In the video, Yang Mi looked at Reba with a teasing expression.

In fact, Yang Mi was indeed very surprised.

The video was not hung up just now, so she was listening to the conversation between Ji Yun and Reba from beginning to end.

From the conversation between the two, she found that their relationship was no longer as stiff as it was at the beginning.

I don’t know if I have feelings or not.

But he must have become his own person.

Listening to Yang Mi's words, the blush on Reba's face became thicker and thicker.

"Sister Mi, what are you talking about?

Reba said with a shy look:"What hostess, I don't understand what you are talking about.""

"Do you really not understand? Yang

Mi chuckled:"Little Reba, don't be shy, I think this is pretty good.""

"Think about it, Ji Yun has no objection to you inviting me to your home for dinner this time."

"Then next time you invite me to do other things, I don’t think Ji Yun will have any objection."

"Isn't it getting closer to the day when I hold your lap?"

As she said that, a happy smile appeared on Yang Mi's face.

Hugging thighs is not just talk.

Yang Mi really hopes that Reba can gain a firm foothold by Ji Yun's side.

So as Reba's boss and best friend, She can gain great benefits.

It is not impossible for her and Jiahe to move up a level!

Seeing Yang Mi's happy look, Reba's face couldn't help but turn redder. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to die on the spot. She deleted the video.

She just thought that she still had something to discuss with Yang Mi.

Reba could only endure her shyness and said:"Sister Mi, please stop talking.""

"Aren't you coming over for dinner? Then why don't you set off?"

"You can't just come over here without cleaning up, right? Yang Mi rolled her eyes:"

Xiao Reba, you want to change the subject with me again.""

"But... what you said this time is really correct. Okay, I won’t talk to you anymore. I’m going to put on some makeup."

"When it’s time to raise Yiju, I’ll have a good chat with you."

After saying that, Yang Mi hung up the video.

It's already ten o'clock now.

Come back after putting on makeup, and it's almost time to start dinner.

So Yang Mi didn't dare to waste time.

She doesn't like to be late in the first place.

What's more, She wanted to come to Ji Yun's house for dinner, and even if it was just a simple meal, she would never dare to neglect it.

After hanging up the video, Reba put her phone back in her pocket.


After adjusting her breathing, she threw away all the strange thoughts in her mind.

When her face no longer felt hot at all, she ran to find Ji Yun and Tuan Tuan


An hour passed quickly.

The time came to eleven o'clock.

Ji Yun and Reba took Tuantuan home.

Chen Momo also stayed for lunch.

At the door of the villa, Chen Momo sat next to Reba, who was holding Tuan Tuan in her arms.

As for Ji Yun, he was sitting in the hall.

At this time, Yang Mi drove a Porsche to Yang Yiju.

The car stopped and Yang Mi opened the door and got out.

Her outfit is very attractive, completely different from the bare makeup look in the video just now.

It's like two people, one is plain-faced and the other is charming

"Little Reba, here I come"

"Hey, Miss Chen is here too."

Yang Mi walked over with a smile after getting off the car. She couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Chen Momo sitting next to Reba.

"Miss Yang."

Chen Mo smiled and said hello.

Yang Mi smiled and nodded:"Miss Chen, we meet again."

After saying that, Yang Mi walked over and squatted down in front of Reba.

Her already excellent figure suddenly stretched even further.

"Baby, the godmother is here."

Yang Mi stretched out her finger to gently tap the tip of her nose, and said angrily,"Baby, what happened to you just now?"

"It’s just that I haven’t seen my godmother for a few days, and I’ve started to ignore my godmother again?"

Tuantuan blinked his eyes and babbled, as if to say, what are you talking about? The baby can't understand.

"You little rascal."

Yang Mi snorted, then looked up at Reba, with a smile on her face:"Little Reba, you finally returned to the magic city."

"My sister has missed you so much these days that she doesn’t even know who to look for when she has free time."

Reba curled her lips.

She missed her.

I'm afraid she didn't want to tease her and ask about Ji Yun.

But with Chen Mo Mo next to her, they both had to pretend to be sisters.

"Sister Mi, I have missed you very much these days. Sometimes I want to find someone to chat with about the crew, but I don’t know who to talk to. Reba said with a smile.

Yang Mi smiled slightly:"That's just right. Let's have a chat later and tell us what it was like for you to be on the set.

Reba smiled and nodded:"Okay.""

Chen Momo sat next to him, quietly looking at the old tree in front of him, without listening to Reba and Yang Mi chatting.

She is very similar to Ji Yun. After all, she has been with Ji Yun directly since graduation, so her words and deeds are They were all influenced by Ji Yun.

Outside of work, she also didn't like to talk.

It didn't take long for the food to be ready.

The three women walked into the living room and saw Ji Yun also getting up from the chair.

"Ji Yun."

Yang Mi said hello to Ji Yun, her face no longer calm and relaxed, but she started to become nervous.

This top female star in the entertainment industry, the female boss of Jiahe Entertainment.

Every time she faced Ji Yun, He seemed to be a different person.

Ji Yun hummed, came over and hugged her, and then went to the table to eat.

The three women followed Ji Yun and sat down on the table one after another.

After a while, after eating, After that,

Ji Yun carried Tuantuan and went upstairs first.

Chen Momo was also busy with work, so he left first.

So, Yang Mi and Reba were left alone.

The two walked out of the villa and were in the manor. Taking a walk on a tree-lined path to eat.

The afternoon sun was mostly blocked by the dense branches and leaves, and a little sunlight shone in through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

After rubbing her bulging belly, Reba turned to look at Yang Mi.

Yang Mi was also there. Looking at her with a half-smile

"Little Reba, come on, tell me everything that happened in Suzhou and Hangzhou these days."

"I think your relationship with Ji Yun seems to be different this time you go to Suzhou and Hangzhou!"

It's time to eat melon!

Seeing Yang Mi's curious look, Reba couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Sister Mi, why didn’t I notice you were so gossipy before?

Yang Mi smiled and said,"That's not because there wasn't anything worth gossiping about before.""

"But things are different now. This is a major event involving billions or even tens of billions. Sister, I'm waiting to hug you!"

"If you really become Mrs. Ji, sister and I will follow suit!"

Reba rolled her eyes.

She really didn't know what to say.

Sister Mi now only said"Mrs. Ji" when opening and closing her mouth.

And Mrs. Ji.

She didn't even dare to say that.

"Sister Mi, I feel like you are crazy.

Reba said:"I didn't have any big problems in Suhang. I have told you everything that happened."" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That's not right... I really have one thing to ask you now. Yang

Mi's eyes lit up and she quickly asked:"What's going on?""

Reba started to think deeply, thinking about how to tell Yang Mi.

Ji Yun asked her to go home for the holidays in a few days, but she was still undecided.

So she wanted to ask Yang Mi's opinion.

Let's not talk about Yang Mi's opinion. She has no experience in this area, but at least Yang Mi has richer social experience than her.

Faced with this kind of thing, Yang Mi will definitely do better than her.

"Hmm... It's just a holiday in a few days. Ji Yun wanted to take Tuantuan back and asked me if I wanted to go to the holiday with him."

Reba said, a blush gradually appeared on her face.

She knew that if she said this, Yang Mi would definitely tease her again.

"Going to Ji Yun’s house for the holidays?"

As expected, Yang Mi was shocked when she heard this.

Yang Mi looked at Reba dumbfounded and asked:"Little Reba, what's going on with you now? You have to meet your parents! ?"

In the past, Yang Mi teased Reba, but in the final analysis, it was just an expectation.

At the same time, she joked with Reba and saw Reba blushing, which was very interesting.

But now, Yang Mi is really surprised!

Ji Yun actually let Reba Ba went to his house to celebrate the festival?

This... the information revealed in this is a bit too much

"Why are you meeting the parents? Sister Mi, please stop talking nonsense. Reba

's face turned even redder:"I just went back to celebrate the festival. It has nothing to do with meeting my parents.""

"Ji Yun mainly brought the group back to meet his parents, and I just came along by the way."

"But I'm confused now, I don't know whether I should go or not. Yang

Mi was surprised and said:"What do you mean, you didn't agree to Ji Yun?"

Reba hummed,"I haven't agreed to Ji Yun yet. Ji Yun also asked me to think about it.""

"I can't make up my mind, so I thought I'd ask you."

Hearing this, a strange look appeared in Yang Mi's eyes.

She frowned and walked around Reba.

She seemed to be looking at something, but she said nothing.

"`Sister Mi, what are you doing?"

Reba felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by Yang Mi.

"I'm looking to see if you're getting stupid.

Yang Mi frowned and said,"Everyone says that you will be stupid for three years after you get pregnant. I just want to know if you will be stupid for three years too.""

"Ji Yun invited you to his home for the holidays, but you are still considering it?"

"My silly sister, do you know this is an opportunity that so many people can’t ask for? Are you still considering it?"

Yang Mi didn't even know what to say.

How noble is Ji Yun's status?!

Ji Sining's core senior management has a great say in Ji Sining.

Even Ning Wei, Ji Sining's president, is very respectful to him.

Moreover, Ji Sining It is very likely that it is only part of Ji Yun's industry.

In addition to Ji Sining, Ji Yun may have other more powerful industries!

Such a person, let alone the existence of dimensionality reduction in the entertainment industry!

Even if you look at the Magic City, look at the whole world , that is also the boss who stands at the top of the pyramid!

Faced with an invitation from a person of this level, Yang Mi really can’t think of anyone who would refuse to agree!

To be realistic, even if it were her, she would probably She can also describe"agree"!

But... this silly girl Reba really didn't agree and even said she should think about it!

"Little Reba, you know, I suddenly thought of a lyric right now"

"Those who are favored are confident"

"This lyrics is definitely suitable for you! Reba

's face turned red, but then she explained to herself seriously:"Sister Mi, I know what you mean.""

"But if you were to assume my identity, you would never think so."

"I go to Ji Yun's house, in what capacity should I go?"

"Moreover, if I go to Ji Yun's house in my profession, Ji Yun's parents may not like me. Of course (Li Li), this may be my own sentimentality, but it does need to be taken into consideration."

Reba is not a fool. She actually understands in her heart that when faced with Ji Yun's invitation, a normal person would definitely agree immediately.

But she is different. She has to think about the group.

Yes, she and Ji Yun do live together now. They are together and see each other every day.

But she has no real relationship with Ji Yun.

Ji Yun has such a cold temper. Who knows what Ji Yun is thinking.

So every move she makes may affect Tuantuan..

She didn’t want to fight for those illusory opportunities, she just wanted to be a good mother.

Listening to Reba’s words,

Yang Mi couldn’t help but frown, and suddenly felt that what Reba said seemed to make some sense.

Ji Yun was like this The family behind him must also be very powerful.

Although celebrities are envied by so many people, in the eyes of people like Ji Yun, celebrities are just actors.

There are also many female celebrities in the entertainment industry who have married into wealthy families, but Their careers eventually became a demerit

Little Reba, if you want to say that, I kind of understand. Yang

Mi thought for a while and said,"But I still think you can actually go to Ji Yun's house to celebrate the festival.""

"Ji Yun invited you, so he wanted you to come with him"

"And what you just said, I don’t know in what capacity, you don’t have to think too much."

"Let’s talk about whether it will leave a bad impression if you go there."

"If you don't go, it will really leave a bad impression."

"What, does Tuantuan have no mother? Do you want Ji Yun to lead the group back alone?"

"Even an ugly daughter-in-law must meet her parents-in-law. Of course, this sentence may be a little anxious, but there is some truth in it."

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