"So, I can be regarded as the savior of the noise!"

Li Chengyu smiled and sighed inwardly.

Wan Qian is indeed beautiful, but there is nothing he can do about such a woman, only a person like Mr. Liu is capable of controlling her.

He glanced around, and suddenly saw a tall, but somewhat shy girl.

He had never seen this girl before. Although she was wearing a mask, Li Chengyu could tell that she could give birth to such attractive eyes, and with this face shape, she would definitely not be bad.

Is the noise new signing to the artist?

He couldn't help showing a smile, if so, that would be great!

Wan Qian couldn't help it. Could it be that this new artist couldn't help herself?

As long as Wan Qian agrees to the merger, she will also be in charge of the noisy brokerage department at the same time. It is too easy to unwittingly rule a new female artist.

His eyes wandered on Zhang Xin's body without a trace of restraint.

This also made Zhang Xin angry for a while.

Suddenly, Wan Qian looked at Li Chengyu and said jokingly, "Who told you that I summoned everyone to declare bankruptcy?"


Hearing Wan Qian's words, Li Chengyu was stunned, and the others also looked at Wan Qian.

They always thought that Wan Qian held this meeting today to declare bankruptcy.

Even some veterans who knew the inside story did not report any hope for this meeting.

Even if it wasn't bankruptcy, Huan Huan had already sold it, and it didn't belong to Wan Qian at all. I'm afraid she came here to announce her resignation.

But what does she mean by this sentence?

Li Chengyu squinted his eyes and couldn't help but sneered: "So you still have to continue to carry the noise?"

"Of course!"

Wan Qian's resolute attitude also made Li Chengyu's smile freeze.

"Mr. Wan, you must be aware of our Jingliu Entertainment's influence in the entertainment industry. Since the noise can be reduced to this level, there is no possibility of a comeback."

"Don't hold on, the fish is dead and the net is not broken!"

"Why didn't the net break and the fish return to the sea?" Wan Qian smiled.

"What do you mean?" Seeing the confidence in Wan Qian's eyebrows, Li Chengyu couldn't help but feel that something was wrong, and he was a little stunned.

"This is our company's meeting. Logically speaking, you, a traitor, cannot attend."

"But I'm not in a hurry to drive you away today."

Wan Qian became more confident, but she was not in a hurry. She sat down and said slowly, "Listen well, so I can report back to your master."

"It's just a dog wagging its head and begging its tail. If you insist on not leaving, then don't leave."

"You..." Li Chengyu was furious when he heard Wan Qian scolding him, but he didn't know what to scold.

If Wan Qian really became Liu Sijie's woman, after Qiu Hou settled the score, wouldn't she be...

His face was gloomy and he stopped talking.

He wanted to see what kind of trick Wan Qian was playing.

Seeing Wan Qian's attitude, many people involuntarily straightened their waists, feeling a lot more rigid.

Wan Qian smiled, ignored Li Chengyu, calmed everyone down, and began to say: "Actually, you may not know that we made a lot of noise. A month ago, we had already handed over the ownership to the Xu family for auction."

"At the auction dinner a month ago, the noise has been successfully sold."

The sound fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

Noisy has already sold?

As employees, they don't know anything about it?

Li Chengyu was also stunned when he heard the news. He kept staring at Huan Huan, but he didn't know that Huan Huan had already monopolized other people?

How is this possible, how could Wan Qian sell Huan Huan?

Even if it is sold, it should be sold to Jingliu. Why is this a little bit wrong?

In fact, although Jingliu has a big family and business, the head office is in Kyoto, and the business in Jiangdu is not that big. Li Chengyu or the people from the Jiangdu branch are not qualified enough to participate in the auction dinner.

Most of what happened that day revolved around the stories of Xiao Yang and Fang Jingyang, but there was some news. As for the noise, no one cared.

All those present were wealthy businessmen worth tens of billions. They didn't care about such a company worth 100 to 200 million.

Therefore, Li Chengyu really didn't know about it.

The company did a good job of keeping it secret, and several veterans who knew about it never revealed it.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Wan Qian was not surprised at all.

On the contrary, Li Chengyu couldn't help asking: "Who did you sell it to?"

Wan Qian glanced at Li Chengyu, but ignored him, and continued: "So, the real boss of the company is no longer me, but the boss still trusts me and let me continue to run the business."

"Besides, there will be a large amount of capital injection. Huan Huan will return to the entertainment industry. No one can stop Huan Huan from rising again!"

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she continued: "The company will usher in a new look, and today's meeting will focus on this."

"Noisy, not only will not dissolve, it will only be better!"

She was full of confidence, and when her voice fell, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

"So it's not about declaring bankruptcy?"

"A lot of money, what is it, tens of millions?"

Everyone couldn't help but look forward to it. They could clearly feel that Wan Qian was different, smiling and confident.

It's been a long time since I've seen this in the hustle and bustle!

This kind of self-confidence is contagious, and for a while, they will rise again!

"The first thing is that Huanhuo will usher in a comprehensive reform. In addition to changing its appearance, Huanhuo will also disappear in the long river of history."

The sound fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

Noisy disappear?

Almost everyone present knew what the uproar meant to Wan Qian, disappearing?

What does it mean?

Wan Qian let out a long breath. This was a decision she had thought about all night.

The noise means a lot to her.

But she also thought it through, figured it out, noisy is just a title.

She is there, and the noise is there.

As long as she doesn't succumb to Liu Sijie's lust, the noise will last forever!

She looked around and shouted: "In the future, Huan Huan will officially change its name to Huan Yang Music Company."

The voice fell, and for some reason, Wan Qian breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like a stone had fallen from her heart.

Noisy, it sounds better than loud!

The corners of her mouth rose slightly.

But Li Chengyu was dumbfounded.

The noise is gone?

But it is not Jingliu that is making noise.

Noisy, what the **** is that?

"Okay, be quiet!" The audience may be shocked, but there is no resistance. What's more, Wan Qian can pass this level by herself. As employees, they have nothing to resist.

"Second thing, since the company has changed its name, the outdated system also needs to be changed. The following is the system reform of the artist department..."

Another decision was made ~www.readwn.com~ The audience was in an uproar.


One thing after another came out of Wan Qian's mouth, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Is this a company change?

The key is that there are so many institutional reforms and various relocations?

Change equipment?


Salary re-draft, artist contract re-rating?

How much is this?

One hundred million, two hundred million?

How much money is injected to make Mr. Wan's waist so tough?

For a while, even Li Chengyu was looking forward to it!

Wan Qian, what kind of benefactor did she find?

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