Listening to Ji Yun's words, Reba was stunned for a moment, and then started to hesitate.

Ji Yun is still so smart, he can tell what she is thinking at a glance.

But... even if Ji Yun sees it, he still can't admit it!

If you don’t say anything, you haven’t said anything yet. If you say the wrong thing, it’s over!

"Me, I don’t have any ideas. Reba smiled dryly and said,"I just happened to see it when I was brushing my scarf. I don't know who was so rude.""

"Even if you secretly take photos of others, you still dare to post them online. This is a complete violation of portrait rights."

Reba was filled with righteous indignation, and she spoke with righteous words, as if she was extremely angry.

Seeing this, Ji Yun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Is this woman an actress? But her acting skills are so bad?

"So that’s just what you think?"

Ji Yun leaned on the sofa behind him and said calmly:"Tell me what you really think. I'll give you a chance."

"You said it, no matter what you said, I ignored it and passed away after you said it."

"If you don't say anything, of course that's fine, but please don't keep looking at me with a hesitant look in your eyes. I don't like this feeling."

Hearing this, Reba was stunned.

Then she felt regretful in her heart!

Oh, if I had known better, I wouldn't have looked at Ji Yun!

Now we are in a dilemma. It's okay to say it, and it's okay not to say it.

"Okay, let me tell you."

Let's just say it. If you don't say it, you might be doomed.

" Reba said,"I actually don't have much idea. I was just shocked when I saw it on the scarf.""

"I really didn’t expect that you were secretly photographed and you were so popular"

"You know, if you log in to any Internet platform now, you will definitely see videos and news about you."

"This popularity is already more exaggerated than the male celebrities in our circle."

"And many netizens say that you are more beautiful than male celebrities."

Hearing this, Ji Yun was a little surprised.

Ji Yun really didn't know these details.

Ji Yun rarely played with mobile phones, and there was no social software on his mobile phones.

However, even if he knew, Ji Yun was still untroubled.

As for Many male stars compared him with him, but he was more beautiful than the male stars.

Ji Yun didn't think there was anything to be proud of.

In fact, it stands to reason that he was compared with those male stars.

For him Say, it's a matter of lowering one's status

"Anything else to say?"

Ji Yun asked again. It was quite interesting to know what he was doing online from this woman's mouth.

The woman was so startled that she was a little stupid.

Reba blurted out:"And it's because of you. , a new word was born called young marriage"

"Marry young?"

Ji Yun frowned slightly, what kind of strange word is this?

After speaking, Reba suddenly realized that it seemed not a good word to tell Ji Yun.

"Well... well..., young marriage means that you get married at such a young age, which is a pity, so it is called young marriage."

Reba added:"However, these are all those netizens who don't understand the situation and are just talking nonsense. You are obviously not married."

"Nowadays, netizens prefer to make random guesses, so it would be good to read some of them."

While speaking, Reba was also observing Ji Yun's expression.

Ji Yun hummed, but his face was still very calm.

"Okay, I probably know what you’re thinking. Ji

Yun said,"It's getting late. It's time for dinner. You can order whatever you want."

Reba yelled:"Okay.""

Seeing that Ji Yun didn't seem to have any reaction and still looked cold, Reba took out her phone and started ordering.

The topic ended here.

…… after awhile.

A waiter (cebf) brought tonight's dinner to the room.

Ji Yun and Reba started eating.

After breakfast, I originally planned to take Tuantuan to watch TV for a while, and then give Tuantuan a bath and go to bed.

But maybe because she went out to play this morning, Tuantuan doesn't want to stay in the room anymore.

She grabbed Reba's hand and stood on the ground, babbling non-stop.

Does that mean to say, hurry up and take the baby out to play?

"Baby, do you want to go out and play? Reba said softly,"But it's getting dark now. Where are we going to play?"" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How about going out to play again tomorrow?"

Tuantuan:"No (not good)"

The little guy didn't agree and just wanted to go out to play today.

Reba had no choice but to look up at Ji Yun and asked for Ji Yun's opinion.

Ji Yun looked at Tuantuan and said:" Tuantuan, let’s go out for a walk and then come back, and then you can take a bath and go to bed, okay?"

Tuantuan just wanted to go out and play. He didn't care what he went out to do. He nodded immediately.

Ji Yun stood up and said:"Let's go. Then take Tuantuan out for a walk."

"I'll see if there are any places nearby with less traffic."

What happened this morning can be regarded as a reminder to Ji Yun. When you go out with a group, especially to places with a lot of people, you are likely to be secretly photographed. It doesn't matter if he is secretly photographed, but he doesn't want it. Tuan Tuan was also secretly photographed.

Although he could use some means to prevent the pictures of Tuan Tuan from being sent out.

But those methods are more troublesome, so it is not necessary and he does not want to use them.

"By the way, do you want to go out together?"

Ji Yun looked at Reba and asked.

Now that Reba is well-known, there is a risk of being recognized at any time.

So Ji Yun first didn't think about taking Reba out with him.


Reba is also a little worried. If someone recognizes her while walking with Ji Yun, her acting career will be over.

"I'll go too."

But Reba still chose to go together, just taking her daughter for a walk. If she is really discovered, then consider yourself unlucky.

"However, Ji Yun, please wait for me. I need to get some disguise tools first."

After that, Reba turned and walked into the room.

When she came out, Reba put on black-rimmed glasses, a peaked cap, and a pair of masks in her hands.

This is a very classic celebrity disguise look.

So Once she wears it, even true fans have a hard time guessing which celebrity it is.

Reba is holding two masks in her hands and an extra hat.

"That...Ji Yun, if you don't mind it, you can cover it up like me."

"After all, you are a famous person now, but if you cover it up, no one will recognize you."

Ji Yun frowned slightly. Is he dressed like this too?.

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