Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 263: resurrection! Yating kiss (on)

Long Haochen immediately turned his head and gave a questioning look to Kingston East. The eyes of Easton’s eyes were dignified and pointed. “She’s right, the tree of destruction is irreversible after it grows. We are now I can only seal the saplings of this ruined tree as much as possible, slowing down the growth of it. Then I pray to the nature of the guise. See if the Lord of Nature can separate the branches of an eternal tree and destroy it. The tree is completely sealed."

Although Kingston did not blame him, but Long Haochen could still hear the dissatisfaction in his tone, could not help but apologize: "I'm sorry, Kingston. I am careless. I did not expect the Queen of the Moon." You have tried to make such a big mouth, but I have to say that your seed defense against the Tree of Destruction is not very strict."

King Easton was somewhat annoyed: "Who knows that she actually has this approach. If it weren't for you, I already discovered that she was going to start the seeds of the Tree of Destruction. There was enough time to stop her.

Long Yao Wu Dao: "This thing started because of me, then let me end. When I entered here, I felt the scent of destruction. Kingston, I finally asked you once, you are Don't you really want to destroy this tree of destruction so that it never appears again?"

King Easton bitterly said: "That is of course. My Lord can't ruin it, but can't let it affect the tree of eternal in my god's domain. Then I will hand it over to me. Who knows that there is such a problem."

Long Hao nodded and said: "If this is the case, then give it to me. In fact, it is not difficult to destroy this tree of destruction."

As he spoke, he turned and raised his right hand, waving a little toward the tree of destruction.

A golden sword went straight to the eternal tree in the hands of Sisi.

Sisi is still sneer, and there is a thick disdain at the corner of his mouth. Although she failed today, in the process of her prayers, she has sacrificed her dark soul to the tree of destruction. As long as the tree of destruction can grow up in the near future. Then, she also has the possibility of a soul recovery.


"Swordsman fell on the tree of destruction, and a clear humming sound was heard. A layer of faint purple light fog formed a layer of light curtain to protect the tree of destruction. The swordsman of Long Haochen did not even have a little purple light. If you can get up, you will be gone.

Long Haochen slowly nodded. "There is a strong defense."

Sisi disdained: "What is strong? It is unbreakable and sturdy."

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: "Do not say too much. In this world, nothing is impossible." As he said, his hands slowly lifted up and made a virtual grip in the air. . Then, on his forehead, the nine purple gold light lines slowly emerged.

When these nine lines of light appeared, the dragon-filled morning, full of light, had a layer of evil charm on his face. Even the king of Easton was shocked, but he soon It is found that the bright heart of Long Haochen has not changed, but the power has appeared a little different.

Then, Kingston and Sisi saw that a giant sword began to spread out on the hands of Long Haochen. The purple-golden sword looks so dazzling, especially the six heads at the hilt, all with cold eyes, seemingly watching everything around.

The purple-gold epee came out, and the artifacts in the hands of Kingston's hands and the artifacts on his body exude a slight humming sound. King Easton was surprised: "My baby is in fear. You, what sword are you?"

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: "If you want to destroy the tree of destruction, then let it destroy the murderer. Then, its full name is, the destroyer kills, Zijin 皓月剑."

As he said, the purple-golden sword in his hand had already brought up a terrifying rainbow, and went straight to the tree of destruction in the hands of Sisi.

This time, Sisi felt a huge threat. She was not afraid that the tree of destruction would be attacked. However, behind the tree of destruction is her! She has no powerful defenses like the Tree of Destruction. Both people and elves have a strong survival. Almost subconscious, Sisi released the sun and moon **** stone in his hand.

The purple gold light flashed and hit the tree of destruction in midair.

The layer of purple light that appeared on the tree of destruction reappeared, but it was different from the sword that had been broken in the early morning. This time, when it was exposed to the purple mask and the purple gold 皓月剑, there was a glue effect between the two. That is to say, the tree of destruction with the sun and moon **** stone turned out to be stuck in the air by the purple gold moon sword.

The seconds of the Tree of Destruction trembled fiercely on the Sun and Moon Stones, and the layers of purple light became more intense, even with some shining purple stars.

Zijinyu Yuejian is still a purple-gold flow, but the six big-headed eyes at the hilt are all open, just like living, coldly watching the struggling tree of destruction.

"No, this is impossible." Sisi said in a dull way: "The power of destruction on the tree of destruction, even in the initial state, can also destroy any force that attacks it. How can there be confrontation? ?"

Just as she was in an unbelievable gaze, suddenly, the tip of the sword of Zijinyu Yuejian suddenly changed.

The sharp edge of the sword turned into a big mouth in an instant, biting the layer of destruction energy emitted by the tree of destruction, and directly biting the body of the seedling. After a hard pull, it was then pulled from the sun and the moon, and then swallowed. The Tree of Destruction suddenly turned into a group of purple light, disappearing in the breath of Zijinyu Yuejian.

Long Haochen lifted his right hand and inhaled the sun and moon stone that had lost the tree of destruction. Turning around and asking Kingston, who was completely shocked, "Is this yours?"

King Easton shook his head and said subconsciously: "This is the treasure of heaven that nature has nurtured. It does not belong to me. It is what you snatched back. It is yours. But you, you will really destroy it. The tree is ruined?"

Long Yi morning show Yan Yixiao, said: "It should be. Rest assured, there will be no problem."

When he entered the cave of Kingston's cave and felt the devastating idea, the mood of Haoyue appeared in the heart of Long Haochen. For the power of destruction, Haoyue is filled with the eagerness of the eagerness, and continues to take away the dragon and the morning to take it away. However, this is the place of King Easton. It is naturally impossible for Long Haochen to do this before he can figure out the truth. With this reminder, he is even more suspicious of thinking.

Haoyue also clearly told him that although the power of destruction is pure and strong, it is not enough to cause any harm to it, it can only become its tonic. With this, it will complete the final evolution in the shortest possible time.

This is the first time that Haoyue told Long Haochen that it is close to completing the final evolution.

The reason why Long Haochen has repeatedly asked Easton whether he wants to completely destroy the tree of destruction is to be able to make a good name for the moon. It is really unclear whether the Tree of Destruction was really destroyed. But one thing he knows very well is that it is impossible to spit it out. In particular, Haoyue told him before that this tree of destruction and it did not have the potential to reflex on one level.

Sisi was completely stunned at this time, and her last hope was also shattered. Suddenly, she screamed fiercely, her hands clasped her head, and painfully rolled on the ground.

A beautiful little girl, such a painful scream will not look good. Long Haochen was taken aback, but at this time he could not touch the seal of the field technology.

"Iston, what happened to her?"

Seeing the pain of Sisi, Kingston is overjoyed. "A powerful human friend, you really did it. You actually did it. She must sacrifice all the dark side of her soul." The tree of destruction. It should be that the tree of destruction is completely destroyed, the dark side of her soul is broken, and the soul is lost, so she will be so painful. You see, the spiritual attribute of her body begins to break. Haha, the moonlit queen of the night elves lost the power of darkness, and Easton could be peaceful for a long time. There is no threat of the tree of destruction. Friends, thank you, my friendship with Easton King With you forever."

For Kingston, the night elves are not a big threat, but they have been harassing Easton’s peace. Especially when the Queen of the Moon made such a thing this time, it naturally made him full of vigilance. Now the moon and night, the soul of the Queen Sisi has been destroyed, and the power of darkness has been lost. This means that the night elves have lost their leaders and naturally can't afford any wind and waves. What makes Easton King happy is that the most ruined tree of destruction was completely destroyed by Long Haochen. From then on, he can sit back and relax, and with his cultivation, there is nothing in this Easton world that can pose a threat to him.

At this moment, Long Hao’s heart suddenly moved, and the subconsciously summoned the sigh of the bright goddess with a crack and the blue rain and the hibiscus of light.

The two swords have left irreparable traces in the collision, and their breath has become extremely weak. However, at this time, Long Haochen felt a weak and familiar life from these two swords.

There was hardly any hesitation, and Long Haochen went to the Easton King Road: "I need your life field to increase and help me."

For the resurrection of Ya Ting, please cast a valuable recommendation ticket. Please keep your monthly ticket and stay in the last three days of the month. (To be continued)


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