Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 277: National idol (below)

In the history of the Temple Federation, there has never been a high-level experience that has been so clearly displayed in the eyes of the people. The words of the San Francisco federal officials have not only evoked the people’s deeper curiosity and completeness. Being brought into this story makes them feel the feeling of being respected. For a time, everyone's sight was completely attracted by the magic crystal screen.

For the first time, they knew that the hunter-gathers that once shined in the light of the temple had turned into the Mozu, defeated the two demon pillars, and even boldly went to the magic capital, planning to kill the demon god. . Even the demon gods did not hesitate to mobilize the three most powerful races of the Mozu to set the trap for them.

What will magic images show?

In the case that the curiosity of the people has been fully mobilized, the image begins to show.

The huge magic crystal screens of the ten sides are almost brilliant at the same time, and the golden light brings a strong shock to all the people.

The golden light gradually converges, and the first thing that appears in their sight is a small forest.

The low-pitched argument suddenly sounded. "Look, isn’t that the demon hunter of the morning demon hunter? It’s the vice president of the singer. Look, it’s the vice chairman of Chen Yinger, she is still the deputy lord of the soul temple. It."

"Look at the bald head, that is Sima Xian, the most powerful discipline priest in the pastor's temple."

"I still like that magician. The phoenix skill he used in the temple is too dazzling."

The voices of the people were concealed by the sounds in the images.

In the image, Chen Yinger was crying and crying, and everyone was surrounded by Long Haochen lying down on the ground.

The child slowly crouched down and she looked at a blue ring on her finger.

Gently take the ring off, pull up the dragon's left hand and bring him on the ring finger.

"A fool. Why do you want to return it to me! It has long been yours, just like my heart."

The sound of the children is very light. But after the magic image is enlarged. Can make everyone on the scene clearly heard. Only in an instant, they suddenly felt the deep sadness in the voice of the children. The emotion that mourned more than the heart and soul immediately dragged the hearts of every citizen, and also caused their arguments to stop instantly, all quietly watching the images on the magic crystal screen.

The children raised their hands. The eternal melody necklace on the neck of Long Haochen was slowly picked up. The golden gimmick shines in the magical image. When the children wear the eternal melody on their necks, the people in the heart have invariably raised questions. what is that?

"Let's go." The sound of the children's voice began, and then the people saw a scene of dazzling fascination. The strong golden light shines from the eternal melody. Cover all the bodies of everyone. The next moment, with the rise of the golden light, the image instantly became blurred. In a series of twists, I switched to another place.

At this time, the narration sounded, "They passed through to the other plane. It is in the world of artifacts. The golden nickname is the eternal melody, the key to open the artifact. And the creator of this artifact is... ..."

The narration ends here. The picture becomes clear again.

The children’s anxious voice sounded, “Come out, you are coming out. Come out!”

A green radiance sneaked out of the dragon's fine gold pedestal, and the green brilliance looked weak, and the faintness was like a smog.

A faint voice sounded in the green smoke. "He is dead. The contract between me and him is gradually disappearing. All I can do is to keep his soul from dissipating within seven days. But you There are only seven days. The only chance to resurrect him is in this Aion. Only you have the inheritance of this tower master, and with the mystery of the light of the undead magic, it is possible to restore his soul and recast the heart. If he can resurrect, the contract that I have left on him will be restored. Otherwise, after seven days, the soul will dissipate, his soul will be imprisoned by this tower of eternal life, and it will not be super-eternal forever. So, if you can’t bring him in seven days. Resurrection, take him out of here, at least let his soul not suffer here."

The sound ends here, and the green cloud of smoke disappears.

"That, that voice is..." Wang Yuanyuan said dumbly.

"I know, I know. It is the little girl in the dream temple. Yes, it must be her." Lin Xin fiercely said.

Han Yu grabbed Lin Xin’s shoulder and shouted excitedly: “Yes, yes, it’s night tears. It’s her. She has some kind of contractual relationship with the head. She came to help us. There is an opportunity to be resurrected and there is a chance."

What shocked the people most was that Han Yu’s head had a chance to be resurrected. When a person dies, can he still be resurrected? What is the meaning of the light system of undead magic? What is a recast heart? What is the inheritance of the Aion. The heavy fog has made everyone feel sluggish.

“Who has a strong rope or chain?” The screams of the children made the people wake up from their thoughts. Then they saw that with the help of their partners, the children of the dragons were carrying the body of Long Haochen on their backs and tied them with chains.

Seeing this, many people feel that their throat seems to have caught something.

Although many people know that the Devils have paid a lot for the Federation. However, when they saw this magical image, they really realized how cruel the experience of the hunting magic group.

"In seven days, we only have seven days. In seven days, we must climb to the summit of the Aion. I want to inherit the inheritance of the Holy Spirit and the undead Scourge."

The declaration of the children’s voice rang in the image, and a name was also imprinted on the hearts of the people, the **** of the dead, the undead natural disaster Electrolux. What is his existence?

Before the people had enough time to think and the picture changed again, the children had begun to lead the hunters of the Light Hunting Demon to challenge the Aion.

Here, the plot and facts of the magical image have changed slightly. In order to better impress the people, this test begins on the first floor. The powerful Twelve Holy Spirit began to appear in the eyes of the people.

The demon hunters fell one by one, watching the scene where they sacrificed themselves to pave the way for the resurrection of Long Haochen, and the tears began to appear in the eyes of the people.

In order to resurrect their heads, in order to resurrect the chairman of Long Haochen, every demon hunter of the Light Morning Hunting Devils has paid for everything! The most precious life in the eyes of ordinary people is their selfless dedication.

Sima Xian fell, Chen Yinger fell, and Wang Yuanyuan fell. But no matter how they fall, their eyes are full of persistence and hope.

On the first floor and the first floor of the Light Hunting Enemy, climbing to the Eternal Tower, the hearts of the people are also raised. Many people even unconsciously, the clothes have been wet by tears. They held their breath and didn't even dare to cry, lest they missed a trace.

On the sixth floor of the Aion, only the children are killed in the battle. The Death Scythe in her hand is lifted high and faces the most difficult test.

Lin Xin’s voice became a narration. “The deputy head is the power to use the seven gods of death! Every time she uses it, she will lose a sense. She...”

The simple narration brings a deeper shock. Next, it is the battle of the children.

Seven deaths, the first must, the death of the shackles, the second must, the death of the net, the third must, the death of the whistle, the fourth must, the death kiss, the fifth must, dead and dying. The sixth is the road to death.

The people witnessed what was powerful. When the children finally defeated their opponents with the death of the Seventh Dead, the whole square of the Holy City trials rang the tsunami-like cheers. More is a big cry. But what they don't know is that their tears are just beginning.

Six colors of light appeared, smoothing the wounds of the morning light. Seeing that they were all hurt, even pulled back from the death line, the people's tight hearts have a strong relief and relaxation. Is it finally over? Want to resurrect the chairman of Long Haochen?

And then, a more cruel scene will follow.

The road to the sky.

"One step at a time, the sky is through the sky."

Narrator: "On the way to the sky, all power will be suppressed. The vice chairman of the children will only have the power of ordinary girls."

Very simple introduction, but immediately let the people understand the pressure of the child experience.

The pace of picking children is very stable, taking a step, stumbling, bowing, and getting up. Take another step, then trip over..., cycle back and forth.

The people began to see the sweat and gradually saw the blood marks.

Two blood marks began to appear on the way to the end of the sky, the blood marks from shallow to deep.

Gradually, the third blood mark from the forehead of the children also appeared.

After all, the people are ordinary people. Their emotions are much more fragile than those of the demon hunters. Even the people who used to hunter the devils in the morning of the light have burst into tears, and suddenly the surrounding area of ​​the Holy City has become a crying ocean. . Many people are already crying and crying, not self.

Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. The children are so step by step, difficult and embarrassing. Her body has already begun to shake, and the blood marks left on the ground began to appear as liquid blood flowing down the stairs.


Let's have a big hundred words, let everyone save some money, and the ceremony is light and affectionate. Thank you for your support.


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