Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 273: Goodbye Demon Emperor (below)

Chapter 273

Goodbye Demon Emperor

Long Haochen said faintly: "Why must I die? You have killed me once, but I believe that you will not have a second chance. Again, I believe that in the near future, we will definitely be on the battlefield." See you. At that time, I will definitely ask my Majesty."

As I said, on the sun and the moon, the ray of light flashed out instantly, turning into a straight light column and heading for the demon gods.

Don't look at the sun and moon gods and shields can only play the biggest role when the sun and the moon alternate, but also because of this savings, when it launches the super artifact power attack, it is the strongest and the eternal and creative **** of the throne The attack is comparable.

The demon **** roared, "Don't go." I saw his right hand, and a strange dragon appeared on the fist, and then it was so slammed on the colorful light of the super artifact.

The big bang broke out at this moment. The original seal of the demon **** was instantly broken in this horrible explosion. The power of terror is almost a moment to sweep away the entire forest.

However, the super artifact must be a super artifact! Although the devil's cultivation was powerful, the explosion in this moment finally fell a bit, and his body was knocked out a few kilometers away. In the core of the outbreak, the body of Long Xiaochen and Night Tears has disappeared completely without a trace.

The demon emperor only vaguely saw that when the nine-colored ray rushed to him, the dragon's body fluttered out of a group of greenish green light to smother the night. Immediately after the night, the body of tears disappeared. Long Haochen's whole body flashed purple, and disappeared at the moment before the collision broke out completely.

It’s not the biggest blow to the deity of the gods. The biggest blow to him is the appearance of Long Haochen.

When all the spiritual fluctuations around them were silent, the Emperor suddenly found out that there was a fear in his heart.

Long Haochen did not die, did it mean that Austin and Griffin did not die? Could it be that Austin and Griffin resurrected him? No, it is not like this. The power he had just used had nothing to do with Austin and Griffin.

However, he has only been missing for a few years, why has it become so powerful? Is the body armor on his body the throne of eternal and creative God who has never been recognized in the Knights' Templar? There is also that shield, which is also a super artifact.

Long Haochen, who has two super artifacts, has indeed qualified to challenge himself!

The devil of the gods took a deep breath and calmed down his mood. He needs to think and needs to think carefully.

Looking up, looking in the direction of Zhennanguan, he already felt that there were human strong people there and found that the movement was coming.

If he gets the night tears, maybe he will be able to kill all of them directly. But at this time he is not willing to waste half a minute. The right hand waved in front of him, and a purple light suddenly floated in front of him. The devil's body shape flashed and went straight into the purple space to shuttle the space.

Compared with the panic of the demon god, the night tears at this time are completely another emotion. Because she was shocked to discover that she had come to a world where life is not inferior to a dream paradise.

Green grass, green trees, forests, seemingly endless green, rising to the life that she can directly see with her eyes!

Gently falling on the ground, the night tears surprised that all the plants around me seem to be asking her.

No matter where it is, she feels so kind, and the breath of nature quickly allows her to integrate into it.

As a goddess of nature, she can be said to be part of the goddess of nature. Although the planes are different, the breath of life is exactly the same.

"Welcome to Easton World, the cute little girl." A thick voice sounded. Then, a green figure came out of a green light and looked at her with a smile.

This green figure is actually not much different from the height of the night tears. The night tears can feel his strength, and he can feel the thick life of his body.

"Iston World? Is this another plane?" asked the little tears in surprise. Is this completely a plane that belongs to nature?

King Easton nodded and said: "For you, you can call it another plane. I like the smell of your body very much. It is very similar to my Lord's breath, although it is much weaker. But you see Everything here loves you. I am King Easton, the king of Easton. You can stay."

"Iston King is right, you can stay." The figure flashed, and the dragon that had smashed the eternal scorpion appeared in the night with tears in the air, and looked at her gently.

Look at Kingston East in the night, and then look at Long Haochen. "Where is this?"

Long Haochen said: "This is the eternal plane in the throne of eternal and creative gods. It can also be called the Easton World. There is only the breath of nature and life, I believe you will like it, is it?"

Night tears looked up at Long Haochen, whispered: "Thank you for saving me."

Long Haochen smiled and said: "Don't say thank you. The thank you is actually that I am right. If you didn't help, I have already died at least twice. Whether it was the siege when the children were awakened or the dragons In the morning, he was killed by the demon god, and it was all the help of the night tears to let him survive. Especially for the second time, if it was not the guidance of the night tears, the children might not want to ask Eleks to resurrect him in the Aion. ”

At the beginning, Long Xiaochen and the night tears met in the dream paradise, because the spirit of the undead Master on his body was sent by the night tears. But he is the son of light after all, and the night tears finally decided to conclude a contract with Long Haochen. The name of this contract is called guarding.

The contract makes them feel the breath of each other. Once one party is in danger, the other party can help him.

The night of tears twice helped Long Haochen to treat and stabilize the injury, because she was not good at fighting. In the most critical moment of this night's tears, Long Haochen finally returned her help and brought her to a safe place.

In the night of tears, there was a sigh of relief. Looking at the surrounding Easton world, she suddenly said something that shocked Long Haochen. "It’s no better here, not my home. I don't belong to this plane. Long Yao In the morning, I will be your soul furnace."

After four more, double the last day, I tried my best. The update has been issued, where is the monthly ticket?


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