Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 277: National Idol (middle)

~.<书海阁>-~The 247th chapter of the National Idol (middle)

Long Haochen’s words shocked many people, and for the first time, he realized the strength of the federal chairman. Until he finished the last sentence, no one even interjected.

Everyone is deeply thinking about what he said, even the most stubborn pastor of the temple, Ling Xiao, has seen some changes in his face.

Long Haochen flashed his body and returned to his position and sat down. "I just said that it is my personal opinion. Now everyone can brainstorm. We will vote later. The meeting is still hosted by Yang Dian."

After Yang Xiaohan nodded to Long Haochen, he calmly said: "The story of the chairman has deeply shocked me. Under the powerful strength of the chairman, there is such a scene that is so unknown. The chairman and the dawn of the light Every member of the regiment is a hero of the federation. We should pay tribute to the heroes." As he said, he took the lead to stand up and walked a standard knight to the dragons and the morning light of the hunter. .

Other lawmakers also got up and followed the example of Yang Yuhan.

Long Haochen rushed to stand up with his friends. "On the day of becoming a hunter, we thought about throwing our heads and sprinkling blood for the federation. I never thought that I could end up being good. Just like Chen. The sons and the ancestors must have thought of the end of the war. I believe that although the two major-level hunting hunters have been annihilated, they have never regretted them. They are the real heroes. I propose to be the devil.陨 陨 魔 、 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲 傲

The audience was silent. Everyone’s heart does not consciously raise the meaning of grief. However, in this grief, more is blood. Many people have never discovered that after listening to the story of Long Haochen, their inner repression was replaced by a strong sense of war. The fear of the upcoming jihad of the Mozu army has also disappeared a lot.

The silence ended. Yang Yihan continued the previous topic.

"Chairman, there is something I have to explain to you. The eternal heroes of those predecessors who have become undead, will have some influence on their personality. I don't agree with you personally. If there is danger..."

Long Haochen waved his hand and said: "It will not be dangerous. I will go with the children. The purification field of the children is the nemesis of all the undead creatures. Therefore, I can assure you that even our eternal hero It’s really deteriorating, and I’m going to do something that harms the Union. We will solve this problem personally in the morning.

His words are by no means exaggerated. The strength of the eternal heroes is stronger, and it is impossible to compare them with all the undead creatures in that plane. The children can be shocked by the scenes, not to mention the 63 permanent heroes. If they riot, the lotus flower of the children is not vegetarian.

Yang Yihan said: "In this case, we will discuss this matter later. Regarding the chairman’s proposal to be the name of the eternal hero, we should also consider it from a long-term perspective. If it is to be implemented, then it must be fully prepared. Only then."

Long Hao nodded and said: "I agree."

Li Zhengzhi said: "I don't see this. The chairman's proposal is very meaningful. The president's own story is more persuasive. Even the undead natural disaster that once caused disaster to us, Electrolux is a necromancer. The merits, let alone our eternal hero. If we record the story of the chairman and then publicize it, after the propaganda, throwing out the eternal hero, it should be more acceptable. Alright."

The dragon is a morning, and Qiu Yonghao, the original temple of the Warrior Temple, immediately agrees: "The idea of ​​Li Dianzhu is good. The Federation has just been established. If we can shape the husband and wife into a national idol, we must have a huge Benefits. It can also enhance the chairman's appeal and cohesiveness. The image of the chairman and the vice president of the children also has the basis to become an idol. Just come."

After listening to Qiu Yonghao's analysis, the eyes of the audience can't help but light up.

Chen Yinger immediately said: "I agree. The story between the chairman and the vice president of Caier is a legend. It should be publicized. What's more, this is for us to better fight against the Mozu."

Long Haochen did not think that his behavior to be the name of the eternal hero was directed to himself. He just wanted to oppose it, but he was already overwhelmed by a piece of approval.

The final vote of this meeting was unanimously passed, and Long Haochen personally invited the eternal hero to come out and make a name for the eternal heroes. Of course, the main premise of all this is in the promotion of the couples of Long Haochen and Caier.

Li Zheng, the master of the Temple of Magic, directly carried out this mission, and the magical sorcerer of the Magic Temple directly responsible for making a magical short film for publicity. Of course, Long Haochen and Caier also have to cooperate with the performance.

This is only the first meeting. More important issues were placed on the table at the next day's meeting.

Where will the Mozu attack? Is it like a full-scale attack on the last jihad, or is it a bit of attack? If it is just a little attack, where is this point?

This issue is of paramount importance to the Temple Federation. Even if the front is hard, the chances of the victory of the Temple Federation are still small. If the Mozu is caught off guard by the Mozu and is attacked by the Mozu army into the interior of the Temple Federation, then it is inevitable that the spirits will be smeared. With the destructive power of the Mozu army, the federal crisis.

On this issue, Long Haochen believes that it is most likely that the Mozu directly attacked the Knight's Temple where the Knight's Temple is located, because the main target of the Demon Emperor is him. However, he has no absolute certainty. In case the demon **** attacked other fortresses, he concentrated the federal forces on the Yulongguan. Then, it is equal to placing the federal people in front of the Mozu army!

The top executives of the federation have been discussing it for two days and still have no results.

However, the federal order was passed to the other five major temples, including the magical short films of Long Haochen and Caier.

There is the existence of the Aion, and there is the control of the tower master and the cooperation of the light morning demon hunter and the twelve holy Guards. They almost completely reproduce the original scene, although the shooting time is too short, it seems Some rough. However, the shocking situation was completely shot, especially the magical temple, which was performed by more than ten magicians in the shortest time, and the most elaborate post-production was made. What Long Xiaochen and Caier did not expect was that, in the near future, their stories touched the entire federation and, as Qiu Yonghao said, became a national idol.

Holy City.

The sun is setting, and the sky is gradually darkening.

After the end of the ten-year-old temple, the Holy City gradually quieted down. As the capital and the rear of the Temple Federation, the prosperity here has not changed.

It’s dark, it means that people who are busy and busy for a day have finished their work and can rest. The nightlife of the Holy City has always been very rich. However, there is a strange scene in the holy city today. Just like the time ago in the Temple, a large crowd of people rushed in the direction of the sacred trial.

"Hey, Zhang brother, what are you going to do on this big night?"

"Brother, haven't you seen the notice posted by the Federal Headquarters? Starting from tonight, the magical image of the ten-day series will be played continuously in the Holy City test site, which is said to be the president and vice-president of the Federation."

"Magic image? What is that?"

"It's just using magic to record, save the images and sounds! The Federation is so serious, it should be worth seeing. Let's go and watch the fun together."

Similar conversations continue to spread in the streets of the holy city, coupled with the power of the announcement, the sky is not completely dark, and the surrounding area of ​​the Holy City test is full of people.

Ten giant magic crystal screens that had been unloaded after the temple was installed, and the magic crystal screens were exuded with dazzling brilliance. The magic images that were later should be played with them.

What will magic imagery be? The Federal President and Vice Chairman personally appeared? Is it that they learn from each other? Why can the federal use magic to record it and show it to us? Almost everyone has curiosity in their hearts. But there was no news beforehand.

Curiosity drove them to watch the magic crystal screen, waiting quietly.

The sky is completely dark, and the dazzling brilliance on the magic crystal screen becomes more obvious in the dark, even if it is clearly seen in the distant roof.

The sound of the majestic sounds, "The magic image will play immediately. Before playing, you need to make a simple explanation to everyone. This magic image is recorded by the chairman, the vice chair, and the hunters of the light hunter. Co-recorded. Post-production by the Magic Temple. The whole process completely reproduces the story that happened after Chairman Long Haochen and Vice Chairman of the Children and the Devils. Therefore, before the story begins, you need to simply Introduce the story background,..."

"..., the background is like this. Chairman Long Haochen was smashed by the demon **** and died. The vice president of Caier and other demon hunters of the light escaped the devil with his body. Our story is also I started to believe that everyone is very strange. The heart of Chairman Long Haochen has been broken. He has already died in the Star Devils Tower. Why can he become our chairman later? Then, please watch the next magic image. You will get the answer. After the founding of the federation, it will become more democratic. Each of you is the master of the federation. Therefore, you have the right to know about the experience of the first president of our new federation. The reason for this video production. In the name of the federal government, all the processes reproduced in the image are real events that have occurred."


The recommended ticket is not to force! Let's put a movie ticket, always buy a movie ticket. Hey.



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