Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 278: Enter, the land of eternal heroes (on)

.. In the image, the children who are clearly close to the collapse are still up, still climbing. ╱

..5 seems to have an unparalleled power to support her body that is becoming more and more vulnerable. .

"砰-" On the 112th step, the child suddenly fell suddenly, and the heavy squatting on the ladder in front, but her right hand was squatting on the surface of the step brilliance. Point your toes on the ladder below and don't let yourself slide down.

Blood, dyed the hem of the long skirt, and slipped down the tip of his toes. The pretty face of Caier’s original color is now full of blood.

Her body was trembled violently because she had suffered too much. Only her eyes were still obsessive and firm.

Breathing fiercely, she reluctantly moved up the first step, "砰" and bowed again.

"Don't go any further." In the crowd, I don't know who shouted. Suddenly caused a common shout of all the people watching the video.

Climbing, coma, climbing again, then coma...

The child fell over and over again, and climbed again and again. When she climbed the second step, she became a blood man.

At this time, she has been in a coma for the seventh time on the road to the sky.

There was no complete flesh in the knees of the children, and the white bones were barely exposed. Her slender legs were always unconsciously squatting. Because of excessive blood loss, the whole person showed a pathological paleness. Her life is losing at an alarming rate. And the road to the sky, but still can not see the end.

The image is placed here, and the image of the child has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone who watches the image.

The voice of the narration sounded again. "The vice president of the singer was stunned seven times during the climb of the Tongtian Road, which lasted for several days. The image reappeared is already a time-compressed scene."

This can no longer be described by the simple shocking words. Some of the more vulnerable female audiences have already stunned in the screaming cry. Even the federal soldiers responsible for maintaining order have long since wept. For the first time, they knew that the human will was so powerful, and it was the first time that they truly witnessed the suffering of the hunters.

It is also on the way to the sky when the emotions of the people are about to collapse. Finally there was a light door.

When the children tried their best and jumped into the light door, the whole holy city trial was already cheering with a whimper.

The seventh floor of the dazzling Eternal Tower appeared, and the coffin of Electrolux's sleep was also presented.

Yes, for the general public, they are born with a strong fear of the undead. However, after the previous emotional volatility, they were not so shocked when they saw the undead form of Electrolux.

Electrolux proposed a fresh heart to resurrect Long Haochen. The child reversed the death knife and did not hesitate to stab his chest. The scream almost overturned the holy city.

When Electrolux asked the children to test Long Haochen, almost all the people were supportive because they were also strongly questioned. How can Dr. Long Haochen’s chairman, He De, be able to get such a contribution?

Wake up to the morning, facing the test of Electrolux. When he said that he was willing to give up his belief in order to save the children, the audience boiled. They finally know that it is not just a child who is passionate about sex. Their federal president is even more willing to give up the faith that is more precious than life!

At this moment, the position of Caier and Long Haochen in their hearts has been sublimated to an indescribable height. Are the beliefs and the undead all important? No, in the face of this sincere love, it seems that everything has become small.

Especially when Electrolux said the words "you have won", the cheers of the audience again broke out.

have to say. The role of the magical image has completely surpassed the original conjecture of the magical temple, Li Zhengzhi, and completely surpassed the imagination of all the initiators.

The people were almost crazy about this magical image. They were screaming the names of Long Haochen and Caier, and they were releasing their emotions.

With the previous preparations, then, when Electrolux tells his story again, it is more likely to be accepted by the public. Electrolux’s tragic experience. As well as his last awakening and self-purification in Long Haochen and Caier, he finally deeply shocked the hearts of the people.

The image ended in Electrolux's shouting: "The hand holds the stars and the stars, there is no such thing as me in the world."

At this time, the night has gradually deepened, but the people have not left. After a brief silence and calm. The three names of Long Haochen, Caier, and Guangchenchen became the slogans of their shouts.

Holy City, sleepless night.


This is noon. It was the time of lunch, and in a humble hotel, the hot discussion made the hotel look very noisy.

"Going tonight? No, I won't go." A woman shook her head hard and refused the man's proposal at the same table.

"Why don't you go? Let's put it for ten days. If you don't look at it, you can't see it."

"Can't go anymore, go to my eyes and cry. The vice president of the children is really pitiful. The Mozu is too hateful. If it is not too bad, I can't wait to join the army and go to battle." ”

"Oh, isn't it. Don't say that you are a princess. Even if I am a big man, I will watch it once and cry once! It is so touching. No wonder the chairman and vice-chairmen can have such a repair at a young age." The suffering that people have experienced is completely unimaginable!"

"Isn't it. The undead Scourge Electrolux is also very poor. So the powerful Necromancer is completely forced by reality."

"Yeah, who can be right? In the end, did he not regret it? He was also cleaned by the vice president of the mining. I saw this magical image and I realized that the undead creatures can also have thoughts and wisdom, not just Killing!"

A similar topic, almost all over the town of Nanguan Street.

Not only the town of South Gate, the magical image was transmitted to the Holy City of the Temple and the six major fortresses for the first time. Other inland cities are still in the process of shipping the magic crystal screen. After all, the number of magic crystal screens is small, and there are only a few cities that can conditionally release images.

After the first wave of the Holy City and the six major fortresses, the magic crystal screens of the seven cities will be removed and sent to inland cities.

In the history of the Temple Federation, or in the history of all mankind, there has never been such an influential event. According to word of mouth, Caier and Long Haochen have gradually become more than just a national idol, and even in the face of faith. So when it was later, Long Haochen and the lawmakers discussed the image in the federal ban. But the story of him and the children and the light of the morning demon hunter has affected the entire generation of the Federation.

In the process of Long Haochen and Caier being a national idol, as a party, they have quietly arrived at the Knights Mountain in the company of Yang Yuhan.

This is the third time that Long Haochen has come to the Knights of the Holy Mountain. He has great affection for the knight's holy place. The first time I came here, he took the moon, and came here for the second time. He took the Star King. After more than a decade, he has grown from a ignorant boy to a federal president. He has experienced a lot, paid a lot, and got a lot.

The distance between the fog and the sacred mountains of the Knights is about a kilometer. The rich light of the knights of the Knights begins to surge. The pale golden fog is uncontrollably toward the three dragons. Drifting.

What Long Haochen felt was a deep sense of intimacy. The light elements contained in the pale golden mist were like the children who found their homes and rushed toward him.

Raising his left hand, there was a faint smile on the face of Long Haochen, and the soft light element began to wrap around his body. In the whole process, he did not release any of his own strength, and everything was naturally formed.

Also as a strong light, Yang Yuhan, who is also a knight of the gods, can't help but sigh. Long Haochen has indeed cultivated the light system to the extreme! Even light elements use him as a source.

Long Haochen suddenly raised his head and looked into the depths of the fog. Suddenly, the fog in front of him spread out, just like a soldier who obeyed the command, and opened a path. Three old people with disabilities in their bodies are coming quickly toward them. For the dispersion of the light and fog, the three old people suddenly took a surprise, and they were the first time they encountered this scene.

However, when they saw Yang Yihan, the nervous emotions relaxed, but what surprised them even more was that the sacred fog of the knight’s holy mountain was not the **** of the defense and co-ordination. A young man next to him.

The Knight Mountain is almost a place isolated from the world. Although several elders have seen Long Haochen here, it is a minority. At least the first three people are seeing him for the first time.

"I have seen the lord of Yang Dian." The three elders came to the front and salute Yang Xiaohan.

Yang Yihan and Long Haochen returned to the Knights etiquette at the same time.

"The three elders have worked hard. Please lead us to the seal of the seal." Yang Yihan said as he took out a token.

The token in his hand was carved from a single piece of golden gems with a lot of runes formed by the ancient elves.

Seeing this token, the three elders once again squatted and walked up to the front, and surrounded the three dragons in the center, each taking out a golden token.


The eternal hero is going to play, guess what the plot will be. To be continued..


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