Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 262: Moonlight Queen and Tree of Destruction (below)

Chapter 262 Moonlight Queen and Tree of Destruction (Part 2)

Long Haochen’s body shape flashed in front of King Easton, and the colorful golden light burst forth in an instant, protecting the kingdom of Easton’s life. ("") The destruction of the ruin of the tree of life in the field of his **** of light is not as severe as the suppression of the gods of life. At least Long Haochen did not retreat. The two fields are rolling each other and emitting a sound.

There was a bit of resentment on Sisi’s face. "Dragon Brother, are you going to be against me?"

Long Hao’s brow was slightly wrinkled. “It seems that I am wrong.”

Sisi smiled and said: "Now know what is the use? You are such a bad person, you will always suffer only. Consider considering my proposal. Follow the darkness, I will let you always follow me. One person Below, 10,000 people."

Long Haochen shook his head gently and said: "I am wrong, but it is not too outrageous. A good person is not necessarily a fool. My mistake is not too late to make up."

"Well?" Sisi looked at Long Haochen's eyes with some doubts, but the spiritual power of the saplings of the destroyed tree was even stronger.

Long Haochen raised his hand to the moonlight queen, a strange colorful golden light suddenly burst out of her body, the soft gold looks no destructive, but the process of the colorful light diffusion makes Sisi call. Her dark spiritual power was instantly blocked. Then, her body began to show signs of shrinking.

"You, you cursed me? You bastard..." Sisi's voice became sharper and more tender, and it was only a little while, her body was reduced to only three or four-year-old girls. Child size. Even the sun and moon **** stone needs to be held in both hands.

The recession is not just vitality, but also strength. ("") Although Sisi is still the original idea, but her strong field-level cultivation is already gone. Naturally, it is no longer possible to spur the power to destroy life.

"It turned out that you were so despicable, and even planted a seal in my body." Sisi's milk sullenly glared at Long Haochen. I have to say that she is not only a beautiful woman, but also a beautiful girl, but also a beautiful girl. The six wings behind it have also become small and exquisite, and it looks a bit fun.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: "It’s not me who is mean. Because I saw your lies, so I left behind. If Easton is really an evil generation, then, I will do my best to help you. Unfortunately, you lied to me. It’s useless, even the power of this tree of destruction can’t drive away my seal. Yes, I definitely don’t have what you said. The power of the eternal tree. But what I can confirm is that my light is at least the level of the eternal tree."

Sisi muttered: "You lied, you lied. You didn't even see my tricks. You are despicable to get the treasures of me, so I cursed me."

Long Haochen smiled lightly. "If you don't know, unless you have nothing to do. If so, I will let you take it."

"First of all, the flaws in the speech, you said when thanking me before we acted: even if you die, the soul goes to heaven, not to the embrace of the Lord of nature. At that time I was suspicious of you. Because you said before In Easton, both humans and elves are the people of nature."

"After that, before we went looking for lilac to indulge, when you looked at my wing, there was a hint of greed in your envy. My perception is very high, maybe you think it is hidden, but it is still me. Found."

“It’s too easy to get cloves intoxicated. Since it’s a holy medicine, why not plant it in the caves you said? And, you said at the time, what you left there is just a small blind eye. According to my soul, There is also an attacking magic in the place where you are blind. The intensity of that magic is already comparable to the curse."

"Although these have made me suspicious, but it is not the most important. What really makes me completely skeptical is your hiding in strength."

"When we approached Mount Easton, you fell on the ground and walked forward. At that time, I felt the soul wave of Kingston. Although he was about to enter a nap, his powerful perception covered a great deal. The scope is just because the natural elements in the air fluctuate, there will be some omissions. And while we are in the process of going forward, you are directing me to change direction, in fact, I am avoiding the perception of Kingston. You will never be worse than me in terms of perception. Is there such a perception, and it will be as simple as an eighth-order magician? Moreover, if you follow the perception, it is obviously not assured of the obscuration ability of my field."

"In addition to these discoveries, there is my understanding of the Easton world. I can tell you frankly that I did not belong to this world, but I have the same light as this world. My soul The power is on top of you, even above Kingston. When you go to take the lilac, I use my soul to communicate with the soul of the world that belongs to nature. I pass a big one. When the tree communicates with them, they feel their beliefs and feel their emotions against Kingston. I use the soul to ask them. Among the creatures that can answer my questions, none of them are hostile to Kingston. At that time, I decided my judgment. But I still came with you, because I want to see what your purpose is. If I exposed you at that time, it is undoubtedly left in the Easton world. A time bomb, and I am also curious about your purpose. Therefore, I am still coming to you. Fortunately, there is no problem with the intoxication of lilac. It is only fascinating, and does not cause harm. Then, I would have had hands. "

Speaking of this, there is a smile on the face of Long Haochen, and his handsome face is more charming. "The most intelligent place for you is that 90% of the words spoken to me are true, only the most crucial one. It is a fake. Plus the sincerity in your eyes and your own beauty, it is really easy to be fooled. However, the wise man must have a loss, not to mention that you have exposed so many flaws. Before you enter the cave, My palm is indeed an increase for you. The premise is that everything you said is true. You have not resisted my strength in order to gain my trust. If I guess correctly, after entering the cave, you immediately I used my own water power to direct my light to the outside world, right. Unfortunately, you can't guide my field out."

"In terms of cultivation, you are not weaker than me. It may even be stronger than me. However, after being invaded by my domain technology, even if you do this, you can't offset it. The name is called to control the life process. Perhaps, I can't make you really change back to such a lovely age like the gorilla, but at least seal your time is no problem. Right? Lord Moon Queen."

The Queen of the Moon night is unwilling: "But you are still fighting King Easton. You are not afraid that he will kill you? If you can't beat him? How can you be so confident in yourself?"

Long Haochen said: "Yes, I don't know if I can beat Easton. But I am sure he won't kill me. You can't think of this because you don't have light or nature. Sufficient understanding. What is the source of life? It is light and water. Under the action of light and water, nature will be born. I will fight with King Easton to confirm his ability. As I expected. In this way, King Easton has the power of pure natural elements and the realm of life. That pure life is what the evil generations can have? At the same time, I also show my field in front of King Easton. Although we are meeting for the first time, it is only from the judgment of the property that it is impossible for us to become a real enemy. Naturally, we will not kill each other in the battle. I already had this before I came here. Judging, what is terrible?"

Long Haochen’s remarks are not justified, but they are justified. His voice was very calm, but it was no less than thundering when he stopped at the Queen of the Moon.

"you you……"

Without the influence of the power to destroy life, King Easton has come to Long Haochen and glanced at him. He said: "Smart human beings are terrible. But fortunately, you have not made a big mistake."

Long Haochen made a gesture of asking, saying: "Since this tree of destruction is what you are looking after, please take it back."

The current Sisi has no half-resistance. Although the saplings of the tree of destruction are held, it is impossible to borrow the power of terror.

However, Kingston did not directly recapture the tree of destruction, but frowned.

Sisi sneered: "You are really smart. But do you think that this will stop the growth of the tree of destruction? You can kill me. But in the near future, when the tree of destruction is grown up, Iraq The world will become its nutrients sooner or later. At that time, you will die as well."

Long Hao's brow is slightly wrinkled. "Isn't it a small sapling? Can't I destroy it now?"

Sisi smiled. She was a little younger now, but she laughed a little hysterically. "Jokes are really jokes. It seems that you really don't belong to the Easton world. The tree of destruction and the tree of eternal are eternal. It is immortal. After its seeds sprout in the sun and moon stone, it can never be destroyed. Do not believe, you can let the dwarf around you try, his power can be comparable to the gods. You ask him Can you destroy this tree of destruction?"


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