Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry

Chapter 318: Xiao Yang, your day has come!

"Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school belle is in a hurry (

"Lin Qiyue, you lied to me so badly!"

Chu Jiayu gritted his teeth, but the image on the phone was replaced by a photo of Xiao Yang's women's clothing.

How could such a clear and charming goddess be a man!

No matter how you look at it, Chu Jiayu's heart beats faster every time.

But now, everyone tells themselves that the goddess they dream of is a man!

How can this be accepted, how can it be accepted.

If you look closely, you can see that the throat of the person in the photo is slightly raised, which is a unique sign of boys - the Adam's apple.

Chu Jiayu couldn't help it immediately, and burst into tears.

What's wrong with me, I didn't even notice this!

Chu Jiayu was very upset.

She couldn't help but think about Jiang Shangxue and the various female colleagues in the company.

It's just that no matter how I think about it, the figure of Xiao Yang is still lingering in my mind.

How could he be a boy, how could a boy be so cute!

For Chu Jiayu, this night was destined to be a sleepless night.

at the same time.

in a hotel.


"What should I do? Why is he getting more and more popular?" Gong Na was astonished.

The girl who was editing the video was also stunned for a moment.

"How could he be so angry!"

Seeing the edited video, the three of them were numb.

Originally, Xiao Yang's fire was also expected by them, the official city hero!

But now, it seems that the whole world is praising him, and his popularity is rising almost every day.

"Should we change our plan?" The man on the side hesitated.

The two women were silent.

Their original plan was to include Xiao Yang and the store manager when editing the video.

One is to continue to suppress Xingyang Gourmet Restaurant. After all, they still have a mission. If they continue to suppress, they can continue to receive payment from a certain boss.

The second is revenge.

Xiao Yang himself is a city hero with a positive image.

If Xiao Yang can be made into a woman who hits a woman in a dispute for no reason, they don't need to do much, and someone will naturally punch.

This punch condensed the power of the pastoral, at least Xiao Yang was absolutely unstoppable.

They can rely on Xiao Yang's original popularity to make them popular again.

That's definitely enough heat.

But now, things seem a little different.

They want to take advantage of Xiao Yang's popularity by the way, which is definitely not a problem. Normally, the more popular Xiao Yang is, the more attention their videos will receive.

But what surprised them now is that Xiao Yang is hot, but too hot!

It was so hot that everyone seemed to be praising him.

It seems that on this undercurrent of surging network, there is a force that is fueling the flames.

This had to make them more vigilant, if the energy behind Xiao Yang was strong enough, no matter how hot it was, they would not dare to touch it.

After all, they are just small Internet celebrities, and there is still a gap compared with those real bigwigs.

"Then what should we do?"

"To the end?"

"No, we had a problem with this matter, and there were a lot of people in the store that day, so maybe the heat was caught up, but once the real thing is exposed, the fault may be on our side, and then it won't be He died, we died."


"But he's hot right now, if we..."

"It's an opportunity, but with every opportunity comes risk."

"Why don't you cut the video first, and if the time is right, maybe you can release it?" Gong Na asked.


"Let's see first, if he is really unstoppable, let's stop touching his brow!"

The three quickly reached a consensus.

At least you can't provoke Xiao Yang now!

But if there is an opportunity, they will definitely seize it and wait and see what happens!

Of course, it's not just the three of them, but also Yang Wei who are watching the changes.

He's been crazy busy these days.

In order to raise Xiao Yang, he spent an unknown amount of money, but he also gained a lot of fans because of it.

Almost every one of these fans was chatting with him privately, asking him if he knew Xiao Yang, and if he could date him or something.

Basically all female fans.

Of course, there are also male fans, but they are not as crazy as female fans.

On the account, just because of these two videos, Yang Wei has more than one million fans on all platforms.

It's hard to imagine what would happen if Xiao Yang opened a public account.

Yang Wei flipped through the videos and posts.

Xiao Yang has almost become a wealth code, and some people even dug up the story of slapping Fang Jingyuan in medical school.

However, there are quite few playback sources for videos, but that doesn't mean there are none.

A hero who saves the beauty is very vivid.


It's time to fall!

The corners of Yang Wei's mouth raised slightly...

It is now afternoon.

Xiao Yang was still waiting for Lin Qiyue downstairs in the girls' dormitory as usual.

He was wearing a cap and mask to keep him from being recognized.

This can be regarded as the most distressing thing for him recently, but Xiao Yang is used to it because he is already well-known in the University of Finance and Economics.

Dress up, and no one knows yourself.

Lin Qiyue is changing clothes in the dormitory at the moment, she also needs to dress up before going out, so as not to be recognized by others.

During this period of time, as Xiao Yang exploded in popularity, he suddenly became popular all over the Internet overnight, and even photos of himself aggressively refusing others to confess his love were screenshotted and posted on the Internet to make emoticons.

Lin Qiyue was still a little helpless about this, it was almost affecting her normal life.

On the contrary, Li Xiaoyan and the others were extremely envious.

Seeing Lin Qiyue changing clothes, they joked: "Our big star is going out to date another big star~"

" Do you know that you are so popular these days that I dare not go out with you, and I dare not tell others that I am your roommate. If you want me to take an autographed photo with you, I'm numb." Someone laughed.

"I'm pretending that I don't know who Lin Qiyue is!" Li Xiaoyan also nodded with a smile.

Several people's faces were full of envy.

"Speaking of which, I have been live broadcasting on the Doumao platform for so long. I worked hard to broadcast live every day, but when I went out, I didn't know anyone."

"It's like Xiaoyue, who doesn't do anything, just accepts the confession, and immediately becomes popular all over the Internet."

"If you don't envy, if you don't envy, you won't come."

Lin Qiyue snorted: "What is there to be envious of? I'm almost bored to death. I have to wear makeup and a hat when I go out, so I'm afraid of being recognized. Those who don't know will think I'm a spy!"

This is also Lin Qiyue's truest feeling.

She used to have everything and was happy, but now she is fine, and there are hundreds of pairs of eyes staring at her when she goes to a class, and she has no freedom at all.

Now she finally understood why it was so difficult to be a big star.

What's more, my sister Chu Jiayu has harassed me every day for the past two days, and she even plans to break up with her!

She is her half-sister, and she even said that she wants to break up with her!


After complaining a few words, Lin Qiyue happily went downstairs, dating Xiao Yang every day was already her daily routine!

And at the same time, the other side.

"Published successfully!"

The four big characters were sent to Yang Wei's mobile phone.

He raised the corner of his mouth and let out a grin.

"Xiao Yang, your end is coming!"

A piece of negative news about Xiao Yang was finally exposed at this moment!

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