Everyone froze, never thought that Wan Qian would sell Huan Huan, let alone change her name.

And these were all decided by Wan Qian after a night of planning.

No one would object, because of the uproar, no, the uproar, it seemed to be getting better.

"Okay, Li Chengyu, I think you heard this, it should be enough to report to your master!"

Li Chengyu frowned slightly, but did not speak.

"Tell him to get out!"

Wan Qian waved her hand, and soon, someone stepped forward.

"I'll go by myself!"

Li Chengyu snorted coldly, feeling a little uneasy on his face.

Wan Qian swept across the surroundings at this moment, like a queen.

"I know that many people in the company have connections with Jingliu, but I don't care."

"I will not pursue who Li Chengyu notified this time, but there will be no next time."

Wan Qian snorted coldly: "The various departments are now going to deal with what I just said, Manager Liu, Director Li, Xinxin...you stay here."

Immediately, the whole company became busy and looked energetic.

The relocation of the company should not be rushed, and a good location must be found.

The most urgent task now is to fire the noisy first cannon.

At this moment, there are still a few people left in the conference room. Except for Zhang Xin, these are all veterans of the company. Needless to say, they are loyal. They also knew about the sale of the company early on, so they were not as surprised as others.

"Mr. Wan, may I ask, who is the boss of our company now?"

"You don't need to know, I'm the one in charge of the company now." Wan Qian thought for a while, but let's not mention the matter of Xiao Yang. Anyway, he gave himself full power to handle the company's affairs, so he should treat himself as the boss. alright.

"Mr. Wan, have you calculated the amount of funds needed for the things you mentioned just now?"

"I've roughly calculated it." Wan Qian nodded and said.

"That's going to be a lot of money..."

"I know, I kept you here to talk about these things."

"Manager Liu, you are our noisy veteran. My father trusted you the most during his lifetime, and I believe in you too."

"Mr. Wan is polite." Manager Liu was filled with emotion. He was also getting old, and he and Wan Qian's father were also good friends. They started this company together, and there was no problem with their loyalty.

"The company needs to be bigger and stronger, and it can no longer be as messy as before. I need you to quickly formulate and improve the company's rules and regulations, and take the lead in implementing them carefully. In addition, you should work harder. Starting today, the head of the bitch's personnel department, To recruit relevant professionals, first fill in the company's vacant positions and manpower."


"Director Li, you are also very familiar with artists, I hope to enrich our artist department as soon as possible..."

"Mr. Wan, you also know that Jingliu's status in the entertainment industry, they have been suppressing us for a day or two. Whether it is resources or artists, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for us..."

Everyone shook their heads.

This is the truth, Huan Huan has been suppressed by Jingliu these years, and his reputation abroad has also been maliciously smeared by some media. It is not an easy matter to recruit artists.

Everyone in the circle basically knew that joining the noise was tantamount to fighting against Jingliu.

There are not many companies in the entertainment industry, why bother to fight Jingliu for this!

Wan Qian frowned slightly.

Indeed, this also caused them to be out of favor, and the reason why they didn't have young artists was that Jingliu suppressed them too hard.

But as the saying goes, money can turn ghosts, and now Wan Qian has no shortage of money in her pocket, so she is quite confident about it.

She smiled: "The media smeared it, and Jingliu suppressed it. In fact, I am not strong enough."

"Jingliu is not covering the sky with one hand, and we are not as noisy as before."

Director Li didn't know the meaning of Wan Qian's words. He frowned slightly, thought for a while, and asked, "Mr. Wan, can I know how much money the company has injected? This will also give me a little peace of mind."

Signing an artist is always done with money. Director Li naturally also needs to know what kind of strength the company has and what kind of artist it can sign.

Wan Qian knew what he meant, and after thinking about it, if five billion was true, it would shock people's jaws and make the outside world suspect that it was exaggerated.

"One billion!" Thinking of a suitable number, Wan Qian said directly.


Director Li thought he heard it wrong, swallowed, and quickly probed to confirm again: "You mean one billion?"

"That's right!"


"Chinese coins!"

Immediately, except for Zhang Xin, the others all gasped and were stunned for a long time.


This is too exaggerated.

They knew that Wan Qian never exaggerated, and if they said one billion, it would only be a lot more.

"Now, do you have confidence in your hearts?" The corners of Wan Qian's mouth rose slightly.


"It's done, what Jingliu Entertainment, let him go!"

The two elders, Director Li and Manager Liu, were also dumbfounded, and their fighting spirit was immediately high.

"Will the funds be paid in installments or..."

"It's already in my account."

After the words fell, the faces of several people were full of astonishment. One billion is shocking.

But generally speaking, such an investment will be paid off in installments. After all, it is equivalent to an investment. Before seeing the benefits, the investor may interrupt the investment at any time.

Therefore, in the market, it is generally not fully injected, and the money is paid in batches to reduce risks.

And one billion, directly injected in full, which is unbelievable.

Such liquid assets are too generous.

Seeing everyone like this, Wan Qian was very satisfied.

That's only one billion, I'd say five billion, I'm afraid you just fainted.

"I'm going to find a new location for the company now."

"If you have money, find a better place. The company's appearance must be done well." Wan Qian said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wan!"

"I'm going to recruit members of various departments now and expand the company's scale."

With Wan Qian's affirmation, the heads of various departments immediately prepared to immerse themselves in their work.

Wan Qian hadn't seen such a scene for a long time. Before that, the company had been in a doldrums state, ready to collapse at any moment.

"This is the noise..."

"It should be the way it should be!"

Wan Qian clenched her fist~www.readwn.com~ full of fighting spirit.

"Director Liu, this is Zhang Xin, an artist I specially hired. I will handle her contract and manager myself."

"Zhang Xin?" Director Liu searched his mind, as if he had never heard of this name, but he still reached out and shook Zhang Xin.

"The first thing our company needs to do is to make her famous. This is Zhang Xin's information. You send people to contact the media to build momentum. In addition, let all departments cooperate to organize the company's equipment quickly and fully support Zhang Xin."


"By the way, I asked you to find Teacher Chen's phone number this morning."

"Yes, yes, I have already sent it to your WeChat."

"Understood, then take Zhang Xin to familiarize yourself with the various departments now, and then quickly draw up a contract for me."

"What about the level of the contract?" Director Li asked doubtfully.

"The highest contract for an artist is S-level."

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