Shenhao: Confession 99 Times, the School Belle is In a Hurry

Chapter 319: Dogs are not as good as pigs

"Shenhao: Confession 99 times, the school belle is in a hurry (

This is an ordinary afternoon, but for netizens who have seen Xiao Yang's video and become Xiao Yang's fans, this afternoon is not ordinary.

One video, released on the whole network and all platforms.

Almost in an instant, the perfect character set up by Xiao Yang was completely overthrown.

Just as the beautiful girls were scrolling through the videos of their newly established idols, a video broke into the screen.

"The perfect human setting collapsed, and the city hero Xiao Yang is such a person..."

Generally speaking, the title party is the majority.

But even so, everyone couldn't help but click in and read it.

In other words, as long as there is the word "Xiao Yang", there is almost no need to worry about the amount of broadcasts on major platforms.

Yang Wei didn't use any other account, and still released the video with the account he used to praise Xiao Yang two days ago.

This can be regarded as relying on the popularity accumulated before. Once the video was released, it was pushed to a climax. There were even unidentified melon eaters who took the lead in sending their own barrage comments: "Xiao Chui is here again, but I like it. reward!"

They didn't know what the next step would mean, they just thought it was the same as before, and Xiao Yang would be greatly praised in the video.

Unlike before, Yang Wei finally showed his face in this video.

This is also after his careful consideration.

Xiao Yang made him miserable to such an extent, it can be said that his reputation in school was discredited, and he even lost the opportunity to work in Xingyang Company.

Xiao Yang ruined his future and status.

But now, he wants to tell everyone in a fair and honest manner that I, Yang Wei, want to step on Xiao Yang's position.

He will also rely on this hammering to become a new Internet celebrity!

"Hi everyone, my name is Yang Wei, I study at Jiangdu Business School, and I have met Xiao Yang a few times."

"Before posting this video, I thought it over carefully. Maybe because of this video, I will be spurned by the whole network and get into a storm of public opinion, but no matter what the price is, I will tell you the truth about something righteous and stern. .”

"Are you all curious? Before that, I didn't show my face, just like a narration commentary. Then why did I show my face today?"

"That's because I need to be responsible to you, to what I said myself."

"Here, I also officially declare that everything I said next is true, and some of them are even things I have experienced in my own life."

"I know that the reason why everyone pays attention to me is because of Xiao Yang, and today's video is also related to him, but this time, it is no longer a compliment to Xiao Yang, but..."

Yang Wei shook his head, paused, his face was full of disgust.

This time, he finally didn't have to pretend anymore!

He can show his cards to everyone, and I'm just making a fuss about it, no, I'm stating the facts!

"Diss Xiao Yang!"

"That's the hammer man!"

"Speaking of which, you may be curious, shouldn't I support Xiao Yang in my previous performance, why did I suddenly diss him?"

"I'm going to explain this carefully. Although I supported him before, it was because I didn't know him well enough. I thought he was really the city hero of Jiangdu City as rumored. But if you also know him, you probably won't Like me, I feel disgusted by such scum and scum."

"For this, I apologize to everyone. I misled you earlier. I only saw the surface, thinking that he is a city hero, a great talent, and an infatuated male **** with deep affection."

"But when I was collecting information, I was shocked!"

"He is not worthy of these titles!"

"He is like a pig and a dog, playing with other people's feelings, and stepping on N boats!"

"Yes, you heard me right, you are on N boats!"

With that said, the screen changed.

The video starts playing some photos like a slide show.

Among them, the photo with Lin Qiyue is naturally the first one.

But then, it's different.

Jiang Yan.

Jiang Shangxue.

Qing Xuantong.

Even Xu Jiyun, who had just come into contact with it, appeared in the frame.

"I thought he was a person who was single-minded, but I didn't expect to have unclear relationships with so many people!"

"Of course, it seems that among so many people, Xiao Yang didn't have too much affectionate behavior with them, but when you are in the same frame with so many girls, each of them is a goddess-level figure, so beautiful and beautiful No one would really believe it, it was just an ordinary friendship!"

"Even if it's an ordinary friendship, it can't be all ordinary friends!"

"Everyone is a man and understands!"

"With so many beautiful ladies and sisters, who wouldn't think a little bit wrong!"

"I think the barrage should be full of **** now!"

"Yes, like everyone else, I was really shocked when I saw these photos."

"So many beautiful beauties are actually related to him!"

"I think everyone has their own judgment, and I don't need to say more, almost all of them can be carefully judged."

"So, I think, you all have the answer in your heart."

"How can such a sea king be dedicated, how can he be a city hero!"

"Everyone knows that the word "expert" contains gold. In these years, who doesn't call himself an expert."

"Based on their family's words, let everyone think that Xiao Yang is a little genius doctor who can rejuvenate?"

"This is simply too exaggerated, and even the answers to the test papers haven't been released yet. It's hard for me not to guess whether these experts are really experts, and whether this exam is really an exam!"

"There is also the uncle who has no childbirth. The video at that time described it very clearly. According to my investigation, no one has been able to solve this fertility problem before that."

"This disease is almost terminally ill in the eyes of all doctors."

"And this problem that caused headaches for the entire medical community was actually solved by a 20-year-old college student."

"Do you believe it?"

"Several "experts" with excellent acting skills, and a disheveled migrant worker, they completely fooled all of us!"

"Xiao Yang, he is not an infatuated man, he is a complete liar, a scumbag, a scum, playing with girls' feelings, playing with the public's IQ, just to attract attention and appear in front of everyone, and earn enough traffic to make his debut. .”

"Speaking of which, if you still don't believe me, I still have a report card here, which is Xiao Yang's report card when he was a freshman and sophomore. He failed a total of three times and made up four times. Hang up and failed the CET-4 English test once."

"Now do you think, how could he be an outstanding genius?"

"Just someone who can't pass CET-4?"

"Sliding the world's great joke!"

"This is a shady deal, a game of capital, and all our audiences have become their pawns."

"He is not some urban hero, let alone some infatuated male god."

"The male **** you worship, the hero you admire, is a liar."

"Calling him a scumbag is giving him face!"


"Pigs are not as good as dogs!"

Yang Wei spat.

That's the end of the video.


It's so cool!

At this moment, Yang Wei was lying comfortably on his sofa.

To be able to scold Xiao Yang so coolly once is simply extremely refreshing!

Let you f*cking play with me, now, I not only want to discredit you, but also make you completely unable to turn over!

Lin Qiyue, Jiang Yan, right?

I want to see, what kind of man is your man?

Yang Wei let out a long breath, and the figure of Lin Qiyue appeared in his mind again.

Maybe Lin Qiyue would be very sad when she knew about this!

In fact, it's all because Xiao Yang, an idiot, played with your feelings.


If Lin Qiyue suddenly appeared when Lin Qiyue was sad, would it be?

Yang Wei's expression brightened.

There was another glimmer of hope in my heart.

As for the receiver?

Cut, for a goddess like Lin Qiyue, she'll take over as soon as she takes over!


If it doesn't exist, I'll just lick it clean!

After hesitating for a while, Yang Wei glanced at the time, how about buying a bouquet of flowers and delivering them by himself when Lin Qiyue was sad? ? ?

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