Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 278: Enter, the land of eternal heroes (middle)

The original golden light flashes, and each golden token releases six runes under the encouragement of the elders. A total of eighteen runes of three tokens emerge in the air, and the people quickly burst into brilliance. -<书海阁>-.╱oo Next, a huge golden vortex will surround all six people. In the violent surge of light and fog, the next moment, they have disappeared in place.

The current Longyan morning has been different from that of the past, and he can feel that there is an extremely powerful array of martial arts in the entire Knight Mountain. It can be said that the entire Knight Mountain is built by the Faction. To be aware of the secrets here, you must be familiar with the law or the people who are here to lead.

Golden light converges, they have appeared in another place, and it is also a place where Long Xiaochen seems to have met.

This is in a cave with a piece of pale gold jewel inlaid with a piece of gold. The faint golden light illuminates everything here.

The light elements in the cave are not rich, far less than the knights of the knights, and at most they are slightly stronger than the outside world.

This cave is very huge, looking up and looking up, the top is at least twenty feet away from the ground, the entire cave is irregular round, looking at it, the diameter is at least more than a hundred feet, it is like a huge square.

There are trapezoidal lattices on the ground, and these lattices are closely connected to form a huge ring to gather in the center of the underground square. In each of the plaids, there is a dull, ancient Elves.

Seeing this, Long Haochen finally remembered what it was. Isn't that the original launching of the squad that allowed him to find the cave of Haoyue? I did not expect that I came here again this time.

Yang Yihan nodded to the three elders and said: "Thank you for the three guides. Please wait again."

The elders respectfully bowed to Yang Yuhan.

Yang Xiaohan walked in front of Long Haochen and said: "In the morning, the seal of the cave can only enter one person at a time. I and Caier stay here waiting for you. Those predecessors have a very rich experience, and they have slept here. In the millennium, it will inevitably be a little weird in character. If you are careful, if you can't handle the situation, you will use the power to stimulate the token, and you will naturally be sent back here."

Said while. He handed the token, which was carved out of golden gems, to the hands of Long Haochen.

Long Haochen took the token and nodded to Yang Yuhan, then walked toward the center of the underground square. There is a circle about three feet in diameter, and the center is the biggest symbol.

However, he had just started, but he was stopped by the three elders who led the way. One of the elders was hesitant to say to Yang Lan: "Yang Dianzhu, this does not seem to conform to the rules. Only you can enter the seal hole. You are..."

Yang Xiaohan smiled slightly and said: "I forgot to introduce you to you. This is Long Haochen. It is the new **** of the Knights of the Knights Templar. He was recognized by the throne of the eternal and creative god. It was sealed by the temple. For the glory and the **** of the leader, the knight is also the head of the six knights of our Knights' Temple. After that, this sacred mountain command is under his control."

The three elders were also shocked at the same time, watching the face of Long Haochen suddenly changed. They are all old people in the Knights' Templar. Naturally know what the eternal and creative **** of the throne means.

Long Haochen knew that the three elders still had some unbelief, a slight smile, and a soft spiritual power. Going over to the three elders.

The pure light elements made the three elders all chill, and the next moment, the indescribable comfort was instantly spread through every corner of the body. Even their broken limbs are no exception. Their respective spiritual powers are like boiling, and only a few breaths of effort, the spiritual power has increased by the magnitude of the usual months of cultivation.

At this point, the three elders no longer have doubts, although the heart is still full of shock, but still quickly flashed the figure, respectfully bowed to the dragon.

Long Haochen held the holy mountain to the station and stood at the huge symbol of the center. The eyes are slowly closed. Quietly feel everything around you.

His mental power was in the blink of an eye, and suddenly spread, whether it was Yang Yihan, Caier or the three elders, they obviously felt that their consciousness had a moment of ambiguity.

This time, even Yang Yuhan’s face could not help but reveal the color of shock, a strong spiritual power!

In this sacred mountain of the Knights, even the devil is here. It is impossible for his spiritual power to detect the interior of the sacred mountain. The sacred mountain array contains extremely strong light elements, and at the same time has the wonder of thousands of arrays. Many mysteries belong to the ancient elves. Even the Knights Templar, who is the direct controller of the Knights of the Holy Mountain, cannot fully understand the mystery of this big battle.

However, the spirit of Long Haochen was not blocked by a half point here, and it took a while. It covers the entire Knight Mountain.

As the owner of the genius of light and the domain of the **** of light, how can the law of any light attribute resist him? It’s like a girl who is completely open. Let him explore.

Soon, Long Haochen felt everything he wanted to know. Through exploration, he discovered that the Knight Mountain is composed of nine light systems. It is divided into a core array and eight peripheral arrays. These nine circles form a new big array. The complicated arrangement of the array of laws is only seen in his life. Moreover, this array has a very strong limiting effect. Even if the ninth-order powerhouse enters, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss in the squad.

There are many light warcraft on the Mount of the Knights, which are also the source of the mounts of the Knights Templar. However, the true mystery of this knight's sacred mountain lies in the interior of the mountain. The position where they are at this time is the position of the core tactical array of the nine squads. If you want to control the big squad of the Knights of the Holy Mountain, you need to do it here. And the sacred mountain order in his hand is the key to unlocking the full power of the squad or opening the ban.

Lifting the sacred mountain over the top of the head, Long Haochen will inject the spiritual power into it. The pure light system is only able to enter the holy mountain order, and the golden light is released in an instant.

The sacred mountain order seemed to make a slight humming sound, and then the nine squadrons in the Knights of the Holy Mountain had all reacted.

A circle of golden dragonflies spread out from the dragon's feet in the morning, igniting an ancient elf rune. Just a few breaths, all the ancient elf runes at the heart of the knight's holy mountain are all shining.

The one rune seems to have come alive, with the golden glow beginning to flow, a circle of golden runes is rotated clockwise, and some are rotated counterclockwise. In the vicinity of the sacred mountain in the hands of Long Haochen, there are still a few golden runes suspended in the air.

Yang Xiaohan told Long Haochen before coming here. When he opened the Holy Mountain Order, he would feel how to enter the seal of the seal.

At this time, Long Haochen had a real feeling. The sacred mountains gave him several different flavors. There were defenses to open, killing and opening, and the last one was the path to the seal.

The idea was moved and the sacred mountain was triggered. A strong golden light beam suddenly bursts from the foot of the dragon's morning, and is instantly connected to the top of the cave, while the dragon's body shape is completely covered by the golden light column. The thick light elements have reached a near-substantial level, and even the children who have the purifying properties feel a kind of stagnation.

In order to motivate the Knights of the Holy Mountain, it is not only necessary to have a sacred mountain order, but also a strong enough light attribute ability. Any other property will not succeed. If a dark attribute has stolen the Holy Mountain Order and comes here, then there are only two endings. One is that he is strong enough to break away, and the more likely is the second. It was completely strangled here by light elements.

The golden light column lasted for about 30 seconds and then slowly disappeared. When the golden light column fell, the dragon's body disappeared.

The rich light elements are covered, and the distance between the shuttles is very close. After the early exploration by Long Haochen, it is clear that the specific location of the seal hole is clearly known, but this position is completely suppressed by the big squad of the Knights Mountain. There is no sacred mountain order, even if he is not sure that he can break through.

This place is below the bottom of the Knights Mountain.

The surrounding golden color gradually dissipated, and Long Haochen first felt a cold. He can feel the chill with his cultivation, showing how strong this chill is, and definitely not just as simple as temperature changes.

Everything around it became clear, and in front of Long Haochen was a ramp that was paved with blue bricks. Although it was dark in the surroundings, Long Haochen had a faint golden light on his body, which could illuminate a few meters around him.

The air inside the ramp is very dirty. And the sultry chill is from the front.

As soon as the dragon raised his hand, the soft white flame suddenly ignited, his fingertips flicked, and a little white Mars floated forward. Don't look at this Mars is not big, wherever it passes, all the filth in the air is instantly burned. As for whether the air is enough to breathe, it doesn't matter to him. He just doesn't like the dirty. At the same time, under the illumination of this white Mars, he also saw the situation ahead.

The ramp is slanting downwards, so the white flame falls directly on the front wall, but it does not go out, like an oil lamp burning in the wall, but it does not burn the cyan stone. brick.

Long Haochen walked forward in the light of the flames. The sacred mountain in his hand also radiated a faint golden light, which could play a certain role in lighting.

Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. To be continued

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