Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 274: God's Elves (on) (request for votes)

The 274th chapter of the **** of the elves (on) (request for votes)

"It's no better here, not my home. I don't belong to this plane. Long Haochen, I want to be your soul furnace."

The words of the night tears really scared the dragon to jump.

In the face of the demon god, Long Haochen did not hesitate to launch the power of the sun and moon **** Shield super artifact. But when he saved the tears of the night, he obviously felt that the emotions of the night tears were wrong.

As the cultivation progressed, his perception became more and more powerful, especially in some aspects. There was a contract between the night tears and him. Long Haochen can clearly feel that her heart is more than a heart-to-heart emotion.

After a brief thought, Long Haochen decided to send the night tears into Easton World. He understood that the night tears were so sad because the home was destroyed. And Easton is clearly the best place for her to survive.

"Little tears, you..."

The little tears in the night raised his hand and wiped away the tears in his eyes. He looked at Long Haochen with a persistent look. "I am serious. I don't want to stay here."

King Easton couldn't help but say: "What's wrong with us here? It fits well with the breath of your body. Easton welcomes the existence of you." The smell of nature on the night tears is even more pure than him. Although not powerful, the pure vitality of the tree of eternal makes Easton feel good about her.

The little tears shook his head. "Thank you, but I can't agree. Because I can't live here. I belong to the Holy Land, in a sense, I was originally part of the Holy World. Leave There, my life will gradually fade away. Within a month, I will turn into air and dust disappear."

Long Haochen was surprised: "Why is this? You..."

The little tears smiled and said: "You never know what kind of existence I have? Now I can tell you. In fact, I am somewhat like your elemental elf. I am not a real being, but a god. The elf is the energy body."

God's elf? Hearing these words, Long Haochen did not understand, but Kingston’s face changed greatly, and he did not open his mouth.

"The elf of God is actually a god's avatar in a sense. And I am a avatar of the goddess of nature who stays on the sacred continent. My existence needs to absorb the heavens and the moon and the moon to last. The dream temple or the dream paradise is the natural goddess built for me before I became a god. Or, for her own sake."

"Anything that exists, whether human or other creatures, will enter the level of God when it is broken into a million spiritual powers. Or, it will begin to bear the test of God. This is irreversible. Through the test, Become a true god, pass the test, it will always dissipate in the air, reincarnate and regenerate, and re-enter from the young body. After becoming a god, the body will also dissipate, consciousness will be magnified infinitely, magnified to the whole world, can be perceived Everything that happens in any corner of the world, while integrating itself into the plane, makes the plane more stable and prosperous. For example, when my body, the goddess of nature became a god, it will make the whole plane very long in the future. In a period of time, the prosperity of all plants has become easier. Anyone who is close to nature will increase in the speed of cultivation. However, as a god, he can no longer control anything, gradually Talking to the world. Only one **** is wandering around the world. Therefore, many strong people would rather never become gods, preferring to fall into reincarnation. That elusive day. "

"But, many times, some things are irreversible, and they are not able to make decisions. I can remind you now, no matter how easy it is to break through the bottleneck of the 9th and 9th grades. Once you break through this bottleneck, let yourself be spiritual. If the total amount of force exceeds 900,000, then your spiritual strength will continue to grow. One day, you will reach the bottleneck of millions of spiritual powers, and will inevitably have a breakthrough in self-growth."

Long Hao morning quietly listened, if he was still the weak, the words of the night tears did not work for him. However, it is different now. His cultivation has already broken through to the level of the 9th and 5th grades. It seems that the distance from the 9th and 9th grades is not so far away.

The night tears continued: "At the beginning, the natural goddess knew that the limit was approaching, and it was bound to move toward the path of becoming a god. It was irreversible. So she used her powerful power to create a dream temple and a dream paradise. Pure spiritual shaping, and a glimpse of the soul of God into this pure nature, leaving a seed in the dream paradise. And in this seed, she gave birth to her **** ""

"You must be very curious as to why she is doing this, right. Actually, her purpose is very simple. After she became a god, there is still a sacred mind to parade the world, although nothing can be done, but after all, it is a god, after all, after all It has the omnipresent perception of God. Therefore, when the seeds she left in the dream paradise sprouted and grew, and her god's breath was gradually released, her mind would be perceived. There is a possibility of return. By that time, she will be able to change back to the natural goddess of the world. There is a possibility of a heavy life. With her experience in previous life, after reborn, she will never make the same mistake and will never go on. The road to God. And I, that seed."

The process of telling the night tears is very calm, but Long Haochen doesn’t know why there is a feeling of heartache. Looking at her little girl who is only seven or eight years old, she has a pair of eyes with a slight vicissitudes. He doesn’t Consciously, it will produce a feeling of heartache.

"Actually, the goddess of nature failed. It may be that she gave me a soul for her sake. In the end, although she passed the assessment of God, she did not retain the sober mind. So, after she left, she would I have not come back. As a seed, I have taken root and sprouted, and I gradually have my own consciousness."

"Living in a dream paradise, I am not alone. I have many, many partners. I don't hate the natural goddess to leave me there as her avatar. After all, I am part of her. I have been living. A calm life. Until you humans began to appear in the paradise of dreams, and began to gain the soul of the heavens and earth that has been saved for thousands of years, my life has gradually become more colorful. I know that my original It looks like you humans. But I am just a seed, no matter how long I have, I can't grow up. As time goes by, I gradually have my own thoughts, I finally feel that dream paradise is like a I am stuck in a cage. But I can't go because I can't live without the power there. Losing the power there, I will be like a flower that loses nutrients, and it will take a long time to fade. So I started to enter the dream. Find the right carrier in the humans of heaven. So many years have passed, I have only found one of you. But that time, I feel the crisis. Because the devil Can not follow the rules even dream of paradise forcibly broke open the plane door. So, you and I signed the contract. "

Having said that, the night's tears are more intense. "I really don't know. I used to love my home. If I can give me a chance to re-select, I would rather stay there forever. I don't leave. My home is ruined, and the dream paradise is gone. All my friends are dying in the broken space. That tree, a grass, every partner who stays with me disappears forever and forever. I have never tried to hate someone so much, but I really hate it now."

The dragon's eyes flashed in the eyes of the dragon, Shen Sheng said: "The hatred between humans and demons is always over. I can't promise you a lot to revenge for you. But at least I can tell you, in humans and demons. In the battle, I will go all out. Unless I die, the battle with the demon **** will not end."

The little tears nodded lightly. "I understand, I believe in you too. In just a few years, you have become so powerful. Even the natural goddess of the year is not as fast as your growth. And, you The breath that belongs to the undead has completely disappeared. It seems that you have completely got rid of the control of the Aion. I said that to be your soul is not impulsive, but deliberate."

"I am now a small flower that has lost the earth. I need a new home. It is not here. Here, I will still die. Only by the strength of the soul can I survive. The soul that can be chosen by me." The power is too little, too little. Only the ultimate purity is possible. So, if I can't be your soul, I will have no choice but to go to the end!"

Long Haochen hesitated: "But, it has become my soul furnace, you will never disappear?"

The night tears dry my tears, suddenly "squeaky" a smile, said: "Which is so easy to disappear. I am not stupid, can you commit suicide? Have you not heard of the wisdom of the furnace? Even your The light element elf can maintain a certain mind. Why can't I be a **** elf? Even if it is your soul, I will keep all the original memories and add more natural power to you. You can rest assured, As the body of the natural goddess, I can choose the direction that will increase the amount of you after I merge with you. I will not strengthen your inner spiritual power, it will continue to push you to the path of God, let you repeat the same mistakes. I can Choose to enhance your spiritual power."


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