Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 280: Brahma Three (below)

What Xiao Hu doesn't know is that even if there is no eternal ambition, Long Haochen does not need to worry about the problem at all. He is a genius of light. In a sense, his body can even be called a group. Pure light element. How can it be countered by the field of light attributes?

The seven colors gradually faded in the dragon's morning, and he was obviously so struggling that the body shook slightly. However, the seven colors have never rebounded outwards, which means that Long Haochen has strong control over his own field. It is also a powerful feature.

Finally, when the last seven colors were completely disappeared on the surface of his body, Long Haochen’s body was lightly shaken, and the whole person had a feeling of being reborn.

In an instant, he only felt that his strength was at least ten times stronger, and the field had become a part of his body and part of his strength. No longer just a kind of ability, the field is him, he is the field. The golden sword in the hand has become a colorful gold like an artifact without knowing it.

"Predecessors, I..." Long Haochen just opened, but was directly interrupted by Xiao Huo.

"You still can't win."

The golden eyelids appeared again. This time it appeared faster than the previous two times. When the golden eyes opened, Long Haochen only felt a sullen chest, and then his body slammed into the wall behind him. . At the same time, the eternal scream made a strong humming sound. The three groups of light around his body quickly gathered in the chest, emitting a circle of soft halo, stabilizing the undulations of the eternal.

A terrible attack.

Just now that ~~-<Book Haige>-net-updated the starter~~ In an instant, Long Haochen even felt that the eternal shackles seemed to collapse. Of course, this is just a feeling. However, he has completed the field for my understanding, but still can not resist the hit of Xiao Huo, this time, Long Haochen is completely lost.

“Do you think that when your cultivation is to a certain extent, the skills are no longer important?” Xiao Hu said faintly.

Long Haochen climbed up from the ground and adjusted his body while squirting a breath in his chest. This was a good idea. Subconsciously nodded. Tao: "After entering the ninth stage, the power of the skill is completely determined by its own ability. Even a low-level skill can also exert a powerful force."

Xiao Hu shook his head and said: "You are wrong. Your understanding is because you don't have really strong skills. The really powerful skill is to perfectly mobilize your own power and break out beyond your own repair. For the power, I can only say that the skills you have studied before are not really suitable for the nine-order powerhouse. It is not suitable for the nine-level five or above. However, this can not blame you. After all, in our human beings, repair There are very few people who can reach the ninth and fifth grades."

In the morning, Long Hao’s heart moved, saying: “What kind of powerful skills did you just use?”

Xiao Hu slightly decapitated, said: "The skill I just used is called the eye of Brahma. It is the first of my Brahma three styles. I am old, this is my constant exploration for thousands of years. Feel the power of heaven and earth, and the heavens are self-created. If you are interested, you may wish to learn with me. If you can find another sword with the quality of the eternal sword behind you, then I believe in me. The Brahma III will surely give you the most powerful fighting power in your hands. After all, I am a dead soul. In my hand, Brahma can only be buried." At the end, his mood seems to be dim. But the confidence in Brahma's three styles is clearly felt by every strong person present.

Long Haochen heard a big joy and stumbled in front of Xiao Hu without hesitation. He said: "Thank you for your success."

The power of Brahma's Eye has been personally felt, and no matter how he perceives it, he can't feel the essence. Unless the eternal sword is used to motivate the eternal three swords. The party has the possibility of resisting.

However, don't forget that the Eternal Three Swords are, in a sense, the eternal and creative gods of the throne equipped with their own skills, which are not owned by Long Haochen himself. The Brahma Trilogy created by Xiao Hu is comparable to the Eternal Three Swords. The power of its power can be seen.

This is not just a skill, it is called a law pass, a hundred law pass. With the understanding of Long Haochen, if you learn Brahma's three styles, it must have immeasurable benefits for his future cultivation. Whether it is for spiritual or field use, there will inevitably be a qualitative leap.

As for the two swords, yes, his eternal sword is of high quality, and I am afraid that the second handle will not be found in the entire human world. But don't forget, he still has a month! Haoyue has evolved eight heads of success. If it is transformed into a dragon, a dragon, and a sword, I am afraid that the quality will not be much worse than the eternal sword. With these two swords to display the Brahma three styles, Long Haochen seems to have seen the scene of his own battle with the demon god.

"Get up. Before I teach you Brahma III, you should also tell us what is going on here?" Xiao Huo asked.

Long Hao Chen Dao: "The demon **** discovered that I was not dead, it is likely to launch another jihad in a short time, and this time the Mozu will come all out. The Devils, the Moon, and the Stars will join. In the jihad. The federal experience was badly hurt after the last jihad, and from the overall strength comparison, we are also inferior to the Mozu. Therefore, after consultation, we hope to invite the ancestors to come out."

Listening to him saying that the eternal heroes present can not help but look at the strange light.

The beam whispered: "Is it finally us?"

Long Haochen continued: "Reminder of the ancestors, we have already discussed, will be the name of the ancestors in the Federation. Let all the federal people know what you have done for the Federation."

The effect of the magic image is better than expected, which also gives the Federation more confidence to declare the story of the eternal hero.

"No need." Xiao Hu said: "If we covet this name, we will not choose to become a dead soul, and silently sleep here for so long. After thousands of years, can we still not see through these? The problem, but still ask the federal to not announce our existence, and we have our own way to cover up our identity."

Indeed, a golden armor, he exudes a light breath, and where can he be seen as a dead soul?

Long Hao morning just want to say something, Shu Shu also nodded, said: "Xiao Lao said right, for the reputation of the world, we do not care, but ... ask for a monthly ticket, recommended tickets. To be continued... Rq


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