, the priest's temple was inherently weak in the six great temples. Pulling them to their side will not affect the competition between the Knights Templar and the Magic Temple.

The timing of the selection of Long Haochen is also very clever, which is the critical moment when the pastor's temple is about to be eliminated. In this way, the pastor's temple will be more accepting of his field integration. So as to avoid the three pastors voluntarily withdraw from the game.

There is no doubt that Long Haochen succeeded. When he saw the smile that smiled on Ling’s face, he let go of his heart. ... continue to restore the previous stability, and with the help of his domain of light gods, the fields of the three pastors have all stabilized. The overall situation has been set.

Long Tianyin had some depressing stunned dragons and morning eyes, and thought in his heart that this stinky boy had this method even cheaper than the pastor's temple. Even if he can't integrate in the field of Yang Xiong, you can discuss it with us in advance and let Yang Xiu withdraw.

However, his depression has only returned to normal after a short period of time, and his heart is secretly laughing. If the grandson does, then I am afraid that it will cause collective dissatisfaction among the other five temples. This little guy is really smart!

The battle for the field without suspense continues. After an hour, the Assassin's Temple and the Soul Temple have withdrawn from the competition.

The combination of the Knights' Templar, the Temple of Magic and the Dragon and the Temple of the Pastor formed a three-legged position.

At this time, the three parties naturally do not give each other. Long Haochen Laos is in the control of the joint field and is not in a hurry. Whether it is the Knights' Templar or the Magical Temple, which side hits their field, it will be greatly consumed.

However, in his mind, he was still biased. When the Knights’ Temple collided, because everyone is a light attribute, the consumption is much smaller than the fusion magic on the magic temple. The field of integration of Long Yuchen and Caier appears from time to time. The power of the purification of Light God can effectively consume the strength of these two temples every time.

The three strongest members of the priest's temple opened their own fields to make Long Haochen command and become his strongest backing.

In this case, there is no suspense in winning or losing. The day is gradually blackening, when the sun sets. The fusion of the three powerhouses of the Magical Temple was finally squeezed out of the Holy Land.

The Temple of Magic has been defeated, and there is no reason for the Knights Templar to persist. Anyway, it is better than the Dragon.

Therefore, the three knights simply gave up.

Then there is the fusion of the three dragons and the priest's temple. The three sects of the priest's temple, under the leadership of Ling Lao, did not hesitate to give up. Long Haochen, Caier, Chen Yinger finally left the holy beads.

At the end of the game, it is necessary to announce the results. Qiu Yonghao, the master of the Warrior Temple, has returned to the venue. His face is still very difficult to see. Twenty-four points, this is the lowest ever!

The chief referee, Chen Zi, announced with a deep voice: "The temple is over the end of the field battle, the first place, the morning light, the second place, the priest temple, the third place, the knight's temple, the fourth magic temple , the fifth soul temple, the sixth assassin temple, the seventh soldier temple."

"In view of the fact that this year's competition has more light, the morning hunter demon group joined, after the referee group decided to negotiate, the first point was increased to six hundred, the last five points are still decremented by one hundred, the last one has no points."

"The points are as follows: the morning light of the hunters, one thousand and fourty-two points, the Knights' Temple 698, the priest's temple six hundred and twenty-two, the magical temple five hundred and fifty-five, the soul of the holy The temple is three hundred and seventy-eight, the Assassin's Temple is one hundred and sixty-four, the Warrior Temple, twenty-four."

Not to mention the dawn of the light, the hunting demon group has widened the gap with the back. The pastor's temple can be said to be the biggest winner except the morning light, and actually surpassed the magic temple in one fell swoop, ranking third. This is a grand occasion that has never been seen since the Great Temple. For a time, whether it is the priest of the priest's temple, Ling Xiao, or Ling Lao, are eyebrows. Looking at Long Haochen, their eyes are full of goodwill.

After Chen Mindi announced the points, he continued: "Tomorrow will be the last game of the temple. Because of the large number of people, equipment can be used, so the venue is in the air."

The individual matches almost all demolished the sacred trials, not to mention the team competition. That is ten to ten, and does not limit the competition of equipment.

A few pieces of artifacts, plus the urging of the nine-order powerhouses present, not to mention the sacred trials, even the holy city may be demolished by them. Therefore, the team competition is the safest in the air, and must be high and away from the holy city.

"The chief referee." At this time, Chen Hongyu, the head of the Temple of the Soul, stepped forward and gave a slight tribute to Chen Zi.

Chen Zi looked at Chen Hongyu with his own surname and said: "How, Hongyu, what do you think?"

Chen Hongyu is somewhat convinced: "The chief referee, you have seen the process of field competition. I think that the light of the morning hunter demon has cheating, they win the trick." Seeing the pastor's temple have been overwhelmed They, Chen Hongyu is guilty again.

Chen Zi smiled and said: "Is this really true? Well, let us ask the participants of other temples what they think. Tianyin, you first say." He turned his eyes to Longtianyin.

Long Tianyin smiled lightly and said: "I didn't see any cheating in Long Qichen's game. Although we also lost, we were defeated and convinced. Yes, I am his grandfather, but I still want to Let me say this. First of all, I ask, everyone, even if you know this method, who can do it? I can’t do it myself. Long Haochen’s strong control over the field allows him to do what he wants inside the Holy Pearl. Instantly complete the absorption, control, and pulling of the three fields of the priest's temple. This is an absolute manifestation of strength. I will ask another question, and change the same situation to appear in other temples. How would you choose? Will it be light? The morning team joined forces to force other competitors out of the game."

After listening to Long Tianyin’s words, Ling Lao’s smile was slightly on the side, and the interface said: “Tian Yin is right. No matter how you do it in the morning. This kind of good thing, whoever turns, will not refuse! This time we have taken up the light of the dawn of light."

The Assassin's Temple Lord's Holy Moon smiled lightly, and Chen Hongyu looked at it. He said: "You can't do it yourself, you can't do it, you can't blame your parents. It's really no quality."

"What are you talking about?" Chen Hongyu was furious and stared at the holy month.

These two people are not in harmony. In addition, the Temple of the Soul and the Assassin's Temple have always been competitive in the Temple, and Chen Hongyu can be said to be ignited.

Holy Moon is not allowed, "What? Not convinced?"

"Enough." Chen Zi sighed low, an invisible majesty instantly spread the audience, legendary power, not just to say so simple.

"Yong Hao, what about you?" Chen Zi turned his eyes to Qiu Yonghao. Now there are three of the six great temples that have expressed their support for the dawn of light.

Qiu Yonghao smiled and said: "At that time, we have been eliminated. It is not clear about the specific situation in the Holy Pearl. Our Warrior Temple abstained."

As the best companion of the Magic Temple, Qiu Yonghao couldn't support the Light Morning Hunting Devils at this time, but he also had his thoughts in his heart. At the same time, he also had some thoughts in his heart. For the future of the Warrior's Temple, he must be prepared for the rain. First of all, he can't offend the light of the morning hunter. He also did not think that the strength of the morning demon hunter was so good, after three rounds, with more than a thousand high score leaders. Whether it is the Knights Templar or the Magical Shrine, it is too difficult to turn over in the last round. Long Haochen's powerful Zijinyu Yuejian and the artifacts that they participated in today's three contestants all show the deep heritage of the dawn of the light.

Tomorrow three more, ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket.


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