After leaving Yang Yiju.

Reba took a taxi to find Yang Mi and Zhao Liying.

They made an appointment at the Encounter Coffee Shop, the same place where they met Ji Yun for the first time.

Meeting Coffee Shop is very close to Jiahe Entertainment, only a few minutes away, so Reba didn't ask Yang Mi to come over to pick her up. at the same time.

Meet the coffee shop.

Yang Mi was already sitting in a private room.

She was wearing a long black dress and delicate makeup on her face. She looked like a royal sister from an anime.

"Mimi, is Reba here?"

A voice came, and Zhao Liying was seen sitting opposite Yang Mi.

She was wearing a white dress, and the makeup on her face was very natural, with just a touch of makeup.

Although she didn't look as visually impactful as Yang Mi. Strong.

But upon closer inspection, it has a different flavor. A gentle and elegant temperament emerges spontaneously.

"Reba has already set off and should be here soon."

As Yang Mi spoke, she held a silver spoon in her hand and gently stirred the coffee in the cup.

The aroma and heat from the coffee wafted gently, which made Yang Mi look more noble and looked like a film and television drama. The noble person here.

Zhao Liying could not help but have a flash of surprise in her eyes, and praised:"Mimi, you look very beautiful today. Yang

Mi smiled slightly and said:"Li Ying, you are also very beautiful in your outfit today, and you are getting more and more beautiful the more you look at it.""

Both of them are popular female stars in the entertainment industry. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the two most popular female stars. The two of them can have today's popularity and traffic, and their appearance is naturally impeccable.

Speaking of which, This scene is a bit like the previous Ji Sining fashion night, when the two of them also praised each other.

However, at that time, the two of them were still at war with each other, but now they are sincerely praising each other.

And the reason is also very simple, naturally it is because of the heat Ba.

In other words, it’s because of Ji Yun who stands behind Reba.

There is a big boss like Ji Yun behind Reba, so the fight between the two of them seems unnecessary.

On the surface, the two of them are in the entertainment industry. The most popular female stars.

But in fact, as long as Reba is willing, she can replace them at any time.

Thinking of Reba, Zhao Liying also had a doubt in her heart.

She looked at Yang Mi and said hesitantly:"Reba , I have a question to ask you~.

Yang Mi smiled slightly:"Li Ying, if you have any questions, just ask them directly.""

Zhao Liying nodded and said:"Okay, then I will tell you directly."

"We are all friends now and know many things well."

"I just want to ask if the elder Reba is going to be a guest is the one behind Reba..."

Although the results were probably analyzed yesterday evening.

But this kind of thing cannot be taken carelessly. Without personal confirmation, Zhao Liying Still didn't dare to make a conclusion.

After listening to Zhao Liying's words,

Yang Mi chuckled.

She knew that Zhao Liying was asking about this matter.

"It's him."

Yang Mi nodded and admitted, since they have already called Zhao Liying out to find a solution together, there is nothing to hide from Zhao Liying.


After receiving the confirmation, Zhao Liying took a deep breath.

A bit of surprise flashed in her eyes.

It seems that her analysis was indeed correct!

It turned out to be the big boss behind Reba.

The festival is not far away now. Oh my god.

So Reba is planning to go back to celebrate the festival with that big boss, right?

This time she is going back to celebrate the festival, but will she be getting married next time?

"It seems that I have to hold on to Reba’s thigh from now on."

Zhao Liying said half-jokingly.

Yang Mi also said:"No, you didn't see me circling Reba every day."

"In the entertainment industry, can you find another boss like me?"

After a while,

Reba took a car and arrived at Yumei Coffee Shop.

"Sister Mi, Sister Liying, I'm sorry, I'm late."

After entering the door, Reba smiled apologetically.

It was obviously her appointment, but she was the last one to arrive.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you are late or not, just remember to check out later."

Yang Mi said jokingly.

Zhao Liying stood up and smiled at Reba:"Reba, you don't have to be so polite, come and sit down."

"good."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Reba sat down.

Yang Mi knew her taste and had already ordered a cup of fruit tea for her.

Her mouth was dry and she took a sip of the fruit tea to moisten it. Throat, and then asked:"Sister Mi, Sister Liying, how are you doing, do you have any ideas?"

Yang Mi said:"Yes, yes, but let's listen to Li Ying's thoughts first. If it doesn't work, I will tell you my own thoughts."

Zhao Liying didn't shirk, and said:"Okay, then I'll tell you what I think first."

"First of all, according to the characteristics you mentioned yesterday, I think the elder’s home you are going to must attach great importance to rules."

"In this case, let’s buy some of the most common but also the most practical gifts and send them to the elders’ homes."

"I think so, the elders who value rules must not like fancy things, not to mention the saying that if you do more, you will make more mistakes."

"As long as you do nothing wrong, even doing less is better than doing more."

Reba hummed and agreed.

Yang Mi also nodded slightly, feeling that what Zhao Liying said made sense.

"Sister Liying, I’ll follow what you said, but what are the more practical gifts?"

Reba asked doubtfully.

She had just joined the society not long ago, and she really didn't understand the ways of the world.

In addition, she was originally from a minority, and she knew even less about the etiquette of the Han people.

"Don't worry about this yet, there is a shopping mall next to it. After drinking coffee, we will go there and have a good selection (Nord's).

Zhao Liying said:"Reba, in addition to giving gifts, you also need to make a change.""

Zhao Liying mentioned this in the group yesterday evening, so Reba was not surprised.

It's just that she felt a little curious.

"Sister Liying, how do I need to transform? Yang

Mi also looked at Zhao Liying with curiosity, wanting to know how Zhao Liying planned to transform Reba.

Zhao Liying touched her chin, looked at Reba carefully, and said,"Reba, you have a very good figure.""

"There is flesh on the body and on the face, and she doesn’t look thin, which is good because many elders don’t like their descendants who are too thin. Reba smiled bitterly, thinking that Sister Liying was praising her.

Zhao Liying had not finished her words yet.

"The key is that your figure is also very good, with a protruding front and a curvy back, especially this butt, which looks very fertile at first glance."


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