Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 278: Enter, the land of eternal heroes to sleep (below)

This ramp is longer than Longyan’s imagination, and the more it moves forward, the more obvious the chilly breath. So that the spiritual power in his body has been self-protected by ji.

The warmth of the breath spreads in the chest, and the warmth of the heart spreads with the breath of life. It just wanders around, and the dragon is no longer able to feel the cold existence.

The face can not help but reveal a smile, this is the power of night tears. Since the night of tears merged with him for his wisdom, he fell into a deep sleep. And Long Haochen also clearly felt the changes in his body during the process of the integration of night tears. When he felt a new heart grow under the energy of the Eternal Heart, he suddenly realized that the original Eternal Heart did not make him truly resurrected.

Perhaps, the eternal heart can always support him to live, but, without the heart, he is not a real person! In a sense, there is nothing wrong with counting him as a dead soul. It is just a special undead with a field of light.

But when the heart grows out, Long Haochen clearly feels that the power of the night tears is perfectly integrated with the eternal heart. Today, he not only has a new heart, but also the heart is stronger than the original. It is. It just made him a bit strange, the heart evolved, but the spiritual power that the eternal heart brought to him disappeared. His current inner spiritual power is about 560,000. This does not include the 90,000 spiritual power that the eternal heart originally attached.

The coldness is not enough to affect him, and Long Haochen has also accelerated his pace. Indeed, he did not use these eternal heroes as a threat, not only because he trusted these ancestors, but also because of his confidence in himself. With his own cultivation, coupled with the power of the eternal and creative God of the throne and the moon. Even if he is facing the demon god, he has the confidence to retreat.

Walked nearly three hundred meters obliquely downward, and the ramp reached the end. An arched door appeared in front of Long Haochen.

The door of this room is double-opened, with many figures on it. If you can discern it, it seems that it was the scene of the war between the human and the Mozu. There are also four quaint handwritings on the gate. It is: an eternal hero.

On the stone gate, many traces have been mottled, but it can be far away from the ages. Although the materials are superior, the years still leave clear traces.

In order to guard the alliance, these eternal heroes have been sleeping here for 6,000 years! Even if they are always in a state of slumber, there is always a time to wake up. They are suffering from darkness and loneliness here. What do you have to pay for yourself than they do?

Thinking of this, Long Haochen could not help but bow to the four heroes of the eternal hero on Shimen. At the same time, it is determined that no matter how difficult it is, it must be the name of the 63 eternal heroes.

When he stood up straight, he slowly inserted the sacred mountain in his hand into the only depression on the stone door.

Strictly stitched, I have to praise the craftsmanship of the craftsman.


A clear and melodious sound sounded like a bottle made of a magic crystal, and the sweet sound echoed in the martyrdom. The strange feeling made Long Haochen's mind clear.

Then, the two stone doors began to emit a faint luster, only the holy mountain is still golden. Shimen quietly slipped open to the sides.

The hou degree of Shimen is probably more than one meter. They have existed for thousands of years here, but they are so calm when they are opened. Undoubtedly, these two stone doors are not only superbly crafted, but the interior is also engraved with a magical array.

It was at least ten times colder than before, and it instantly hit the body of Long Haochen. Surprisingly, the air inside is not dirty, just extreme cold. The breath of the sensation of the cold has turned into the ice **** in the breath of the dragon's morning breath.

In front of it is a dark cave. Even if the dragon is repaired to a higher height, it is impossible to see anything in an absolutely dark place without a little illumination. However, this time he did not ignite the flame of light. But respectfully, once again, said: "The Knights Templar, the **** of glory and the leader of the dragon, the dragon, meet the ancestors."

He did not step into this dark cave in one step. His voice is filled with reverence from the heart.

The sound of Long Haochen echoed in the cave and the martyrdom, perhaps because it was too tightly closed and the echo could not go for a long time.

Long Haochen was so bent, and there was no point in changing the posture. Stable and quiet, maintaining a respectful attitude. These ancestors who have endured 6,000 years of loneliness after paying the price of life for the Alliance are definitely worthy of doing so.

"Although I am curious as to why a young man is coming, but your twice respectful attitude has made me feel good about you."

There was a strange voice in the cave. This sound sounded a bit stiff. When you talk, every two or three words will pause, so it sounds weird.

Long Haochen slowly rose straight up, right fist slammed his left chest, and once again performed a knight's ceremony. "The ancestors of the ancestors for the alliance, for the sake of humanity, the respect of the younger generation is appropriate."

The stiff voice sounded again. "You said, you are the **** of glory and the leader of the seal. The original little doll named Yang Xiaohan? He seems to be about a hundred years old. Is it already dead in the hands of the Mozu? I If you remember correctly, he should be the **** of the defense and co-ordination."

Long Haochen said: "Yang Dianzhu did not die, but he gave me the qualification to communicate with the seniors."

The voice was a little low. "It seems that the alliance is what happened. The Knights Templar has the glory for the first time and the title of the leader, the Knight of the Knights, which has never been heard before. The special case of the existence of the message. Let's say, what are you going to do this time? Well, wait a minute. Before that, you must prove to me that the identity of your **** knight is so strong from your life. Look, it should be right and right. Is it true that the Knights’ Temple has an genius like never before?”

Long Haochen respectfully said: "The younger generation is called Long Haochen, and after another three months, it is twenty-six years old. What I have passed down is the power of the eternal and creative **** of the throne in the six gods of the throne.

"What?" The stiff voice suddenly became high. Then, Long Haochen felt a huge pressure. This pressure is not pushing him outward, but sucking inward.

However, Long Haochen stood there but did not move, even did not release the spiritual power out of the body.

"Hey, hey..." Some weird sounds sounded, and the green flame of a field was lit up not far from the front of Long Haochen.

The flames are not burning, but in this extremely dark place, suddenly there is light, but the vision of Long Haochen is slightly uncomfortable.

The green flame appeared in the hands of a person who was two meters tall and slender. A gray robes have been ruined in many places, revealing iron-grey skin.

His eyes turned stiff and there was a glimmer of gray brilliance.

This is not a person. To be precise, it should be a zombie, but his body is well preserved and there is no rotten place.

He is slowly coming to Long Haochen, and the previous "嚓嚓" sound is exactly what he sent when he walked. His movements are very stiff, his knees are not bent at all, and the speed of walking is slow. However, in the perception of Long Haochen, the zombie in front of him is full of dangerous atmosphere. And his half-sense of perception is based on his own cultivation.

From the age point of view, due to becoming a zombie, his appearance still remains the same when he died, about five or sixty years old. It doesn't seem too much. The old man sees a lifeless zombie in this dark crypt cave. For the ordinary person, I am afraid that I have already screamed. But when Long Haochen saw him, his face looked more respectful.

"His seniors.

"Long Hao Chen respects the ceremony."

"Let me see the eternal and creative **** of the throne" The zombie's tone is full of ji movements.

After Long Yuchen hesitated to defend, he said: "Predecessors, it seems not very suitable here. I am afraid that it will affect the sleep of other predecessors. It will even hurt the seniors."

The light elements contained in the throne of eternal and creative gods are so strong. Once the power of super artifacts is displayed here, these eternal heroes are powerful, but they are also likely to be directly hurt!

However, the zombie smiled.

"Hey. Young people, do you think that the power of light will hurt us? Although I hate what I am, I have to say that the necromancer who made the reel of the scroll is what I know. The first day was only. His revolving scroll not only turned us into undead, but also retained the ability attribute of our life. Do you think that as the founder of the first six generations of the temple, we will have dark attributes Not?"

Long Haochen once again learned from the side the power of the Holy Spirit and the undead natural disaster Electrolux. No wonder that the scroll is called the super curse!

"In this case, please be careful with the seniors." Long Haochen slightly stepped back a few steps, the first thing that lit up was his eyes.

The soft eyes of the clear eyes glowed softly, and then a sacred atmosphere full of majesty spread from him. The huge light and shadow blooms behind the dragon's morning, but in this narrow martyrdom, the light and shadow of the eternal and creative **** of the throne cannot be fully stretched.


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