We’ve almost finished chatting at the Encounter Coffee Shop.

Reba and the other three got up and went to the nearby shopping mall to buy gifts to take to Ji Yun's house.

The first gift to buy is the mooncake, which is the most practical and least necessary thing to think about.

Reba originally went to Ji Yun's house to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and mooncakes can be said to be a must-have gift for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Reba and the other three found a brand store in the mall, and then selected a few boxes of mooncakes with flavors suitable for the elders.

Although the price is a bit expensive, costing more than 10,000 yuan, the money is still acceptable to Reba.

After buying mooncakes, they went to buy some other gifts.

For example, tea, liquor, and health products such as donkey hide gelatin and bird's nest.

These are also standard for gift giving. Although they are very popular, they are not easy to make mistakes.

Just like Sister Liying said, if you do more, you will make more mistakes; if you do less, you will make fewer mistakes.

The most important thing is not to make mistakes.

As for gifts such as fruits, I will wait until Ji Yun's house to buy them.

Buying now tends to become stale.

After spending a full two hours, I finally bought a lot of gifts to take to Ji Yun's house.

All things considered, it really cost a fortune.

Especially tea and liquor are the two most expensive things here.

The bottle of liquor cost more than 30,000 yuan.

And a box of tea cost more than 200,000 yuan!

Reba was shocked when she paid. Why is tea so expensive?

But fortunately, Yang Mi knew the goods and introduced the varieties of tea to Reba, which indeed cost more than 200,000 yuan.

Although it was very painful, Reba still felt that the money was worth it.

After all, it was a gift to be brought to Ji Yun's house, so naturally it couldn't fall below the standard.

Wine worth thousands of dollars and tea worth tens of thousands of dollars are simply out of reach of Ji Yun's family.

Even the tea worth more than 200,000 yuan may not be pleasing to the eye.

Because after Reba paid, she remembered that she and Yang Mi had tea with Ji Yun before.

And that tea is called Mother Tree Dahongpao, and its price is immeasurable because it is simply not available on the market.

There are currently only three mother trees left in the world, Da Hong Pao, and they have been strictly controlled by the state.

If she had to estimate the price, then a cup of mother tree Dahongpao would be worth her box of tea.

So Reba looked at Yang Mi and asked:"Sister Mi, do you want me to change to another kind of tea?"

Yang Mi was stunned for a moment. This two hundred thousand tea leaves are already very precious. She usually entertains guests. Just use this grade of tea.

Isn't this good enough? Why should I change it?

But soon Yang Mi realized what Reba was thinking about.

"Reba, there’s no need to change. Yang

Mi shook her head and said:"This tea is already good enough. Even if you change it again, it may not be much better than this tea.""

"As for the most expensive tea leaves, they are not something we can buy."

Although I know Reba's concerns, those expensive teas are really priceless.

And during this holiday, if there were any, they would have been bought and given away, and it would not be their turn to buy them.

Zhao Liying Although she didn’t know about the mother tree Dahongpao, she was thoughtful and very smart, and she quickly understood what Reba and Yang Mi meant.

"Reba, this is fine.

Zhao Liying also enlightened:"This tea is already very good, there is no need to change it.""

"Have you forgotten what I told you? Do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes"

"Even if there is really expensive tea for you to buy, you can still spend that much money to buy it, but can you guarantee that if you take that tea to give to your elders, the elders will like it?"

"Maybe they'll think you're trying to make yourself fat?"

What Zhao Liying said makes sense.

Indeed, just do what you can, but it is counterproductive and makes people feel hypocritical.

Reba nodded:"Okay, what should we do next? Zhao

Liying smiled slightly:"Next, it's time to take you to change your appearance!""

"I know there’s a great styling shop nearby owned by a friend of mine, so let’s go!"

After that, the three women left the mall carrying large and small bags of gifts.

The great styling shop that Zhao Liying mentioned was located near the mall. This styling shop has hair dyeing, makeup, skin care, etc. project.

Arriving at the entrance of the styling shop, Zhao Liying took out her mobile phone and sent a message.

Soon the owner of the styling shop came out to greet her.

She was a fashionably dressed woman.

She was about thirty years old and had very well-maintained skin. , her appearance is also very good.

However, compared to Reba and the other three women who are all considered to be the most beautiful women in the entertainment industry, they seem a bit unattractive.

"Li Ying, long time no see!"

The woman came up and gave Zhao Liying a warm hug.

"Yes, Sister Qu, long time no see."

Zhao Liying hugged her, then introduced with a smile:"Reba, Mimi, this is Sister Qu, a good friend of mine."

"I have attended several events and always asked her to help me design my look. Her skills are definitely top-notch in Shanghai."

"Sister Qu, you don’t need me to introduce you to these two, right? They are all big stars in our circle.

Sister Qu smiled slightly and said,"Of course I know Yang Mi and Reba.""

"Hello, nice to meet you."

Sister Qu greeted Yang Mi and Reba with a very gentle smile.

But under this smile, there was a hint of curiosity and surprise.

As a friend of Zhao Liying, Sister Qu naturally knew the relationship between Zhao Liying and Yang Mi. No, it has always been a competitive relationship.

As an artist under Yang Mi, Reba has no friendship with Zhao Liying.

But I didn’t expect that they would actually play together after not seeing each other for such a period of time.

It’s like Like good sisters.

Sister Qu was very confused.

But she didn’t think much about it. There are so many different things in the entertainment industry. Who knows if it’s true or false?

"Hello Sister Qu, nice to meet you."

Yang Mi and Reba also said hello to Sister Qu.

"Let’s not stand outside here. The three of us are all big stars. There are many people out there and it will be troublesome to be recognized."

"Come, come in and sit down, there's a room just for you."

Sister Qu brought Reba and the others to a dressing room in the styling shop.

Reba and the others sat down.

Sister Qu sat opposite:"Just now Li Ying said someone wanted to come to my place for styling, no. Do you know who it is?

Reba said:"Sister Qu, it's me." Sister Qu smiled and nodded, and then asked:"Reba, what kind of look are you planning to make?" Reba thought for a moment:"It's just..."

Well... how should I describe it?

At this time, Zhao Liying helped to answer:"Sister Qu, just change Reba's hair color, and then give her a quiet and well-behaved look.. Sister Qu thought for a moment:"

I understand, is it pure desire wind?""

"I know this look. It’s very popular recently. Many girls come to my store to get a purely lustful look."

Reba hurriedly waved her hands.

Reba also knows the pure lust style.

It is a very popular style now.

It looks cute and pure on the outside, but in fact, there is charm and temptation in the purity, seducing people's desire.


How can you be pure and sexy!

If you use this look to go back to meet your uncle and aunt with Ji Yun, then you can't directly reduce your impression points to negative points?

"Isn't it pure lust?"

Sister Qu frowned in confusion.

At this moment, Yang Mi smiled slightly and explained:"Sister Qu, to be precise, it should be daughter-in-law style."

It didn't bother her at all. He hit the point with just one sentence.

Then, Zhao Liying also smiled and echoed:"Sister Qu, Mimi is right, that's pretty much what it means."

"The main emphasis is on being quiet and well-behaved, making the elders like her very much at first sight."

Sister Qu seems to understand.

This style is not difficult to understand, but she doesn't understand that Reba is a big star and a rising female star. What is the purpose of having a daughter-in-law style look?

At this time, Reba's face was all over She turned red.

She lowered her head shyly. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novels.com!)

Sister Mi was as eloquent as ever.

What the hell is the daughter-in-law’s style?

But she doesn’t know either. How to refute, because what she was thinking in her heart was indeed no different from her daughter-in-law’s style.

"OK, I understand."

Although Sister Qu was curious about why Reba wanted to style her daughter-in-law's style.

But as a senior stylist, Sister Qu didn't talk too much.

Ideas flashed through her head, and Sister Qu said:"Reba, sit down. Come to the chair in front of me and I'll dye your hair black first"

"Then I will do the styling for you. You can take a look while I am doing the styling. If you need it later, you can do the styling yourself."

"Okay, thank you, Sister Qu."

Reba sat on the chair in front of Sister Qu, waiting for Sister Qu to style her.

Soon, Sister Qu brought the hair dye.

This is the latest hair dye on the market. It has no odor and maximizes hair dye. It reduces the damage to the hair and scalp.

The key is that it is not easy to fade.

Sister Qu began to dye Reba’s hair.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying sat on the sofa behind and watched for a while.

Then they looked at each other, stood up and looked towards Walked over with Reba

"Little Reba, then you can do some styling with Sister Qu here first, while Li Ying and I will pick out some clothes for you."

This styling store sells clothes.

Yang Mi and Zhao Liying came to the area where clothes were sold and selected some clothes for Reba.

The main focus is quiet and well-behaved.

…… at the same time.

On the way to the mall.

A high-end Maybach is driving at a constant speed on the road.

Along the way, many surrounding vehicles would give up a few meters intentionally or unintentionally when they saw this Maybach.

As a result, the Maybach is less congested when driving.

At this time, in the car, Ji Yun was sitting in the back seat with Tuantuan in his arms.

Tuantuan holds a furry toy in his hand and is playing seriously.

Ji Yun's palm gently caressed Tuantuan's head, showing tenderness and love.

"Mr. Ji, we are coming soon."

In the driver's seat, Xiao Lin was driving.

He was about to reach the shopping mall not far away, so Xiao Lin gradually slowed down the speed of the car and reported to Ji Yunhui respectfully.

"I see."

Ji Yun nodded gently.

His palms gently touched Tuantuan, but his brows furrowed slightly.

There was also a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

Twenty minutes ago, Ji Yun set off with Tuantuan..Although

Reba has been out for a long time and took a taxi.

But for Mr. Ji, it is a very simple matter to know the whereabouts of a person within the Magic City.

He asked Chen Momo to investigate.

Soon he knew where Reba was going, including which taxi he took and which road he took.

Even if Ji Yun wanted to know more, who did Reba come into contact with when she went out? Who spoke.

Ji Yun could also know.

However, Ji Yun did not investigate these too private matters.

After investigating Reba's whereabouts, Ji Yun already felt that this approach was very impolite.

It was just for Tuantuan to be quick. Ji Yun just"had" to do this after meeting her mother at one point

"Mr. Ji, do you want to drive to the mall?"

At this time, seeing that he was about to arrive at the mall, Xiao Lin asked

"No, stop here."

Ji Yun shook his head slightly and said.

It's still the same reason.

He just wanted Tuantuan to find Reba quickly, so he came to the mall.

As for whether to find Reba, it still depends on Reba's own thoughts.

Ji I want to make a phone call and ask Reba for her opinion.

"Tuantuan, let’s make a call to mom."

Xiao Lin pulled over and secretly looked at Ji Yun sitting in the back through the rearview mirror.

At this time, Xiao Lin's eyes were full of surprise and disbelief.

Silently asked her to be Ji Yun's driver, and when he drove out to find Reba, she was already surprised.

Now she was even more shocked.

There are many rumors about Mr. Ji in the company, and the most convincing one is Mr. Ji's indifferent character.

Mr. Ji is not interested in anything and treats everything with the same mentality.

But I didn't expect that someone would make Mr. Ji take the initiative to go out and look for him.

As for what Mr. Ji said was because of Tuantuan, I can only believe half of it.

Tuantuan is still sitting in the back row and playing with toys by herself.

She didn't cry, and she didn't look like she was looking for her mother at all.

Xiao Lin couldn't help but smile.

Although Mr. Ji's approach was a bit rude, it actually felt somewhat sincere.

This made Mr. Ji look more humane, no longer as indifferent as before.

What a duplicitous man...

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