Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 276: Legend of Eternal Heroes (Part 1)

The 276th chapter of the legend of eternal heroes (on)

After receiving the letter from Long Haochen, the Federal headquarters of the Temple has been in full swing, and ordered the distribution of the six temples and ordered them to prepare for the battle. (-<书海阁>-网.) At the same time, each temple elected three members to the Knights Templar meeting. All federal vice-chairmen also traveled at the same time. And the first and second major regiments of the Federation, which have been integrated and trained, will be brought to Yulongguan.

On the Mozu side, all the hunters have received the war mission and made every effort to explore the Mozu movement. According to the return of the hunting demon group, the Mozu really has a movement, and the most powerful dozen Mozu races are dispatching troops. The most shocking news for the Confederate Federation is that the Demon Emperor summoned more than fifty demon gods to carry their demon pillars in the demon.

After the news came, it suddenly caused an uproar in the Federation of the Temple. Even in the last holy war, the Mozu did not mobilize so many demon gods!

Among the seventy-two pillars of the Mozu, two demon gods were destroyed, and the devil who was killed at the same time currently has nine people. In other words, the seventy-two pillars of the devil are actually only sixty-three. In addition to leaving some demon gods to guard the important provinces, the demon **** can be said to mobilize all the power of the demon gods that can be used. Seeing this meaning is a bit like trying to fight a human race. How can such a situation not shock the Confucius Federation?

No one expected that after the establishment of the new federation, the reaction of the Mozu was so fast, and it was so determined. Only the top of the federal government knows that the jihad that the demon **** is about to launch is largely due to their new federal president Long Haochen.

What can they do? Hand over Long Haochen? That is absolutely impossible. When the strength of Long Haochen was not strong, the Temple Alliance withstood the pressure and did not hesitate to engage in a holy war with the Mozu. Not to mention that the current Dragonfly has a rich wing, not only has a strong personal strength, but also became the supreme ruler of the Temple Confederation, and has become an imperial knight of the Knights Templar and the leader, and has won the super artifact. With the recognition of the **** of creation, the throne. -<书海阁>-网. Together with his fascinating light hunter demon hunter, it can be said that the strength of their hunter is able to compete with any of the six temples. The overall strength is comparable.

After half a month. The high-level members of the Sanctuary Federation gathered in Yulongguan, and the two major regiments after the federal integration also entered.

Just as they started the first and most important meeting in federal history, the bad news suddenly came.

"What?" Including Long Haochen, all the high-level federal leaders in the large conference room stood up in shock, and the dignified atmosphere instantly filled and flooded in the conference room.

"The devil of the devil gods, the proud world of nine days of hunting magic, all destroyed..."

The news came from too sudden and too shocking. For a time, the entire conference room was silent, and everyone was like a giant hammer. As the president of the Federation, Long Haochen is even more pale.

At the dawn of the war between mankind and the Mozu, this news is really amazing, and the blow to the Confederate Union is really too great.

The sacred devil and the proud world nine days are the only two sacred hunters in the world except for the dawn of light. The proud world of the nine-day hunting magic group Long Haochen is not familiar, but the devil of the gods is familiar with him. The legendary tycoon Chen Zi’s help to him allowed him to successfully board the position of the Federal President. However, it has never been thought of, but within a few months, the devil's scorpion has all been destroyed by the Mozu.

After a brief shock, Long Haochen forcibly suppressed his inner sorrow and asked the head of the Emperor Hunting Devil who brought the news: "Is the message accurate?"

The head of the Emperor Hunting Devil is an old man of about eighty years old. He said with deep pain: "The news is accurate. Chen Zi’s predecessors and our hunting magic group have always had specific contact methods. (-<书海At the time of the incident, he quickly sent a message. Tell us, let us immediately withdraw to the federation. The demon **** personally led the moon demon, the star demon, the demon **** and the **** demon and more than a dozen devils. There was no sign of siege of them. When Chen Zi’s predecessors sent out news, they had to fight against it. But before the collapse of the demon hunter and the proud world, the hunters and hunters were also dying, killing the other three. The demon god. Chen Zi’s predecessors also sent an accurate number. In addition to the three demon gods who were killed, there are as many as fifty-four other devils gathered in the magic capital. The last sentence of Chen’s generation I am a little confused, he said, the demon **** hides..."

"I only said that after hiding the word, I have lost the following. Obviously, I have already suffered the devil's poisonous hand."

The high-ranking officials of the templar of the temple heard this and suddenly couldn’t help but take a breath. For a time, everyone looked at each other, except that Long Haochen was still calm, and everyone else showed the color of shock. The atmosphere of the meeting room was completely dignified.

Long Haochen’s heart is also heavy, and his eyes are full of sorrow. He didn't know the strength of the proud world's nine-day hunting magic group, but he still knows about the demon hunter of the demon **** led by Chen Zi. The spiritual power of all members of the Demon Hunting Demon Group has generally surpassed 300,000, that is, it has reached the ninth and third levels, all of which are field-level powerhouses. Chen Zi’s repairs have reached the level of the ninth and fourth grades.

Under his leadership, even if there are many strong people besieged, it should be said that there should be a chance to escape, at least one or two people should escape. But the end result is that the whole army is annihilated. If it is not known that things can't be done, how can Chen Zifang only send out the news instead of helping at least one teammate to break through the encirclement?

The two-level hunting hunters have fallen, and for the Temple Federation, this blow is unparalleled. Especially in morale, after the establishment of the new federation, this was the hardest hit.

Yang Yuhan said: "Block the news, you must not let this news spread. Chairman, I suggest that all the hunting devils in the Mozu territory be recalled immediately."

Long Hao nodded and said: "I agree. Which one has different opinions can be raised."

This resolution was unanimously adopted. Even the two title-level hunting demon groups have fallen into the Mozu. It shows how great the demon gods have made this time. Other hunting devils will continue to stay, and I am afraid they will only become cannon fodder.

After the resolution was completed, the conference room suddenly fell silent, and everyone was in contemplation. They all felt tremendous pressure like never before.

The fall of the two major-level hunting hunters made them fully feel that the jihad that the Mozu is about to launch this time is completely different from the previous one. Not only will the Demon Dragon, the Moon Mozu, and the Star Devils inevitably participate in the war, but the Demon Emperor will summon almost 90% of the Mozu. This is clearly the momentum of the decisive battle! Is the Mozu to destroy humanity in this way?

Yang Xiaohan sighed and said: "Some forces seem to have to be used." Here, he looked at Long Haochen, Shen Sheng: "Chairman, I propose, the power of the Knights of the Holy Mountain."

Long Haochen stunned for a moment, and did not understand the meaning of Yang Yuhan’s discourse. Yang Yuhan’s current identity is one of the Knights of the Knights of the Knights, one of the Lords of the Knights’ Temple, but not even the Vice-Chairman in the new federation. But at the crucial moment, as a former ally, he showed an unexpected calm.

When I heard the words of the Knights of the Holy Mountain, the heads of the six great temples raised their heads and showed their strange light.

Long Haochen asked: "Yang Dianzhu, what do you mean by the power of the Knights of the Holy Mountain?" In his impression, the Knights of the Holy Mountain live in a variety of light systems of Warcraft, is to provide excellent young horses with mounts local. At the same time, there are also some elders in the Knights' Templar who were hit hard in the war with the Mozu. However, how can this power be mentioned to counter the Mozu? Yang Yuhan’s words must be pointed out.

Yang Xiaohan slowly stood up and looked at the other temples. He said: "At the juncture of life and death, some things must be told to tell everyone, and then the federal parliamentarians will discuss and make resolutions."

Li Zhengzhi, the master of the Temple of Magic, nodded and said: "The only way is."

Qiu Yonghao, the original temple of the Holy Warrior, Chen Hongyu, the original temple of the Soul, the main holy month of the Assassin's Temple and the sorcerer of the priest's temple, Ling Xiao, also nodded.

Yang Yuhan saw that the heads of the temples all agreed, and turned to face Long Haochen. "President, deputy chairmen and deputies. The secret of the Knights of the Holy Mountain is coming out of my mouth today. Whether or not I can form a resolution, please be sure It is necessary to keep it secret, because this matter is related to the morale of the state, and once it is leaked, it will definitely cause immeasurable effects."

Long Haochen has faintly guessed in this short period of time that Yang Yuhan said that the secret of the Knights of the Holy Mountain should be the killer of human beings against the Mozu. It’s just that this killer should be something that is unspeakable. Otherwise, it will not be so mysterious, and it will not be used in the last holy war.

Yang Yuhan said: "As early as more than 6,000 years ago, when the Mozu came and attacked us, the people of the Holy Spirit were ruined. The number of human populations that had ruled the mainland plummeted. For a time, the corpses were raging, and the Mozu burned and looted. No evil, no."

"In order to survive, the compatriots who have the ability can only choose to flee. Under the constant oppression of the Mozu, they finally gather in the current sphere of influence of our Temple Federation. And they form the six great temples and compete with the Mozu."

"After decades of war, we finally stabilized our positions. With the help of the six predecessors of the six major temples, we finally blocked the attack of the Mozu. However, the Mozu was still strong at that time. The Temple Alliance has a decisive battle."


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