After listening to Zhao Liying's words, a blush suddenly appeared on Reba's face.

No... what does Sister Liying mean by this?

What does it mean to have a big butt and be fertile?

What does this have to do with her visit to Ji Yun's house?

"Of course it does matter!"

As if seeing Reba's doubts, Zhao Liying said:"Reba, don't underestimate the importance of body shape."

"The saying that a big butt is good for fertility has been passed down from generation to generation."

"I dare not say that this statement has scientific basis, but it is true that many elders believe this"

"If your body shape were in our village, it would definitely be the standard template for a daughter-in-law."

Zhao Liying said with a serious face.

At this time, she was really giving Reba advice.

She came from the countryside, so she knew more about these common sayings.

However, she generally didn't like to mention her countryside in front of others. People's identities.

Now that she can say this in front of Reba and Yang Mi, she really regards Reba and Yang Mi as her friends!

"The ass is big and healthy!"

Yang Mi couldn't help laughing when she heard Zhao Liying's words.

While smiling, she also echoed:"Liying, don't say it, I have actually heard your words said by some elders."

"Speaking of which, our Reba’s butt 447 is indeed very important."

"And not only is it big, it also feels very good in the hand.

Reba's face suddenly turned redder:"Sister Mi, that's enough!" Don't say any more!"

"And Sister Liying, how come you have become like Sister Mi? I am here as a guest, not to meet my parents!!!"

Reba was helpless.

Sister Mi must have secretly said something to Sister Liying, which caused Sister Liying to misunderstand.

What is the standard answer for a daughter-in-law?

She was just a guest!

Looking at Reba's shy look, Zhao Liying couldn't help but feel relieved. Laugh.

She said this just to let Reba have an understanding of her figure.

Since Reba was embarrassed, she didn't say it.

"Okay, let’s skip this topic for now."

Zhao Liying continued:"Your figure and posture no longer need to change, and if you really want to change, it's too late now."

"So, what we have to do now is to change your appearance so that your appearance does not let down this good figure."

"The first thing is your hair, Reba, (afej) your hair color must be dyed back, not your current color."

Reba's hair is brown now. It doesn't look conspicuous in the first place. It will be more obvious under the sun.

But it's still not enough. It must be dyed pure black to be qualified!

Reba touched her hair and said He didn’t feel reluctant to part with it, so he nodded and said:"Sister Liying, this is no problem, I will dye my hair black later."

Zhao Liying continued:"Then there are your earrings. On the day of your visit, remember to take them off."

"There are only three pieces of jewelry left on your body at most, the necklace around your neck, the bracelet on your hand, and finally the ring on your hand."

There's no problem with this, it's just picking off jewelry.

Reba said:"Sister Liying, what else is there?"

Zhao Liying said:"The other thing is your clothes. Try not to have too many colors. White and black are enough."

"Also, the style of clothing should not expose legs or waist, and it is absolutely not allowed to reveal ravines!"

She doesn't have any clothes that reveal the ravine.

However, if they are in black and white and don't show legs or waist, she doesn't seem to have many such clothes and pants.

"Sister Liying, I will go to the mall later. Please help me choose some clothes that meet the standards."

Zhao Liying nodded and said:"No problem, I will go and choose for you later."

"Now let’s talk about the fourth point..."

Zhao Liying continued.

Reba looked at Zhao Liying intently and listened carefully to Zhao Liying’s words.

Yang Mi, who originally thought it was very interesting, gradually became serious at this time.

No way. Not to mention, the knowledge Zhao Liying mentioned is really useful.

No matter she goes to any elder's home, she can apply it accurately.

She just doesn't know if she will have the opportunity to be a guest of a famous family in her life.

Yang Mi secretly thought to herself. With


When the three women were discussing countermeasures. the other side.


Ji Yun was still sitting on the sofa in the living room.

He was working on a document.

But now, his mind was a little wandering. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He also casually placed the document on the table next to him.

Yes, he was still thinking about what Reba was going out to do.

Since moving into the shelter, Reba rarely goes out alone.

On the rare occasions when she went out alone, she always told him the reason, and it was Yang Mi who came to pick her up and go out together.

But this time there was something unusual.

Reba not only kept it secretive, but also didn’t say what she was going out for.

Even Yang Mi didn't come to pick her up. She took a taxi by herself.

This made Ji Yun feel confused.

Ji Yun was actually not very curious about what Reba was doing when she went out.

But Reba was uncharacteristically hesitant and ran out. This was what made Ji Yun a little impatient.

"She would actually hide it from me?"

Ji Yun frowned slightly.

Time passed bit by bit.

Two hours passed quickly.

But there was still no news from Reba. This was the first time she had been out alone for so long.

At this time, the room Tuantuan's cries were also heard from inside.

Ji Yun quickly ran into the room and hugged Tuantuan:"Baby, what's wrong?"

"Don’t cry, don’t cry, dad is by your side, right?"

"Are you having a nightmare? It's okay. Dad is here and he will protect you."

Ji Yun stroked Tuantuan's back and comforted her gently.

After a while, Tuantuan's mood gradually stabilized.

But she was still sobbing lightly.

When she first woke up, she always relied more on Reba..The first thing she wanted to do when she woke up was to see if Reba was there.

Now that Reba was not around, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Baby, are you looking for your mother?"

"But I don’t know where my mother is. Do you miss your mother very much?"

Ji Yun asked softly.

Tuantuan screamed with a cry, as if to say, the baby misses his mother, and the baby wants to find his mother.

Ji Yun raised his eyebrows slightly:"Okay, since you want to find your mother so much, Then dad will take you to mom right now, okay?".

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