An ugly daughter-in-law also wants to see her parents-in-law.

Hearing Yang Mi's words, Reba's face turned slightly red.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt that Yang Mi was right.

Whether Ji Yun's parents have any objections to her is one thing.

But whether she goes or not is another matter.

For something like this, it might not be a problem if you go, but if you don't go, there will definitely be problems.

Seeing Reba starting to think, Yang Mi continued:"Little Reba, you just think too much sometimes, you know."

"Think about it, what kind of person is Ji Yun? From the first time you met him, you should have known that he was very aloof, right?"

"But he took the initiative to ask you, which means that he wants you to go, and nothing will happen if you go."

What Yang Mi said is very correct.

Ji Yun's character is the type that as long as he can avoid talking to you, he will never look at you the same way.

Ji Yun can just take Tuantuan home without asking her. Opinion.

After all, Tuantuan's name is Ji Letong, and Ji Yun has the right to take Tuantuan home for the holidays.

But Ji Yun still asked her, and directly asked her if she wanted to go back with him.

So... Ji Yun really wanted her to go back with him for the holidays. Reba pondered for a moment and asked,"Sister Mi, then I will agree to Ji Yun? Yang Mi nodded and said,"

What else?" You don't really want to reject Ji Yun, do you?"

"If you reject Ji 227 Yun, then I tell you, there will be absolutely no chance for you in the future!"

"This time you go to Ji Yun's house and behave better. Maybe you will really become Mrs. Ji in the future."

"But if you don't go, it will be very rare for Ji Yun's character to take the initiative to invite you once. If you refuse, there will be no next time!"

"Make good use of the opportunity in hand!"

As he spoke, Yang looked like he hated iron.

He had said so much, but this silly girl hadn't made a decision yet?

Does this still need to be considered?

Reba listened to Yang Mi's words, and her face changed. The blush began to float again.

What does it mean that if you behave better, you can become Mrs. Ji?

Sister Mi is talking nonsense again.

But... if Ji Yun is rejected this time, Ji Yun will never take the initiative to invite her again in the future?

Hot Ba's heart sank slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Then Reba said:"Sister Mi, I understand what you mean."

"Then I will tell Ji Yun when I go back later that I will go to the festival with him. Yang

Mi chuckled lightly, with a look of satisfaction on her face:"That's right!""

"go! There's nothing to be afraid of. When the time comes, let's show our best looks. I think Ji Yun's parents will also like you very much."

"Look at your chubby and silly look, you are the most popular with the elders! Reba rolled her eyes and said angrily:"Sister Mi, that's enough for you to say. If you want to say Roududu, I can barely accept it.""

"But stupid, who is stupid? Yang

Mi smiled, but did not argue with Reba, saying:"Okay, I made a mistake.""

"He was stupid just now, but now he has become very smart, and he is simply the smartest person in the world."

Reba snorted, that's pretty much it.

Yang Mi said:"Little Reba, sister, I'm very optimistic about you. Whether or not your sister can make a great career, it all depends on you!"

"If you have similar matters in the future, you can discuss it with me, sister, and I will analyze it for you!"

"We are teammates on the united front! Rebapi smiled and said:"

Sister Mi, I really thank you.""

"Really, can you please stop being so excited? I’m just going for the festival, not to meet my parents."

"Mrs. Ji, don't even think about it, she doesn't even have a single character. Yang

Mi smiled and said,"That's okay, you two live together every day, and things will fall into place as time goes by.""

It will fall into place…

"Sister Mi, you are going to say something weird!"

Reba's face suddenly turned red, and she turned her head away from looking at Yang Mi.

Sister Mi, the evil demon king, is online again!

"Sister Mi, I’m really curious about what your fans would think if they knew you were like this in private! Yang Mi smiled slightly:"

(acde)They will only like me more.""

Looking at Reba's blushing face, a hint of envy gradually appeared under Yang Mi's smile.

In the past, she just talked about it.

But now she really thinks that Reba may become Mrs. Ji.

Thinking of her stupid My sister has just entered the society in such a short time, but she has to transform into a boss's woman.

If you say you are not envious, you must be lying.

However, this may also be the blessing that Reba deserves. In other words, Reba has a simple mind. Only if Reba had a chance to stay with Ji Yun.

As long as Reba was so scheming, with Ji Yun's character, Reba would be kicked out directly.

Yang Mi sighed quietly in her heart, but she didn't know when she would , you can also have such a blessing. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Next, continue walking on the tree-lined path for a while.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Mi drove back.

Reba came upstairs.

At this time, Tuantuan had already gone to take a nap, and Ji Yun was sitting alone on the sofa in the living room.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Ji Yun looked up.

I saw Reba put on slippers and walked in

"Finished chatting?"

Ji Yun asked.

Reba nodded and said,"Yes, I just finished chatting with Sister Mi, and then Sister Mi went back, so I came up by myself.

Ji Yun hummed and then said,"How was the chat?" You should be able to decide now whether you want to go to the festival with me in a few days, right?"

Reba sighed and was stunned.

What does Ji Yun mean by this?

No way?

Ji Yun doesn't even know what she and Sister Mi just talked about, right? this just It's a bit outrageous. Could it be that Ji Yun has opened the perspective of God?

Ji Yun looked at Reba's stunned look, but the expression on his face was still very calm.

This is actually very easy to guess.

Reba can chat with Yang Mi for so long , it’s just about chatting about life and the arrangements for the festival. Otherwise, what else can we talk about? Is it possible to talk about filming?

Reba has just finished a drama, and she will definitely not join the cast in a short time.

"To go or not to go?"

Ji Yun didn't talk nonsense and asked directly.

Although Reba had made a decision, she couldn't speak now and hesitated:"Well, I just had a chat with Sister Mi. Let's talk. Then we started talking about going to your house for the holidays."

"I couldn't make up my mind, so I asked Sister Mi. Reba was still explaining why she was talking to Yang Mi about the festival.

Ji Yun asked again:"So are you going or not?" Reba


Ji Yun frowned.

Seeing this, Reba immediately said:"Go"

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