With anticipation, Reba walked into the living room.

But after entering the door, Ji Yun and Tuantuan were not seen.

Hey...why aren't they in the living room? Is Tuantuan not awake yet?

Thinking in her mind, Reba put her backpack on the sofa and walked towards Ji Yun's room.

It was found that the door to the room was not closed, but only ajar. It seemed that Ji Yun and Tuantuan were indeed in the room.

Because when Ji Yun leads a group, he usually leaves the room door open.

Firstly, it is so that the outside can hear the sounds inside and know whether Tuantuan is awake.

Secondly, I was afraid that someone would open the door and knock on the door while Tuantuan was sleeping, which would wake Tuantuan up.

Reba carefully opened the door to the room and saw Ji Yun lying on the bed with his back against the bed.

He didn't know whether he was asleep or just closing his eyes to rest. Ji Yun folded his arms and closed his eyes.

Tuantuan was lying next to Ji Yun, still sleeping soundly.

Reba didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of waking up Ji Yun and Tuantuan.

At the same time, Reba also discovered that Ji Yun in this state did have an inexplicable charm.

She didn't pay much attention to it before.

But as Ji Yun is now popular on the Internet, some of the comments made by netizens about Ji Yun are indeed very accurate.

For example, some comments say that when a man has a passion for licking calves, his charm will reach its peak.

Reba discovered that this was really the case.

Now Ji Yun has an inexplicable charm.

Since Ji Yun and Tuantuan are sleeping.

Reba did not disturb them, and was going to close the door of the room gently, and then go back to her room to take a shower.

But as soon as she started, Ji Yun opened his eyes and sat up.

Ji Yun frowned slightly, and after a brief daze in his eyes, he quickly looked at Reba.

Reba's movement of closing the door stopped abruptly. She kept her bowing and leaving posture and met Ji Yun's eyes.

As a result, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

In her current posture, she looks a bit like she is peeping

"That, I, I am.…"

Reba quickly wanted to explain that she didn't see anyone in the living room, so she ran to the room to take a look.

But before he finished speaking, Ji Yun said calmly:"I'm back."

Reba nodded, quickly smiled and said:"Well, yes, I just got home for a while."

"I originally wanted to see if Tuantuan was awake. Since Tuantuan was still sleeping, I would take a shower first."

Ji Yun hummed:"Go ahead."

"Well, I'll be fine soon."

After saying that, Reba carefully closed the door and leaned against the wall next to her. Oh my god, it's so embarrassing!

But how did Ji Yun notice such a light movement?

Reba was confused, Ji Yun The hearing is too outrageous!

After taking a long breath, Reba waited for herself to calm down before going back to the room to take a shower.

…… after awhile.

After taking a bath, Reba heard the sound of crying coming from outside.

When I went out and took a look, it turned out that Tuan Tuan was already awake, and Ji Yun was coaxing Tuan Tuan in the room.

"Baby, are you awake?"

Tuantuan was just a little angry to wake up, so she didn't cry very much.

As soon as she heard Reba's voice, Tuantuan turned around and looked over.

Seeing that it was her mother, Tuantuan immediately reached out for a hug.

"Do you want your mother to hold you? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Reba came over and gently hugged Tuan Tuan into her arms, saying,"Okay, then mommy is holding you now, so you can't cry.""

Tuantuan sobbed twice, and as expected she stopped crying soon.

Ji Yun couldn't help but shake his head and smile when he saw this. He had been coaxing her here for a while, but Tuantuan was indifferent. But as soon as Reba hugged her, Tuantuan stopped crying obediently..

Such a gap makes Mr. Ji, who has always had a cold personality, helpless.

However, this situation is normal. After all

, before the baby is three years old, or at the earliest before he is two years old, the baby must be She relies more on her mother.

This is a baby's instinct, and there is nothing to be jealous about.

After a while, seeing that Tuantuan's mood had completely stabilized, Reba handed Tuantuan to Ji Yun

"Ji Yun, give Tuan Tuan a hug while I go to dry my hair."

When she heard the cry just now, she rushed out immediately. Her hair hadn't even been blown out yet.

Ji Yun grunted and was about to take Tuantuan over.

But Tuantuan was not happy and grabbed Reba's hand and refused to let go. It seemed like she was worried that Reba would run away.

"Baby, be good, mommy won’t run away.

Reba said softly:"Mom's hair is wet. Now I need to blow dry it.""

"~You play with your dad for a while. You see that your dad is with you every day and takes you out to play."

"If you don't get along with Dad, Dad will be sad. Tuan

Tuan made a noise and glanced at Ji Yun with a half-understanding look.

A slight smile appeared on Ji Yun's face, and he hugged Tuan Tuan into his arms:"Let mom blow dry your hair, and dad will take you to the living room to watch TV."."

Tuantuan thought for a while, but did not refuse, and followed Ji Yun obediently.

Reba came out after blow-drying her hair.

Ji Yun was already holding Tuantuan in the living room and watching TV.

The TV"Children's Songs" was still playing. , Tuantuan stared intently, with a very serious expression.

Ji Yun was naturally not interested in"A Lot of Children's Songs", but he accompanied Tuantuan and was also watching"A Lot of Children's Songs".

Looking at this scene, Reba suddenly felt like this The picture was very warm.

It seemed as if it had appeared in a dream.

At the same time, Reba also thought of the hot search on Wai (Nuo Zhaohao)'s neck, [Young Young Marriage].

Unfortunately, Young Young Marriage is a fake

"Do you have anything to say?"

At this moment, Ji Yun's voice suddenly came from her ears.

Reba was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that Ji Yun's eyes fell on her from the TV.

"ah? I have nothing to say."

Reba blushed, and then quickly shook her head.

She really didn't have anything to say. It's impossible to talk about Ji Yun's hot search, right?

Curious, but Ji Yun is obviously not that kind For someone who likes to show off her face, who knows how Ji Yun is feeling.

So she only dared to think about it but didn't have the guts to mention it.

The expression on Ji Yun's face was still calm, but he took the initiative to ask:"So you saw the video of me being secretly filmed? Bloated?"

"Do you have any ideas?".

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