Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 255: Long Haochen’s tricks (below)

The 255th chapter of Long Haochen's skillful tricks (below)

Chen Zi nodded, six temples, three support and abandonment, even if he did not ask the magic temple can also draw conclusions. The latest chapter of the church, however, out of respect for the magical temple, Chen Zi is still looking at Li Zhengzhi, revealing the color of inquiry.

Li Zhengzhi’s face looked calm and seemed to be no longer depressed by the fourth place that the Magic Temple won in the field battle.

"The chief referee, my colleagues. First of all, I support the arguments of all of you just now. Although the morning light of the light has some tricks in the field battle, it is also their strength. Without the speciality of the dragon **** field in the field of light gods, It is impossible for him to do this. Even if they do not unite with the priest's temple, the chances of winning in the end are as great. Therefore, I don't think there is any need to entangle the matter."

For Li Zhengzhi, it was so easy to let go of the opportunity to blame the morning light, and I couldn’t help but make a few surprises on Long Tianyin’s face.

"In addition, I have a proposal." Li Zhengzhi continued: "The game is here, the rankings are basically not changed too much. I think that the last team battle does not need to be carried out. The number of team battles Many, and the ability to use equipment, is likely to cause accidental injuries. I think that this temple will be better than the immediate ranking. The last round can be abandoned."

"The temple is a ten-year event of our temple alliance, but the same, it will certainly be the focus of the Mozu. You are the top powerhouse in the temple, we can save some time or save as much as possible Ok, therefore, I think that the next thing we are more important is to prepare for the new alliance so that we can prepare for the future against the Mozu."

After listening to Li Zhengzhi’s words, everyone is not just surprised. Li Zhengzhi said this, which means that the Magic Temple gave up the competition in this temple, and can put it in, even if it is always not like him, Dragon Sky can not help but secretly nod. In any case, Li Zhengzhi still knows that the overall situation is the most important.

Chen Zi slightly decapitated, said: "The temple is a big event in the league. The reduction of the church must be approved by all the temples. Let's raise your hand. Please agree to raise the hand ahead of the big. ""

The first one of Li Zhengzhi’s gaze was raised, and then the Knights’ Temple and the Light’s Morning Hunting Devils raised their hands. For them, ending the temple with the current situation is exactly what they want to see.

Qiu Yonghao, the master of the Warrior Temple, looked at Li Zhengzhi and raised his hand. He couldn’t help but admire Li Zhengzhi in his heart. This is the ability to bend and stretch!

The holy month also raised his hand. Looking at the opposite of Long Haochen and Caier, it is already full of gratification. He finally waited for the two young people to stand on the peak of humanity.

On the other side of the priest's temple, Ling Xiao and Ling Laojing did not hesitate to raise their hands. They are currently the third place. The pastor's temple has never been better than the temple. If you want to say that you are most willing to end the game now, I am afraid they will belong to them.

At this time, the only one who did not raise his hand left the soul temple. The eyes of the people are concentrated on Chen Hongyu. Although Chen Hongyu is an old man. But his inner calculations are more than anyone else. Although somewhat unwilling to end the soul temple in the fifth place, but the general trend, in order to position the soul temple in the new alliance, he also slowly raised his hand.

While raising his hand, Chen Hongyu also seems to be suppressing the voice and deliberately letting the Holy Month hear it: "It is better than some people's points, and it's okay."

This holy month did not pay attention to him, with a smile, an old **** is there.

Chen Zi looked at everyone's proposal and agreed to Li Zhengzhi's proposal. He nodded and said, "Okay. In this case, the referee announced that the temple is over. The ranking is as follows, the first place, the light morning hunter Second place, Knight's Temple, third place, priest's temple, fourth magical temple, fifth soul temple, sixth assassin temple, seventh warrior temple."

"Tomorrow, the six major temples and the demon squad will hold a meeting at the headquarters of the sacred alliance to discuss matters related to the new alliance. (Holy Church)"

"Yes." Everyone was at the same time and bowed to Chen. I have to say that it is a perfect fit for the legendary tycoon to serve as the Templar of the Temple.

The temple has ended earlier than three rounds. It can be said that this is another accident. In the afterlife, this time the Temple of the Great, also painted a perfect end to the history of the Temple League.

Li Zhengzhi’s face showed a faint smile, and walked slowly to the front of Long Haochen. He extended his hand to him and said, “Congratulations, morning.”

Long Haochen sincerely said: "Thank you. You can rest assured that I will not let you down."

Li Zhengzhi smiled and said: "I am waiting to see the day you put on the throne of God." His congratulations to Long Haochen meant that Li Zhengzhi gave up the competition for the dominant position of the new alliance. Without this biggest competitor, everything will be much easier.

Long Hao nodded in the morning, "Sure."

Long Tianyin came to Li Zhengzhi and patted him on the shoulder. He smiled and said: "The future is the world of young people. I still think that you are very young. Now you are the old man."

Li Zhengzhi snorted. "Old Dragon, although you are not very good at yourself, you have a good son and a good grandson."

Listening to his sarcasm, Long Tianyin is not annoyed, haha ​​smiled and said: "It is not the genetic ability of Laozi."

Chen Hongyu snorted and said: "What genetic ability is good. I don't see how many places he likes you, much better than you. Don't put gold on your face."

Long Tianyin smiled and said: "Whatever you say, the old man is in a good mood today. Just when you are good."

The leaders of the other great temples are indeed awkward! Xiaolongtian has such a good grandson. With the ability of Long Haochen now, the new alliance to be established and the next hundred years, I am afraid that the Knights Templar will be absolutely dominant. If human beings can finally defeat the Mozu, then this status will be more consolidated. It can be said that the existence of Long Haochen fully laid the dominant position of the Knights Templar to the future new alliance.

Long Haochen saluted the leaders of the six great temples and humbly said that he was able to win the final championship entirely because of luck.

Although the temple is over, it is only a beginning for the Temple Alliance, and more important matters are still behind. Before the beginning of the temple, the six temples had been negotiated, and the change of the temple alliance was urgent.

After six thousand years of precipitation, the gap between the Temple Alliance and the Mozu is no longer so great, but why can it be passively beaten after the beginning of the holy war? The gap in strength is on the one hand, is the gap between the strength of the Temple Alliance and the Mozu really so great? the answer is negative. The reason why the Temple League is so passive, the more important reason is still in their own politics.

The Hunting Devils have proved the role of multi-professional combinations time and time again, but until now, when the war began, the professional combination has not been completed. The key lies in the separation between the six great temples themselves.

To solve this problem is not something that can be done simply. What is more important is the reform of the alliance system.

Yes, the six great temples are all selfish, and no one wants to be managed by others on this acre. However, there is an important factor that has caused everyone's compromise, which is a huge threat from the Mozu.

More than four years ago, the jihad made the Temple Alliance fully aware of the power of the Mozu. Before that jihad, the six temples always believed that even if the alliance was not enough, the defense was more than enough. In fact, even if the Mozu did not fully launch the offensive, the most powerful races have never participated in the battle, they are difficult to resist the Devil's offensive. Not only was the loss heavy, but it was almost impossible for several major fortresses to fall.

The deepest experience is the Assassin's Temple, the Warrior's Temple and the Priest's Temple. All three of these temples have been attacked by the enemy, and almost all of them have fallen.

Therefore, after the end of the holy war, the six great temples have reached many meetings and gradually reached a consensus on the establishment of the new alliance. In order to fight against the Mozu, for the continuation of humanity, they can no longer be selfish. No matter how the future forces of mankind are divided, the first thing they need to do is to let humanity continue to do so! Otherwise, if humanity perishes, what forces are still talking about? What is selfish?

However, it has been discussed for a long time about who will lead the new alliance. In the end, this session of the temple has become an important watershed for the division of power, and everything speaks by strength. If it weren't for the sudden addition of the Light Hunting Demon Hunting Demon, I am afraid that the battle between the Knights' Templar and the Magical Temple will go to the last moment.

Li Zhengzhi chose to give up, not only because of the strong performance of the light morning, but also because of the power of the Knights Templar. He originally believed that the magical sanctuary could be fully pressed into the Knights' Temple, but after the beginning of the real temple, the Knights' Temple was forced to press the magical temple without the two gods of the knights participating in the competition. Li Zhengzhi is quite huge. He did not expect this to be the case. But there is no doubt that it is meaningless to stick to it. No matter how the Knights Templar will not let the Magic Temple dominate.

Although the leader of the Light Morning Hunting Devils is Long Haochen, they are, after all, a hunting magic group composed of six strong players. It is better for these young people to become the leaders of the new alliance in the future than to be led by any temple.

This is also an important reason why Chen Zi insisted on asking Long Haochen to come back to compete for power. In the light of the morning, the hunting demon group seems to be abrupt, but at a deeper level, they can get support from all sides, but it is the least likely to be controversial.


Today, three more, a chapter will come first. The rest of the day is even more. In the new week, I strongly recommend tickets.



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