Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 275: Life prediction (below)

Demon God said: "I know that you are very dissatisfied with what I have just done, but you should also know what Austin and Griffin mean to my family. Not long ago, I was hidden in the capital by the opportunity of retreat. Those human beings went to the Temple of Dreams. They personally killed the elf dragon with nearly a million spiritual powers, and destroyed all the dream temples and dream days, trying to capture the goddess of nature that the goddess of nature stayed in the world. After the Elf Dragon was killed by me, I left the source of the elves and the heart of the elves. The heart of the elves was taken away by the goddess of the natural goddess. The source of the elves fell into my hands. When I saw that I was about to succeed, Long Hao The appearance of the morning destroyed my plan. His strength has threatened me and quickly saved the goddess of the natural goddess. This made me lose the chance to become a god."

Listening to him, the demon gods suddenly realized that the reason for the wrath of the demon **** was not only because Long Haochen was still alive and Austin and Griffin could survive, but also because his plan to become a **** was destroyed. .

Undoubtedly, after being rescued by Long Haochen, it is almost impossible for the demon **** to want to get the gods left by the goddess of nature.

Although the demon gods present know that the demon god's cultivation is unfathomable, but he personally admits that he has the possibility of becoming a god, this is the first time. For a time, the pressure that just disappeared in the hearts of the demons suddenly appeared again.

As the most powerful group of the Mozu, they are very clear about what it means to be a god. It is no wonder that the Emperor of God has not seemed so concerned about the big things in many families in recent years. It turns out that he has really reached that level.

The devil of the devil is cold and cold: "The dragon is still alive, it means threat. Even if Austin and Griffin are indeed dead, he himself also threatens the possibility of our rule. This time, he and When I played against it, the cultivation has surpassed the strongest in human history. He is only in his twenties this year. Give him enough time and space, my family is in danger. Therefore, I have decided to launch again. In jihad, it is necessary to kill Long Haochen completely, whether he is a human being or a dead soul."

No one dares to refute the words of the demon god. Although the demon gods know that in the case of the threat of Austin and Griffin, the devil is more to regain the position of the gods, but how dare they say more? The star devil Wasak is the foresight of the car, and the demon **** has no second elf source.

"Talk about it, do you have any suggestions." The majestic eyes of the demon **** swept through the demons below.

The devils face each other, no one dares to speak first, it is because the news came too suddenly.

At this moment. A Bao, standing next to the demon god, spoke up. A Bao went up two steps, kneeling down in front of the demon god, "Father. Since you want to launch a holy war, I think this time must go all out. The last holy war, my family consumes a lot. Humans are also the same But after all, we have not completely broken their fortress. I think that in this case, we have to sneak into the human beings and thoroughly attack them. Although we can’t annihilate all human beings, we must also make them real. It hurts and even destroys one or two temples."

The demon **** has some intolerance: "To be specific, these empty words are useless."

A Baodao: "In particular, I think that this time we should concentrate our forces and attack one or two fortresses. With the strength of our people, they cannot resist. Since this purpose is to annihilate Just suppressing and striking, you have to be a little bit. I am willing to be a pioneer and rate people."

There is a hint of coldness in the eyes of the demon god. "There is a little bit of what you said. This time, we must hurt human beings. According to our spies on the human side, the humans have returned in the past few years after the end of the last holy war. The strength of the recovery is very fast, at least faster than us. The human advantage has gradually begun to emerge. If this continues, I am afraid that it will not take many years, and humans will even launch counterattacks against us. This situation must not be allowed. This time the holy war is no longer a small fight. I want human beings to really know what is irresistible power. Agares, Washak, after going back. Integrate your people, this time, our three tribes must be fine Out, I have to see what humans are resisting. Of course, before that, the hateful flies in the magical capital should be cleaned up. I haven’t moved them all these years. Are they afraid that I can’t clean them up? ”

The demon **** Samikina respectfully said: "Your Majesty, where did we use this as a breakthrough to attack humanity? My demon family swears to loyalty and is willing to be a pawn."

The demon **** faintly said: "From where to attack humans can also resist. Specific strategies, etc. I first solved those nasty flies in the magical capital and said. A Bao, summon all the devils to return to the devil, starting today , seal you as the demon lord, command all the hunters, and prepare for the expedition."

"Yes." A Bao's eyes were filled with cold, and the deep fighting and murderous rushing out.

The following demons also fell to the ground at the same time, "swear to die allegiance."


"If the Mozu launches an attack, the most likely target is our Royal Dragon." Long Haochen is in the first meeting room of the Knights Templar, and he is next to him, sitting next to Long Xingyu and the Light Morning Hunting Devils Everyone. In the morning of the light, everyone except him is a member of the federal parliament, and is qualified to participate in the current meeting.

Long Haochen’s words came out, and suddenly caused the shock of the Knights of the Knights.

Long Xingyu asked in confusion: "Why is the chairman so speculative?"

Long Haochen said: "Because the goal of the demon **** is me. Everyone should remember that I once collaborated with my friends to defeat the demon pillar of the Mozu. The snake devil Andu Mali and the leopard devil Osei's demon pillar are all us. Wrecked, so that the devil's seventy-two pillars of the demon will become seventy pillars forever, and it is impossible to recover. This is because I have mastered a special power, which is able to restrain the demon's demon pillar. For this reason, the demon **** had set a trap, ambushed us in the Mozu, and almost killed me completely. To be precise, he thought I was dead. This time, to prevent him from obtaining The goddess of the natural goddess, we meet again, the demon **** will certainly have a sense of crisis, and thus launch the war again, the goal is still me. For the Mozu, now I am already their confidant, do not kill me Dead, the demon **** will never be at ease. The best way for me is to attack Yulongguan directly, because the devil must be clear, as a member of the Knights’ Temple, I can’t give up the Yulongguan. I guess he is probably the first goal direct attack us. "

After listening to the explanation of Long Haochen, everyone nodded. But from the fear in their eyes, it can be seen that the current Yulongguan really does not want to fight with the Mozu.

Long Haochen Shen Sheng said: "Everyone's worry I can understand, the jihad has just ended a few years, we are still recuperating, the Mozu will come again, will certainly bring a huge disaster. And, this time the demon **** is likely to personally It is more dangerous than the last jihad. But whether the war begins or not is determined by us. It is an accident to prevent the demon **** from acquiring the goddess of nature, but I am sure If it is succeeded by the demon god, then we humans will never have a day of turning over, and there will be no future. Therefore, what we can do this time is to do our best to fight with the Mozu. This battle is likely to Become a turning point in the dark ages."

"Our Knights' Templar has an unprecedented six-handed knights, which means that history has given us enormous responsibility. Today's meeting has only one purpose. No matter how new the holy war begins, how powerful the enemy is, I am I hope that the Knights Templar will prepare for the battle and face the coming difficulties with the strongest state. Whether you can open up a dawn in the darkness, it depends on everyone. As the Federal President, I am duty-bound, as the Knights The glory of the temple and the **** of the leader, I can assure you that before I die, the demon **** can't hurt any of our gowns."

As soon as this impassioned words came out, the high-ranking members of the Knights’ Temple at the scene suddenly boiled. Long Yuchen’s guarantee means that he will take responsibility for the devil’s first strongman against the demon god. In the history of mankind, no matter whether it has been the reincarnation of the son or the **** of light, although it is also a generation of Tianjiao, but no one has dared to guarantee this to Long Haochen. Reminiscent of Long Haochen is already the master of the eternal and creative **** of the throne, and the confidence of the knights of the Knights Templar has increased a bit.

Long Haochen continued: "I have written to the Federal Headquarters. In the future, the federal high-level officials will come to Yulongguan to discuss the strategy against the enemy. At the same time, they will also bring the first and second of the latest federal formation. Two major legions. Specific strategies and tactics, we will make decisions after careful deliberation."

At the end of the meeting, the purpose of Long Haochen was basically achieved. At least the morale of the Knights Templar in Yulongguan has been mobilized by him. However, Long Haochen did not feel a little relaxed, because he knew that after the last holy war, the six great temples of the human race now have some cups of snakes and shadows. After all, the loss of humanity in the last jihad was too great.

However, some things are not what you will not happen if you are afraid of him. The arrival of the demon **** is completely foreseeable. What Long Yinchen is going to do now is to mobilize morale as much as possible and concentrate all the forces of the Temple Federation to cope with the difficulties.


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