Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 281: Active attack, sharp knife army (on)

The 218th chapter took the initiative to attack, the sharp knife army (on)

Said that the word is not enough, Shu Shu stopped, looked up and down the morning. The halo of the **** eyes is flowing, I don't know what I am thinking.

"But what? Please tell the seniors." Long Haochen said quickly.

Shu said: "In the past few years, in order to survive for a long time, in addition to listening to the news from your Knights’ Temple for decades, I almost lost contact with the outside. I am afraid that this time, Our swan songs. And for thousands of years, in addition to sleeping, each of us has a clear understanding of how many hands are unique. I hope the federation can give us a selection of outstanding young people, our The ability to pass on. There is no need to worship us as a teacher. But the young people are required to have a high degree of understanding and a good heart. Others I don't care, at least you have to find me a worse one than you."

"This..." Long Haochen sighed a little, and some embarrassed words: "The ancestors are willing to pass the school down. This is a good thing for the league. I agree with my hands. Just, you want to find one like me. It may be a little difficult."

Long Haochen is really not arrogant, on the talent, who can compare with the Sanctuary Federation! His first day of spiritual power is one hundred and twenty high, but it is the **** of light.

Xiao Huo smiled and said: "Child, you are fooled. You are already aware of the little girlfriend you just said. This is afraid that others will catch up with her and say it quickly. She is the first generation. Assassin Temple Lord."

Long Haochen suddenly realized this and scratched his head: "It is definitely no problem to pick children. She will be very willing to learn from you."

Shu Shu turned and looked at the eternal heroes. He smiled and said: "When you hear no, you can't grab the lord with the lord.-<Book Haige>-Net. Let's not say how the girl's talent is. I will rush her to this heart, I will fix it."

"Little dragon, you can't be thicker than this!" Another old voice sounded, an old man stepped forward and said: "Xiao Lao and Shu Dianzhu robbed the best. My request is not high, from you It’s okay to find a inheritor in the light of the morning.”

Long Haochen just promised that the eternal heroes around him almost swarmed up and surrounded him in the center. The ancestors of the ancestors who were still very quiet, now they are more urgent than one, and the primary goal is to aim at them. They are the dawn of this light hunter.

It’s no wonder that these eternal heroes will do this. They all know that they will not exist in this world for too long. If they can pass on the painstaking efforts of their own lives, they will exist in another form for them. . And often the powerful masters are better than the excellent apprentices! Long Haochen has already said that the tenth of the light hunters and hunters are the best in their early thirties. The lowest is the eighth-order peak, eight of which are nine-order, and half are strong in the field.

Where is this genius looking for? I am afraid that there is no semicolon in finding the Temple Alliance! Xiao Hu’s shot suddenly made them wake up, and Shu’s reaction was the fastest, and others’ reactions were not slow! Although these eternal heroes are headed by Xiao Huo and Shu Shu, when they find a disciple, they don't let anyone. Not only did Long Haochen be surrounded by the middle, but they also looked at their increasingly excited emotions and they seemed to be fighting.

"You seniors, seniors, please listen to me." Long Haochen looked at the situation somewhat uncontrollable, and quickly said loudly. At the same time, the eternal light on his body radiates a layer of eternal light, so that every eternal hero is awakened by the strange spiritual fluctuations.

These sixty eternal heroes were temporarily quiet, but the eager eyes were all concentrated on Long Haochen, waiting for Long Haochen to give them an account. (-<书海阁>-网.)

Long Haochen said: "You, my ancestors, I can understand your feelings. Don't worry. Maybe it is because we are about to win the human and the demons. In recent years, the Federation has really had many young talents. The ancestors are assured, I promise you that I will find a hundred and forty-year-olds for you, and that they will be more than eight-order inherited disciples. We will all be among them in the morning of the light. Choice, I think this should be to look at the fate. It is better to let the predecessors get together. I don’t tell the predecessors the ability to pass on the disciples, but only separate according to the occupation. Which predecessor caught, choose one Chinese and Italian disciples. Until all the seniors are selected, how do you see this?"

These eternal heroes are all nine-order powers in their lifetime. Except for the strongest strengths of Xiao Huo and Shu Shu, the repairs of other people are actually similar. Everyone knows that the real move is also a foolish account. No one can convince anyone. This method of Long Haochen is fairly fair. Everyone nodded, and this was the solution to the riots in front of them.

Long Haochen said: "Since the ancestors of the ancestors agreed to go out with the younger generations, do you know if there are any requirements for the ancestors? The younger generations are also preparing for the ancestors."

After all, these eternal heroes have not left here for thousands of years. He does not know if these bits can adapt to the external environment or what they need. So there is this question.

Shu Shudao said: "You are relieved, we are not so fragile. Everyone gives us a big cloak. This is enough. As for our identity, you said to the outside world, we are your guards. ""

Long Haochen hurriedly said: "How can I do that, ancestors..."

Xiao Hu raised his hand and interrupted him. He said, "Let's just say it. We have existed for more than 6,000 years in the world. What reputation is not important. It is enough to achieve the goal. However, thank you very much for us. Thinking, willing to make us a name. As long as you can lead the Federation to finally repel the Mozu completely, and I am a good man, we will be satisfied. This is our only request. From you, let us finally see that Hope."

Long Xiaochen said: "The ancestors, the younger generations are ashamed."

Xiao Huo smiled and said: "You don't have to be modest. If you just had the ability to fight against me, can you be the Federal President? At the beginning, I have seen the eternal and creative **** of the throne. Yes. Even if it is your field, it should not be applied to the extreme. You should go ahead and prepare. After we go out, I will stay with you for a while until you fully learn Brahma."

"Yes." Long Haochen respectfully agreed.

Shu Shudao: "Wait a minute, Xiaolong. We need to be clear about the overall strength of the sixty-three old immortals. It is also good to arrange us in the war with the Mozu. I and Xiao Lao are both 9th and 7th. Among other people, there are 16 in the 9th and 5th grades, and others are in the 9th and 3rd grades. You can do it in your heart."

In the heart of Long Haochen, it was shocked a bit. Sixty-three strongmen with nine or more levels of three or more, the entire temple federation may not be together! What's more, there are sixteen fifth-order five-level and two-ninth-level seven-level. This power can at least offset the threat to the human beings from the first race of the Mozu. It can be said that with the support of the eternal hero, the human race against the Mozu not only has the confidence, but also at least increased the victory of more than 20%.

Leave the cave, take back the holy mountain order, and retransmit it back to the core circle.

When he came out, the children immediately woke up from the state of cultivation. Long Haochen had to face a group of nine-order powerhouses. She could really stabilize and practice. I was not able to enter the final state at all. Seeing the return of the dragon in the morning, the emotions are relaxed.

Long Haochen’s harvest of this trip is simple. Yang Yuhan can’t help but overjoyed. It can be said that this time, Long Haochen’s harvest is extremely huge. Not only has the recognition of the eternal hero, agreed to play, but also got the good news that the eternal hero is willing to teach the stunt.

Long Haochen is not clear about the occupational distribution of eternal heroes. Yang Yihan is clear! One-third of the sixty-three eternal heroes are knights. As for the eighth-order and above, although the forty-year-old strongman is hard to find, the Knights' Templar is the first of the six great temples. It can still be put together. There is only five knights in the morning light hunting sorcerer. Together with Li Xin, the outstanding knights of these younger generations, there is no problem in inheriting the eternal heroes. The other five temples are also exposed to rain and dew. Naturally, hello, I am good, everyone.

Yang Xiaohan stayed in the morning of the Knights Mountain, and he returned to Yulongguan with the fastest speed. In less than half a day, the new clothes and cloak were shipped.

All the clothes are woven with good silk, not only tough, but also warm in winter and cool in summer. It is especially good for keeping your body temperature. The same is true of the cloak. This fine gold wire trim is on the clothes and cloak. Not obvious in the room, but when the sun shines, it will emit a touch of golden light, and the end is a little low-key luxury.

Long Haochen carried these clothes and cloaks again into the caves and distributed them to the eternal heroes. The 63 strong men followed him and left the caves four times.

Standing in the heart of the Knights Mountain, all the eternal heroes are in silence, feeling the rich light elements and the light that makes them uncomfortable, and their mood changes are more intense.

I have been sleeping for thousands of years and finally have to leave, and this time I leave, I will probably never return here again. Even if their minds have been deposited for thousands of years, it is impossible to say that there is no change.


Today's third is even more. A small outbreak. I beg you to recommend the ticket, thank you, thank you.


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